Is Katie Hopkins an LBC (Loud Bitchy Cow) – or is she just another ‘failed’ Sugar babe?
Katie Hope-kins? Or Katie Flop-kins?
Katie Hopkins definitely has a nose for trouble but in this interview she says she doesn’t mind being called a sexist, racist, Islamophobic, a fascist or a big mouth!
Good on you Katie – at least your big mouth keeps you in the supposedly left-wing press you purport to hate so much.
Katie, who rose to prominence on the reality-TV show, The Apprentice, is known to be pro-Trump, pro-Brexit, anti-immigration and anti most things you can think of.
However, she’s just lost her LBC show – in fact she says, she’s been sacked from every job she’s ever had and has lost everything’ including her house to litigation.
And now she is being banned by elements of social media too!
But she says she is a good mum – which I am sure she is – and that what she does is speak her rather middle-class mind out?
So, watch this vid and tell us if you agree with her – and how many of you are appalled?
Watch this interview with Rodney Hearth and tell us what you think…
#sexism #racism #islamophobia #leftwing #rightwing #bigmouth #lbc #media #coronavirus