Web of intrigue as Jess and I try to have screen chat about making it as a writer
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we practise to please … like all those people who asked us to do a webinar on how to make a living as a writer.
We zoomed in, we zoomed out, we picked up the computer and shook it all about.
We went live – then we went dead!
We shouted and then we cried
… but it could not be denied
the webinar had turned up and fried.
And, guess what? It was all down to 3G… they’d cut me off for using all my ‘unlimited data’ on loading a couple of writerly videos on to YouTube … I thought my data was unlimited! Their explanation was couched in unintelligible jargon and incomprehensible sales pitches!
And, eventually, they sold me more data – but then admitted we couldn’t get a signal in the Eccleshall area of the Midlands – we are staying there in an ancient Catholic manse and have to smoke under an old oak tree next to a creaking gate.
They were carrying out maintenance, you see.
Thank you very much 3G! That fixed it for me!
Next, Jessica’s life took a turn for the better and she was called away to Wales, new climes and opportunities.
So, we didn’t do the webinar….
But that’s enough of excuses …
Here’s my plan, I have pulled together THREE vids giving my views on how to make a living as a writer – I’ve done it for more than three decades and I’ve done quite well out of it, thank you.
I am a travel writer and live abroad, I am a broadcaster on many stations including the BBC, I am involved in making TV documentaries and I write for international newspapers and magazine.
As a journalist and writer, I fight for what’s right … and that’s what writers should do whether through prose, poetry or narrative.
Look to make to make things better, whether that’s from inside the darkness or from outside the light.
Have a look at the vids and pop your questions in the comments box below. We will answer them, I promise.
Leigh and Jessica

#writer #writing #money #earning #journalism