As Czechs bring in curfew and Slovaks begin mass testing, more start to believe Covid is a conspiracy

As Czechs bring in curfew and Slovaks begin mass testing, more start to believe Covid is a conspiracy

The Czech Republic has brought in a curfew in its battle to curb coronavirus.

Health Minister Roman Prymula said measures already in place — closing bars, restaurants, most shops and schools — had failed to bring the infection rate down.

Slovakia too is tightening restrictions with shopping times for different age groups, bar and cafe closures – except for off-sales – and the mass testing of the population. Meanwhile, protests began again across Europe calling on governments to change the second round of lock-down restrictions.

In Italy there was violence in Milan and Turin, as crowds took to the streets as the sun went down.

The new state of emergency in Spain will last for 15 days but the Government plans to ask for a six-month extension, meaning restrictions – including a 11pm to 6am curfew – could stay until May next year.

Conspiracy theories are being viewed as the truth according to the YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project, a survey of about 26,000 people in 25 countries.

Among the most widely believed conspiracies is that the death rate from the John Hopkins University tracker has killed 1.1 million people worldwide, has been “deliberately and greatly exaggerated”.

Nearly 60pc of respondents in Nigeria said this was definitely or probably true, along with more than 40pc in Greece, South Africa, Poland and Mexico. About 38pc of Americans, 36pc of Hungarians, 30pc of Italians and 28pc of Germans felt the same.

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6 Replies to “As Czechs bring in curfew and Slovaks begin mass testing, more start to believe Covid is a conspiracy”

  1. Conspiracy theory is a wrong and incorrect term to use 🙂 …one thing is reality and another the fake stuff…everything is happening everywhere at the same time…

  2. The death rate has been exaggerated no doubt about it. This is due to the nature of laws regarding notifiable diseases and should be obvious as no in is really debating that. In the UK and Italy most people listed as covid 19 death statiatic did not die of covid 19 and the authorities actually didn’t say they did, the media was mostly saying this. All that is required is a diagnosis or test and death of any cause within 28 days to be marked down in the UK. No one said these people’s deaths were dependent on covid 19, it is mostly listed as a co-morbidity or present and this process was automated in the UK, as was very well explained by Carl Henegen of the Oxford Group for Evidence Based Medicine, and after his work was done 5000 were struck off the list AUTOMATICALLY in the UK because they were lumped in with anyone who died of covid 19 ANY time after diagnosis, alternative to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland when 28 days was used as a cut off, though that still masks a huge litany of nonsense.
    You can easily download the breakdown of death ages in England and it seems very clear this is death re codified when you see most of the people listed were over 80 (most much older) and and a very large amount over 75. Under 75 year olds listed as dying of covid in England is about 1800, which is still debatable.

    1. All planned to reduce cost of pensions and benefits to sick people all around the world. I believe the virus was created for this purpose.

  3. Lubosh Hanuska
    Haha – great topic to keep Facebook comments flowing. In reality, we are not even considering that one of the most common causes of death of a patient in medical care is a medical error. Not negligence, or an intention, simply a mistake – this happens all too often due to systemic problem, lack of insurance, bad practices that don’t include accountability… Imagine if the world threw all the resources spent on Corona crisis to once and for all provide universal health care to everyone on the planet. Not at the same level – that would require too much capital expenditure as not all small towns in remote areas of the world can have a hospital, but universally accessible nevertheless.
    As always on social media – link to a credible source with scientific evidence, because if you believe in conspiracies then you would not believe me otherwise, right?…/study_suggests…

  4. Gavin Baller
    I applaud the goverment for curing influenza pretty much worldwide. Congratulations in reducing the UK death rate from avg of 20,000+ down to 300+. Matt Hancock and Vaughan gethin have to be Knighted next to sturgeon

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