Time to fight for the world’s Letterbox Families this Christmas

Time to fight for the world’s Letterbox Families this Christmas

The Daily Mail has called on the British government to allow people in care homes to spend time with their families over Christmas.

Good on them!

Let’s face it, people have been barred from being with their loved ones for more than eight months now because of coronavirus.

Families have been literally ripped apart by this pernicious and deadly little bug.

No hugging and no holding hands for people who might have spent decades caring about each other.

But there are millions upon millions of other families across the world who are being kept apart by those in power too .. and they are, on the whole, ignored by a world that wants to go home for Christmas.

We are the victims of Parental Alienation.

The outside world, which generally views us through a glass darkly and believes the propaganda and vitriol spat at us… says there is ‘no smoke without fire’.

They believe that we are the pariahs of society, drug addicts or drunks, people who physically abuse our partners or our children.

We are not.

We are, on the whole, victims of narcissistic exes, those bitter and twisted bullies who damage irreparably their own children to hurt us.

The truth is, the worst thing most of us did was to escape a relationship which had gone wrong.

But we never expected to lose our children, particularly to the unknowing, insensitive edict of comfortable middle-class social workers, Cafcass and those who preside over family courts.

Parental alienation is a form of family violence. And we, along with our children, are the victims.

So let’s stand up for those of us who won’t be going home for Christmas, who won’t be holding hands or hugging their loved ones, those who won’t be opening presents with their children under the Christmas tree.

Here the leighgbankspreservationsociety brings the true story of what Australian dad Paul Brown had to go through.


Paul, spent more than a decade trying to get contact with his son who he says was ‘spirited away’ across 4,000 miles to Japan.

The heartbreaking picture above shows Paul, who described himself as a musician, on his hands and knees talking to his lad Liam through the letterbox at a nameless tenement in Japan.

And after fighting for his son for 11 years Paul said he had done everything right.

Then he spoke of Christmas: “We had Christmas baubles with the names of all family members, and of course Liam is on there.

“I used to get a little gift for him, but not knowing what he likes or when I’ll see him again that felt a little bit redundant.

“On all significant days, Birthday, Father’s Day Christmas I take some time out to look at my old photo albums. But to be honest it’s very difficult. If I think about him or talk about him too much I get a bit overwhelmed.

“He’s always in my heart and mind but just like every other day I just have to push through as best I can. I actually had a big cry on Father’s Day this year.

“It was the biggest I’ve had for a while. I was looking at his photos then picked up my guitar and played Pink Floyd ‘Wish you were here”.

“And I burst into tears. II sometimes have moments where I get a little teary. But this was the biggest I’d had in a while. Let’s just say my band won’t be covering that song on stage.”


Andrew John Teague, from D.A.D.s, said: “When children are kept away from the other parent, we often hear people say it gets easier.

“These are people who have not been through it because it doesn’t.

“There are always trigger points, birthdays. Christmas, special days. And also other things, like Paul here with his son … parents going through the trauma listen to songs differently than before.

“Very sad, shear heartbreak for any parent. Equally all other members of the family are denied also.

“Cafcass has often been heard saying to the denied parents ‘Oh, don’t worry, they will look for you when they are older’.

“This shows how so out of touch and so wrong they can be. The non-accidental psychological injury that happens to the children affects them for their life. Certainly, for many there would need to be some therapy to help them deal with the child trauma, the psychological splitting

“The wholly good parent aligned parent then the wholly bad parent the targeted parent. Family courts world wide fail the children miserably.

“The forgotten children.”

#forgottenchildren #forgottenparents #forgottenchristmas #cafcass #socialworkers #familycourts #parentalalienation #liars #christmas #alone #carehomes #families

2 Replies to “Time to fight for the world’s Letterbox Families this Christmas”

  1. Tjank you for this insightful and measured article for something that is a derp human violation.
    I am a mother who has handled alienation from my only child, now a 21yo ‘man’, without the use of formal process…because I picked up very early into enquiries that there was no ‘process’ for the protection – much less swift – of my teen son’s healthy state of mind and behaviours.

    I would really like to be in direct touch with you as so much of what you say, particularly friends and even own family…have rye most painful and dismissive attitudes …without wanting to see the damage they are causing with them

    Best of luck with future endeavours…and reuniting with your son.

    Uschi Grounds

    1. Hi Uschi …. thank you for your mail. if it would help, i would be happy for you to write your thoughts for publication here, we should all tell our stories to stop others feeling alone…

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