Has Trump been exposed as a liar and a dyer as he gets put through the dryer?

Has Trump been exposed as a liar and a dyer as he gets put through the dryer?

President Trump has held his first press conference since his election fail to Joe Biden, providing the public with an update on a COVID-19 vaccine. 

And he appears to have lost so much traction with the world the biggest topic of conversation in both social and traditional media, is how he appears to have gone grey almost over night.

Or is it just that he has stopped dyeing it? And if that is true, then is it actually the most honest thing he has done in years?

Has the soon to be ex President of the United States been a liar and a dyer all these years?

The quiz over his hair happened as he made his last briefing – viewers took to Twitter  to say that the 74-year-old businessman’s hair had gone completely grey since he was last seen in public a while ago.

#trumphair #greyday #hairraising

4 Replies to “Has Trump been exposed as a liar and a dyer as he gets put through the dryer?”

  1. No worse than Biden. “Beware the wolves in sheep’s clothing, tending to bleating sheep, neither so innocent.”

    1. The problem i have with Trump is his propensity to avoid the truth when a good lie will do! I know that politicians aren’t really best friends with the truth … but there has to be a point where you can unravel a semblance of it frmm what they are saying … i had a business partner who thought lying was the truth … a shameful way to treat people … is Biden of that ilk? I don’t know … he is very old to be taking on the job but is his church-going background and family rhetoric just a mask?

  2. The problem with Trump is not just that he is a liar. That much is true of him more than most any other. If he was to say it’s a nice day, i can be sure it must be raining. If he ever told the truth i think his face would fall off. But that’s not the problem. The problem is his hatred, and his selfishness, and his arrogance. Millions of people have been listening to his brand of bullshit for four decades now, since Reagan and trickle down, greed is good, poor people are all moochers type crap. They have been living up rush lardball’s ass where they are seeing nothing but his shit. That is the problem.

    1. Well said, he is a very dangerous man indeed! Why is he popular though? Why do millions of Americans think he is right? How racist and hate driven is America in reality?

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