The Father of all days for heartbreak amongst men
Fathers day … this is what people don’t know.
The toughest time of the year has arrived for so many men.
Fathers day.
So many fathers feel the pain on this day more than any other.
Floods of tears heartbreak and loss of life. Every year we brace ourselves for the tough harrowing time ahead.
Admins and moderators knowing what t9 expect fathers day Many fathers around the world will wake to their little gems gifts and cards smiles happy times.
The other side of fathers day is the torment torture tragedy of not having their children in their life. This time I’m sure will end in tragedy for children and families as potentially fathers take their lives.
The feeling of loss is to much for some.
The trauma with no help and no one to turn to leaves parents at the ultimate lowest point anyone can fall. A place of endless darkness to afraid to reach out .
Why would they when the family courts then use it against them. These parents are all ready being beaten down.
Stampeded over by court advisors lawyers barristers judges social workers. Decades of endless torment on so many parents. Fathers dying to see their children literally Fathers going through the worse mental health issues every. Its not only fathers mothers too.
Children are 20% more likely to take their life if suicide if it has happened in family. Unless there is the risk of significant harm to any children the should be in full contact with both parents and families. Contact denial with out a justifiable reason Is CHILD ABUSE. Save the kids #childrenusedarechildrenabused #childrenfirsteverytime #keeponkeepingon
One Reply to “The Father of all days for heartbreak amongst men”
For as long as we continue the unregulated child abuse and parental alienation evident in 100% of disputed family court judgments we will continue to see the consequences play out in the ruined lives of not only the father’s you described, but more importantly, in the children, some 10,0000 annually by CAFCASS estimation, who will go on to manifest the enormous harm that comes from being monetized by a legal system abusing them instead of protecting them.
Our family courts now represent legislation on an ethical par with the pro slaver laws that punished abolitionists for denying slavers the legal opportunity to profit from this law.
But for the billions of pounds a year benefiting establishment members, public demand for an end to child abuse for profit by family court members. Where to this day under qualified lawyers can take a multiple choice exam to become Deputy District Judge where they can make unappealable judgments in a process with no ‘beyond all reasonable doubt’ metric, free from any appeal process. It is legislation as corrupt as the criminalization of homosexuality – that saw our court service destroy Alan Turing for saving countless lives in WW2 while being homosexual. Up until the law was changed in 1967, same sex relationships in the UK were a matter for criminal prosecution.
Up until 1833, after hundreds of years of making hay out of selling enslaved women and children to rapist brutes, our establishment finally bowed to public pressure and changed the law. A law that was patently wrong. A legislation that was known to be patently wrong and deeply offensive to the majority of Brits who knew this business was deviant but who had to sit by silently watching for at least 200 years after it became known that Britain’s judiciary had validated profiteering from slavery.
Our family law will inevitably be remembered by history in much the same way. Folly by the establishment, happy to abuse children for the benefit it represents to members of this entitled members club, still able to defend their contemptible abuses of basic rights for children to see both parents by using contempt of court law to prosecute whistleblowers reporting the clear and present danger family court represents for children caught in its web of deceit.
Of course, there is a better way – where children would not be abused by family court judgments, but that’s not where the profit is for family law members.
Tough luck for the kids and parents whose lives are ruined by government’s failure to pass the legislation to end legal child abuse by family court.