Now we ex-pats can visit UK without being ‘homeland lepers’

It’s almost like we ex-pats have been punished for leaving the clammy shores of the UK.
Some of us fled Britain for sun, sea and sangria, others left for health reasons or cheap property. Some for life style. Still others retired to Europe and some, like us, came out for business reasons.
But it was always seen as part of the deal that we could go ‘home’ again to see family, friends, check on your property, even. And in some cases get your ‘travel wagon’ MoT-ed.
Then Brexit happened, the parting of the ways. Next Covid stopped the world in its tracks. It just got harder and harder to cross the revised politics of the world to get back to Blighty.
And it only got worse when, a few weeks ago, it became clear that UK ex-pats who’d had their vaccine double-jabs in the now alien climes of Europe would still have to self-isolate – possibly at vast expense – on their return.
And it was all because nobody had bothered to make sure that Europe’s hi-tech health paraphernalia would recognise the UK’s.
Or visa versa.
Anyway, the problem appears to be solved, thanks to new Government promises, NHS doctors and their staff.
Ministers plan to recognise foreign jabs from August 1.
At the moment restrictions on quarantine-free travel to and from amber list countries is difficult because the Government only recognises people who have been vaccinated by the NHS.
But the Department for Transport is to holding a formal review of the rules for arriving travellers this week.
However, all you have to do is phone your UK surgery, give the practice details of your foreign jabs and they will register you on the British NHS computers.
We’ve just done it. And job done – hopefully.
We’re now waiting for them to get back to us with confirmation that we are welcome back in the land of our birth.
This is, as far as we can understand, the reality of the situation and far beyond the stuffy press release from Boris and his bonkers band …
‘Ministers are preparing to ease travel rules for expats returning to the UK. The exemption from quarantine currently only applies to people who were vaccinated under the UK programme, but the Government plans to recognise foreign jabs.’
4 Replies to “Now we ex-pats can visit UK without being ‘homeland lepers’”
What about those of us who no longer have a UK GP? I have lived in Slovakia now for 26 years, but have not been able to get home and see my children and grandchildren for neatly two years. Someone needs to wake up – I still pay tax in the UK!!
That’s the next thing we are looking in to Peter … there is a suggestion that the ‘walk-in’ surgeries might be worth approaching … not too sure about that tho. We are in touch with a couple of MPs who are looking in to it too. As soon as we know we’ll let you know!
Chris Naylor
Only if you have an English GP as I understand it. I still do, but many don’t. What the UK should be doing is reciprocate the EU who recognise the NHS app by recognising the EU Covid digital certificate.