Infernal memories of Manchester – a city most foul and fabulous
Manchester, the infernal city of my youth and memories.
Rainy, grainy, dingy, dirty, derelict, drugs and drink.
Dougie Flood, the Quality Street Gang, Peter Tut-Tut, Giant Haystacks, the Circus Tavern, blob shops, the King Cotton bar … Rafters, the MSG. The Magic Village.
And despite everything, way back then, Manchester was my magical city.
Bunney’s on Oldham Street, Affleck and Brown, Lewis’s, the UCP cafes and the thunder of print inside the blue glass of the Crusader building. The rumble under Withey Grove.
Slack Alice and George Best, The Grapes and Coronation Street… Tony Wilson, the Hacienda, Granada Reports and pissed-up Bill Grundy. Ray Gosling trying to fly despite all his broken wings.
Foo Foo Lammar…
I’ve been lucky since I swaggered out the City of Tall Chimneys, tenements and terraces in the mid-Eighties – the grittiness of Manchester is said to have rubbed a rough edge into my writing. It’s taken me all around the world boys.
But I’ve always found myself looking back.
Here are some of the stories The Society has published recently about my ‘hometown’.
Why we love you Manchester – The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society
HOUGH HALL … AN OPEN LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF MOSTON – The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society
#Manchester #moston #crime
#DougieFlood #QualityStreetGang #GiantHaystacks #CircusTavern #blobshops
One Reply to “Infernal memories of Manchester – a city most foul and fabulous”
Joy Fearon
Growing up in Manchester in the 60s and 70s was amazing. Going ‘into town’ with its fab tiny way-out boutiques, friendly pubs full of character and characters and nightclubs where you could see your top stars without needing binoculars or huge screens (or a second mortgage!)
Chelsea Girl, The Twisted Wheel, the Underground Market, Tib Street pet shops and Piccadilly Gardens full of flowers!! Dodging raindrops … not armies of heads buried in mobile phones.
I miss the old place.
I rarely go ‘into town’ anymore. 😞