A short time ago one of the grand icons of popular music died from Covid and is still being mourned all over the world.
Meat Loaf was a metaphorical prince amongst men and rock gods.
Shortly before the 74 year old rock’n’roller died, a real prince amongst men had his dignity and standing removed in the full glare of Royal anger and family survival.
He is Andrew, the man formerly known as prince.
I met them both together many many many blue moons ago. And even then they stood out in the crowd by being as different from each other as it was possible to be.
Meat was the flamboyant vibrantly sweaty laughing show-off who didn’t care how he came across as long as people reacted to him.
On the other sweaty palm there was the silly pompous look-at-me-look-at-me posh boy Prince Andrew.

When I met Andrew all those many moons ago (he actually seems to wear all of those moons in place of his face nowaday), he was a bit of a rich boy who nothing seemed to go wrong for! War treasure in the making. And I don’t think Fergie had yet even had her big toe sucked when he wasn’t looking.
I simply didn’t like him …he was still quite good-looking but even then he was a bit purple faced, jowly, goofy toothed. And rather heavy in the old Bristol department, I seem to remember.
His dark hair was stringy wet and clung to his head like the legs of a squashed spider.
He’d been running around Alton Towers in Staffordshire like Mr Blobby and he was hot as he shared a few haughty words with us, the lowly Press Pack.
It was the Royal It’s a Knockout event and in its own way was quite prophetic … now, because of his involvement with Maxwell and Epstein over many years, it is easy say that his next big event may turn out to be the Royal It’s a K*ckout!
Meat Loaf by contrast was just enjoying himelf and doing what he did best – entertaining folk. He was a BIG Texan-type and noisy as a Cadillac shouting and hollering as he tackled the nonsensical trials of rubber dummies and water ‘falls’ set up by the BBC for this massive royal charity event.
He was also quite aggressive and didn’t suffer fools gladly – which is why he probably threatened to throw Andrew off the castillated walls of Alton Towers in to the moat.
I remember wishing at the time that he would. And today I wish he had!
Meat Loaf was a prince, a charmer … Andrew on the other hand was a class-less pauper of the heart all the way back then.
#princeandrew #dukeofyork #royalfamily #royals #queen #hrh #maxwell #epstein #meatloaf #jimsteinman