Cyber armies of the Red night – new heroes or dangerous geeks?
Hacktivists are getting involved in the war between Ukraine and Russia.
Members of Anonymous took to twitter to say they are launching attacks against Putin’s regime. They have already hit local government websites and took down the website of Russian news outlet RT.
Anonymous says it may also leak login credentials for the Russian Ministry of Defence website.
And Yegor Aushev, co-founder of a Kyiv-based cybersecurity company, said he was asked by a senior Ukrainian Defense Ministry official to make a call for help from hackers.
However, things became a bit mired by ransomware groups Conti and CoomingProject publishing messages saying they supported the Russian government …
Although later they softened their cyber-conscience message by saying: “We do not ally with any government and we condemn the ongoing war. However, since the West is known to wage its wars primarily by targeting civilians, we will use our resources in order to strike back if the well being and safety of peaceful citizens will be at stake due to American cyber aggression.”
Reports had indicated Joe ‘Bumble’ Biden has already been investigating options for cyberattacks on Russian infrastructure. The White House denied it.
Earlier this year, Aubrey Cottle was revealed as the internet ‘prankster’ who years ago started Anonymous, a collective of hackers waging cyberwar against institutions like the Church of Scientology, the Westboro Baptist Church and the police department.
“Anonymous has all walks of life,” Cottle has written. “The most infamous is, obviously, the hacker type, but just as important are the ones that mobilize online and spread awareness, do research, and collaborate in that manner. If you have a voice, you can help Anonymous.”
Aubrey Cottle, was born in the late 80s and is a Canadian hacker, computer security researcher and software engineer who spends most of his time fighting the far-right conspiracy movement Qanon.
But are he and his mates really the ones we want to go to war on a billionaire, bodice-ripping, nipple-flashing shaven-headed despot with a brain that not even a cyber spider could find its way around?
Hackers are proud that they know how most cyber security systems operate. Usually, they seek small to medium-sized companies … but now they have gone for the Big One.
A potential World War.
Cybersecurity firm Sophos said the declarations from Conti and Anonymous “increase the risk for everyone, whether involved in this conflict or not.”
“Vigilante attacks in either direction increase the fog of war and generate confusion and uncertainty for everyone.”
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