Why customer services is still going off the rails, despite war, pestilence and isolation
Yes, we’ve become an island, been isolated and now face being bombed by a tiny madman … so, when we finally come back with three heads, Madge Simpson hair colour and a sheep-bleat instead of a megaphone of protest, are we going to let the Customer Experience yobs continue to help us, support us, have tantrums and hang-up on us? Or are we going to go for a New World Order?
A world where you order something, it arrives, doesn’t get tossed over somebody else’s back door, its complete, it works, nothing falls off it and you don’t have to lose it forever by sending it back to the vendor?
Well, what a world that would be!
What is wrong with you London Midland Rail… why have we paid more than £25 to park the car at Stafford station, spent £30 on crap sandwiches, sat for an hour in what’s little more than a lean-to open to the elements on ice-cold metal seats, been told by WH Smiths they only serve cold drinks …
And now you’ve cancelled our train!
Nobody has said sorry or explained… We can’t get on the next London train cos it does not belong to L&M and everybody who was on the cancelled train is now on the train we are waiting for… So no seats …
So yep, we’ve been ripped off, abandoned, ignored and left to freeze in a lean-to … Well done customer service in the UK yet again .. Watch out for this on the leighgbankspreservationsociety.com … We are going for our money back!
(We got it!)