A Tory MP says that Angela Rayner has admitted using her legs to bamboozle Boris at Prime Minister’s Questions.
But Mrs Rayner is apparently livid over the whole thing. Cross, like she is accused of doing with her legs.
However, we all have to accept it is a real news story when a leading opposition member of parliament ‘flirts’ in the upper echelons of power, in public view, with the leader of our country.
And if you are one of the new media gurus – maybe you work at McDonald’s or Nandos and did an ology in modern media, so you believe you are qualified to comment on twitter and tick tock – then look around…
The supposedly non-story about Labour’s deputy leader sex-bombing the PM with her squeaky silk calves and thighs, means somebody somewhere has to ask ‘what is going on here?’
Social media doesn’t ask questions like that – it simply sends out course messages, hatred and childish memes instead.
What Angela has lifted by her impromptu impersonations of Sharon Stone and Kenny Everett in Parliament is the lid on ALL office flirtations. But, in Angela’s case, it is fair to ask, why is she bothering in the first place?
She is in a strong relationship and Boris is a married dad!
So, what is going on?
Are they just having a laugh? Yes.
Are they throwing enticing shapes at the doors of infidelity? Probably not.
Is it a detriment to politics in this country? No, not at the moment.
Does the world need to know about it. Should it be talked about publicly, in a light-hearted manner but with a serious edge? YES! YES! YES!
Yes, it matters, of course it does – and here’s the clue, social media has spent far more time misspelling the situation, accusing Angela of acting like Sharon Stone, sending out childish memes, posts and insults than any of our National Press has written on it.
Angela herself has podcast on the subject and a scaredy-cat MP, who wants to remain anonymous despite his privilege to speak his mind out, thought it was important enough to do the dirty and report her.
But now the poundland press pundits are snarling and hurling invective at the real media saying it is sexist, it is tacky, it is misogynistic, it is offensive women …
Hang on! Hang on!
It wasn’t David Dillon, editor of the Mail on Sunday, who had been flapping his legs about, he just thought it was a good story … which could have deep ramifications.
And now he is not only in trouble for doing his job, he has been told to appear before the hanging judges and publicity vultures of The House and explain his decision.
But good old David has taken another decision, another good old fashioned one.
And that is to tell Parliament to go and stuff itself like the woke, bleating chick-chick-chick-chicken it is rapidly becoming under party-boy Boris’s opportunistic leadership.
Don’t shoot the messenger for God-sake! It would be like shooting your postman and allowing your sausage dog to drag him off down the garden to bury him – and then complain because he doesn’t bring you letters any more!
The Mail on Sunday too has revealed three MPs – including one woman – have corroborated the account of Mrs Rayner’s remarks.
And in a podcast in January, she herself raised claims that she had copied Sharon Stone to fluster the PM – and, while saying she was left mortified, she also joked about it in the most vulgar vernacular.
Yet for democracy to function effectively, journalists must be free to report what they are told by MPs about Westminster.
The Speaker has plumbed new depths. Why should newspapers fear having their wings clipped by Parliament, because some find a story unpalatable and others think they can make political capital out of it?
Oh, and of course, there are those who think they should stand up for freedom of speech by going on social media demanding that the Fourth Estate is muzzled so we can all say what we want as long nobody reports on it …