Robot scribes are no joke – seriously!

Robot scribes are no joke – seriously!

But will they finally close the book on us humans with one-from-the-heart?


Michael is a developmental editor with more than 12 years in the industry Michael Pilgrim – Developmental Editor

How will AI written books affect the publishing industry?

Here are some thoughts.

– Even when AI can write a perfect book, it’ll still take quite a few years before it’s a potential problem

– Some readers won’t mind and will happily read AI written books

– Other readers will not take to them, especially not at first. It’ll probably feel quite hollow reading an AI written book.

– But over time, they will get more popular

– But people will still want to read their favourite authors and series – why would you stop if you enjoy them?

– There’ll probbaly be some best seller from AI at some point – then more will follow

– Non-fiction authors will probably suffer more than fiction authors

– My guess is for at least say 10 years (and maybe forever), AI authors and normal authors will co-exist

– I also think comedy writing will be the hardest for AI to do well – easily formulated genres (e.g. romance) will be hardest hit

– And perhaps AI will just mean that books become much easier to write

– So good authors will get better

– And faster

– Editing and rewrites will be a breeze – no work for editors (or perhaps still work for dev editors and high-end editors – but nothing for proofreaders and copy editors)

– One thing that will likely happen is as books get easier to write, many more people will publish books

– But it’ll still come down to the best books/covers/brands/marketing – they will rise to the top, especially if you have a well established brand before it all happens

– Another thing that might happen is people will publish AI written books without saying they’re AI written – but this is just the same outcome as the previous point

– On the plus side, there are already 10 million books or something on Amazon so it’s not like there isn’t loads of competition already

– And when they invented photography, people said it would be the death of artists but that wasn’t the case.

Bill of Human Rights for machines has me quaking in my journalistic bots – The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society

Michael Pilgrim – Developmental Editor

#writers #selfpublish #artificialintelligence #AI #ai #publishing #romance #comedy

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