Author: Leigh Banks

I am a journalist, writer and broadcaster ... lately I've been concentrating on music, I spent many years as a music critic and a travel writer ... I gave up my last editorship a while ago and started concentrating on my blog. I was also asked to join AirTV International as a co host of a new show called Postcard ...


“Polly, I ask, “How long does it take for the hair loss to start?”


The Society is publishing the true story of a woman who went to hell and back because of breast cancer. This is Kaye Howarth’s story in her own words. Thank you for wanting to share with us and the world Kaye.

Biography … Bald Bird Surviving Breast Cancer

Part 7 Next Week

First Chemo Session. 

Dave comes with me. Polly explains, as I settle myself into a comfortable chair where the Chemo is administrated, the procedure. They will put a needle into a vein that will be linked to the Chemotherapy treatment.

The drug is made up of three types of drug each one will give a separate sensation.

  1. I may feel the sensation of ants marching across my chest, forehead, and nasal area.
  2. I may feel lightheaded, well I’ve always been rather scatty…so!
  3. Metallic taste in mouth.

Whilst this is being explained to me, I take in the other ladies, some are wearing wigs, some aren’t, some wear cold caps (Supposed to stop your hair loss) they seem to be all at different stages of treatment. One lady is being told that she can’t have her final course of Chemo today as her blood count is too low. She is really pissed off, but takes it on the chin, and re- appoints.

“Polly, I ask “How long does it take for the hair loss to start?” I am told roughly about two sessions. My friend Liz is getting married in two months, I wonder if I’ll have hair…the answer to that is I wore Linda that day. 


I recognize a lady from the day of my positive diagnosis, she has waist long straight blonde hair, and her name is Jan. Before we start our first session we swap phone numbers, book times to attend our second session together. We become allies from thence forth.

Dave leaves me with Jan and will return an hour later. Jan and I sit, get lined up and chat, we take each other’s mind off what we’re doing, the treatment surges through our veins.

I do feel the ants crossing my forehead and chest. Dave arrives just as the Chemo finishes. I say goodbye to Polly and Jan. Say see you next time.

Dave drives me home; I feel like crap and promptly burst into tears on Ridgeway hill. Dave carries on driving me home.

 It just isn’t fair, what have I done to deserve this.


During that first week, I drink lots of water. Mum has brought me a water filter jug that is by the side of my bed. It is constantly refilled, as I drink to flush out the toxins,

I am wiped out, no energy, and sleepy. I spend hours drifting in and out of sleep. Below our bedroom drones the daily hubbub of life, mum cooks, washes. Irons. I feel left out, and useless.

Through the constant care, and the fabulous cooking skills of mom, I rally daily, each day feeling a little stronger. I must be feeling better, I think to myself as daytime TV is boring me rigid.

I lay in bed dreaming, Kilroy is coming on with Special Birthdays ideas.

Ummm, I think raising my head, Dave’s birthday was coming up, and I wanted to do something unusual.

Kilroy announced” Balloon Rides, Helicopter rides, and Racing days.

That was it! Dave adored The Grand Prix; I would arrange a Race Day!

Our next door neighbour Mark, a work colleague of Dave’s had done a Race Day, I would pop round and get the address and info when back on my feet. Feeling Smug, I curl over and guess what, promptly throw up.


The next day feeling better, I dress and pop round next door. Mark is at work, but his wife Sue gives me the address for Race Days. The place is a bit too far out for us so, I wait for our house to clear and phone Dave’s mother. 

Bett tells me there is a place called “Castle Combe Racecourse” about 15 minutes

away from them. We could go up and stay with them; also, Rosie and Katie could come. It would be a good break for all of us.

I phone Castlecombe Racecourse, and book. I wanted Dave’s birthday, but this was fully booked, they would send me the booking vouchers, that way Dave could choose a date that would work. The brochures arrive a few days later, Elm’s brings me the letter, we sit cuddled up in bed and read. They offer 4×4 drives, skid pan days, Racing Days. Em’s and I think the Racing Day is perfect. Em’s passes me the phone; I read them my credit card details. Em’s and I hug were so excited.

I can now relax.

George and Emily love to cook, so when he comes home from school, we set about making Dave’s birthday cake, we have a laugh measuring, mixing and making a general mess. George and Em’s divide the empty bowl to lick out the bowl after; we look at our work of art, which resembles a Frisbee. Well, it’s the thought that counts.


Dave Birthday-05.02.11

The first chinks of light appear through our curtains, it’s so quiet, I can hear hushed whispering the rustle of paper, then a slight punch up begins in the hall; I have to laugh at my little treasures they try so hard. I count to myself, 10, 9, 8,7….

“Happy birthday Dave!” in bounds a leaping gazelle in the shape of my daughter, closely followed by a crumpled George. Their arms are laden with little pressies, all

at various stages of presentation. Arguments ensue, of what pressies should be opened first. Emily wins.

Dave isn’t yet fully awake; his hair is looking punk rockerish, he bares the resemblance of a rabbit caught in the headlights. Eventually it dawns on him, his birthday has arrived.

“Thanks Ems,” deodorant.” George and Em pass the next present between them-a clue to the up and coming scenario.


Dave whoops, “It’s a toy Formula 1 Racing Car”, and kisses both Ems and George, Ems grins, George scowls be tending he didn’t enjoy the attention, but did really. A silly boy grin covers Dave’s face, between you and me I think he has twigged.

“Now my pressie!” I hand him the gold envelope. Dave opens.

I think he’s going to burst; the kids roll around the bed laughing, Dave nearly goes to leap out of the bed, I restrain, reminding him of his o, natural state. He punches the air instead. Once first excitement has subsided go through possible dates for him to book. Bett and Norman phones to wish a Happy Birthday.

George dashes off downstairs returning with the cooked Frisbee, and we all munch on slices of chocolate cake for breakfast.

 Happy days.


 Chemo 2.

Okay. Now my hair has started to fall out. As agreed, Dave that evening gets out the hair clippers. I am given a number 2 crew cut; I have chosen this action, as hair falling out is distressing, so quick restyle is my solution. I now wear a woolly hat to cover the fact that I’m now “A bald Bird!”

My Chemo appointment.

Jan fellow patient is already there, we look at each other and nod…you too, and we are now crew cut twins. We go for our Chemo; our respective other halves leave the ward together.

Dr Dean checks my blood, to make sure I’m not Anaemic or any other thing to cause stop of treatment, all is fine. I get my drugs…ants crawl up my nose and across my forehead.

I’m on a promise today, after treatment we are going to Mc Donald’s for lunch. This is a hit, and always from now on a stop we make. I tell Dave I’m going straight to bed this time, as trying to stay up doesn’t pay dividends. I crash.                                            

 Mary Poppins alias mum works her miracles in the kitchen. I get up and join my family for tea. I work (I don’t have an appetite a present) through the wonderfully nutritious meal before me, I drink gallons of water. I try and make light conversation with all around me.                       

Then I have an almighty urge…… being toiletry for a minute have to dash to the loo for a number 2. I haven’t been for what seems like an eternity…ah bliss I never thought I would so enjoy a poo. Exhausted from the excitement I go to bed. (Get wonderful stuff from Doctors later that week, Lactose a blessing for the bound.)


Downstairs mum continues cooking, singing her God Songs at high decibels, she makes me chuckle as I lay in bed, she warbles away merrily to herself, and Em’s and George are a captive audience. I doze off. Next thing I know it is dark. The house is quiet, my husband lays cuddled up to me. Mother of the washing, ironing, and comforter of children has gone to her own bed across the way, God Bless you mum how I would ever manage without you. Thank you for all your hard work and never doubting spirit that supports mine when I’m doubting.

The following day, Dave goes to Bristol to see his girls. This gives me alone time with my babies. We share this time with mum and go over to the holiday house. We go for a short walk, and then have tea. Play board games and chill.

Dave returns Sunday night, I nag and moan,” What if I dint make it?!” Scenario’s, he is patients itself going through my prognosis. We go to bed mentally shattered.

In the morning I think I’ve found a lump in my right breast, phone Jan Breast care Nurse, she will check it for me after I’ve had my third Chemo-here I go again checking, checking…


#cancerwomen #cancer #survivor #canceruk #inspirational #powerwomen #wife #family #love #caring #hope


Sadness as Mike takes the last train from stars-ville

Sadness as Mike takes the last train from stars-ville

THE Monkees singer-songwriter Michael Nesmith has died aged 78.

His death came just a month after the band’s farewell tour performance. Mike died of natural causes.

“With Infinite Love we announce that Michael Nesmith has passed away this morning in his home, surrounded by family, peacefully and of natural causes,” his family said.

Monkees biographer and manager Andrew Sandoval said: “I know that Michael was at peace with his legacy which included songwriting, producing, acting, direction, and so many innovative ideas and concepts.

“I am positive the brilliance he captured will resonate and offer the love and light towards which he always move

With bandmates, Micky Dolenz, Peter, Tork and Davy Jones, Nesmith made up the icon late 1960s rock band The Monkees.

# Micky Dolenz #Peter #Tork Davy Jones #Nesmith made up the icon late 1960s rock band The Monkees.

Why do you prickless jab-a-talkies think I should die for your ‘rights’?

Why do you prickless jab-a-talkies think I should die for your ‘rights’?


About five million British adults have refused to be jabbed.

They say they are standing up for their human rights, their rights to walk the streets of our green and septic land, their right to shop, booze, eat out, Dervish dance and repeat guttural mantras outside arenas where over-paid clothes horses kick a ball round a lawn with lights.

They say they are defending their right to march on the street, to bring towns to a halt, to stop others going about their daily business.

And their right to stop the rest of us doing all we can to keep well and stay alive.

If they get Covid, they’ll stumble coughing and sweating to the NHS, making it difficult for the rest of us with killer non-Covid ailments to get treatment.

Treatment that is our right.

We are all paying a heavy price indeed for these prickless jab-a-talkies!

I want my right to get jabbed and get on with my life, wearing a kiss-me-quick mask and flashing my digital Covid passport at bar staff and in fast-food restaurants.

That’s what life is tragically about, for now at least.

If there is a murderous little bug about, as fewer and fewer can deny, do we then need to have killer neighbours haranguing us on the streets and social media for not believing Covid is a world conspiracy to let Bill Gates mess about in little silver boats of control inside our respiratory and blood systems?

Is this not the true Dystopia of our undeniably reset Planet Earth?

As long as the refuseniks remain in their millions, the rest of us will remain vulnerable to the latest variant, there will be more lockdowns, more incising of our freedom, more jobs gone, more failed businesses, less economic growth — all the enhancements of a deliberately more draconian society.

It is selfish not to be vaccinated. We all have to protect our own health because, in that way, we are protecting the health of others.

There is something very un-British about compulsory vaccination, I know. It goes against everything we describe as our free society.

But what is actually so free about our society any more, any way? CCTV cameras everywhere you look, social media creating commercially focussed clones of us all, the harvesting of all our personal details and photographs, identity theft and internet lies and propaganda?

Why do the refuseniks use the very thing which is undermining every aspect of our right to privacy and the truth, to fight for their right to kill us all?

Liberty has never been the unfettered right to do what thou wilt. That is the road to anarchy.

Here are our rights – you have a right not to be vaccinated AND I have a right not have you near me.

#prickless #covid #masks #lockdown #planb #liberty #freedom #refusenik #anarchy #variant

Soul canyons of Tom, the quiet man of St Louis blues

Soul canyons of Tom, the quiet man of St Louis blues

You don’t have to have been burned by racism to sing with soul and passion

The way he tells it, as a boy in the 1950s and 60s Tom Wood never suffered from the St Louis blues.

His mother was an 8th grade English teacher and his dad was a post office supervisor. One way or the other his family had standing in a community where racism burned just around the corner.

But in the year Tom was born, 1954, St Louis had another problem to contend with. It was boiling in the Big Heat.

Temperatures were hitting 117 and roads were buckling, people were ‘cooking’ alive and abandoning their apartments and huddling in the cold cold of their rathole basements.

This heatwave killed hundreds despite the fact that air-conditioning was the new thing on the block.

But the heat was only a two month distraction, St Louis was still burning.

It had been, historically, the auction block of slavery for almost a century and black people still faced segregation, insults and violence.

Indeed, only forty years before Tom arrived in this world the Louis Riots had taken place. They were horrific outbreaks of labour and race-related violence by White Americans. They murdered 150 African Americans in May and July 1917 and 6,000 blacks were left homeless. Their homes burning as they watched.

Then, in the 50s, the black community fought back demanding fair and full employment, affordable homes and equity in health care and education. And it was beginning to work.

Tom’s parents knew all about the troubles but they lived 13 miles away in the railway town of Kirkwood Mo. The town was named after James P. Kirkwood who put it on the map when he planned a new route for the Pacific Railroad in 1852.

And this was the ‘burb’ where Tom grew up happily.

He said: “ My childhood was almost idyllic especially by the standards of today. 
My parents bought a home in Kirkwood Mo and I was able to walk to my grade school and middle school without worry.
“Kirkwood High School is where I received my diploma. But I attended two colleges in the St. Louis metro area where I achieved a degree in Fine Arts.”

But as he immersed himself in the finery of art, something else set him on fire and that was the music he heard in the heat of the night. It put stars in to the revolution in the air. Still though, The Klu Klux Klan were like like terrifying ghost riders in the sky.

But by fighting back and creating the most explosive and exciting music in America the black communities were earning respect.

For instance, the cobbles by the edge of great Missouri where WC Handy slept and rotted after being dumped by his ‘diamond slag’ were as much a draw as Jim Morrison’s Paris grave has become today.

Handy was a travelling man, a womaniser, he had all the credentials of the father of the Blues and he brought the ‘devil’s music’ to the masses.

Decades on Tom moved to Las Vegas, not necessarily seeking fame and fortune, but in so many ways for love.

Tom said: “I’m not an old bluesman with trauma after trauma behind me, but I have had broken hearts. And it was movig to Las Vegas that finally made me a happy man.”

He was reunited with his former St Louis lover from the 70s Tamara … they met up again in 2010 at a reunion of a band called the Homegrown Harvest Band. One of the members was a mutual friend.

Tom said: “I am happily ‘married’ to my lovely, witty, and fun common-law wife Tamara. We live in a deluxe single story home 25 miles north of Las Vegas. Neither Tam nor I have children. We relish  our privacy and home-life to it’s fullest.”

He said: “I work a three day shift as a customer service representative at 
Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area. My employer is a non-profit
Southern Nevada  Conservancy. I really admire them.”

Red Rock Canyon, 17 miles from Las Vegas, was Nevada’s first National Conservation Area and is visited by more than two million people each year. For decades an old telephone box stood at the heart of the Mojave desert … it was said that it had one phone call ready for any punter who had lost their personal fortune in Vegas. He or she could either phone home or the next station on their journey.

The call was a myth of course. But the phone box was real. Now only the myth remains after vandals over the years wrecked the glass and metal box..

So, why does this quiet, unassuming and caring man stand out in the crowd?

His music! That’s what! It has all the heat and anger of St Louis at its heart and he sings with a fury and passion few can muster outside the world of the blues.

His voice is deceptively gentle and smokey but he understands himself and his vocal ability well enough to coruscate and rough-up listeners in a breath.

Tom said: “I began my solo career as a songwriter in 1981 in St. Louis, building my audience and sometimes playing music 4 nights per week.”

And he uses these decades of experience – and that stunning voice – to grand affect on Boy’s Life which premiered earlier this year:


One deception then another
when a child lies to his Mother
then another and another
one deception of our Mother
what other Earth can we cling to
don’t be fooled by that TV
use your mute, wisely
kill the monster rape the beast
embrace the thing you love the least
take a break take a breath
tell yourself i aint quit yet
they bring it up they force it in
get us looked like heroin
kill our kids take our cash
they watch me taking out my trash
you know it sucks you know it blows
why pretend like no one knows
open your eyes open your mind
learn to read get off rewind.
Nation Building, Life fulfilling, We are drilling, Keep on filling, We are willing, keep on killing
Keep on Drilling, So fulfilling ]
for those who believe war makes sense
think greed is just coincidence 
and more and more incompetence
will be bought with influence
no big surprise here we are
billions spent on an endless war
blame it on stupidity  a lame excuse for history
Or . . one boy’s life.

MORE TO HEAR – (Editor’s comment, have a listen, there is something magnificent going on here!)

Mongomon presents the latest from Singer-Songwriter Tom Wood.
His new song ” Rise ” brings the listener an opportunity to be empowered in the lyrical perspective on strength, and the ability to rise above adversity.


Bob and Tom’s art of the sound and the fury… 9/11, lyrics inside – The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society

#bobmori #tomwood #chicago #stlouis #hollywood #9/11 #twintowers #vegas

The Eyes have it … and so does the Nose. The party’s over as Boris captains a ship of fools

The Eyes have it … and so does the Nose. The party’s over as Boris captains a ship of fools

Sickened by it? We all are mate … we all are!

Boris Johnson has apologised for a video that showed his staff joking about a Christmas party last December.

  1. But he still seems to maintain there was no party and that no Covid rules were broken
  2. Dozens are said to have attended the party at Downing Street during lockdown
  3. Labour leader Keir Starmer says the PM is “taking the public for fools” while the SNP calls for Johnson’s resignation
  4. But backbench Tory MPs are also angry, with one saying “the buck stops at the top”

As a former boss in the communications industry, all I can say is that if it all goes wrong you on your watch, fall on your sword…

‘I wasn’t there’ isn’t an excuse, neither is ‘I didn’t know’ – or ‘nobody told me’. And ‘I’m sorry’ doesn’t make it right.

Sorry Boris,

#borisjohnson #boris #christmas #party #christmasparty

Boris, do you think we fell off a spaceship?

Boris, do you think we fell off a spaceship?

The question has to be simple or it might blow your brains!

Should we be able to alter the workings of our own minds by the use of drugs either legal or illegal, natural or chemical, mixed in giant vats in a Bolivian rain forest or in brewery in Burton-on-Trent?

Or should we turn a smokily blind eye to something a bit herby grown at the bottom of your garden where the fairies live or in a terraced house in Manchester that glows like it fell off the back of a spaceship?

And what about cigarettes, no longer rolled on the trembling thigh of a dusky maiden but in Richmond, Virginia, where Marlboro unceremoniously wraps tobacco leaves in white paper for the betterment and legal enjoyment of the world.


Tobacco is estimated to be responsible for eight million deaths every year.



Anyway, let’s have a look at a slightly less popular drug than tobacco … cannabis!

It’s estimated that there are more than 200 million cannabis users in the world.

Many people claim that nobody has ever died from dope. Well, they are daft, unless they mean that no-one has ever overdosed to death on marijuana.

The reality is, you’ll either fall asleep or throw a ‘whitey’ (turn white, well a bit green actually. You’ll feel so sick you will want to die. But you won’t).

And masses of research shows that it is almost impossible for the human body to get just too much of this soporific which has been at the heart of so much laughter and inalienable funniness.

The truth is though that many people do die from health complications due to things they put in their bodies. And I don’t mean Second World War artillery shells which then won’t come out.

Marijuana is no different.

Boris – the deal goes down

But now big burly blond BORIS has dropped a bombshell on recreational users – and some others – of illegal soporifics.

Boris is unleashing an all-out war on drugs generally – not just cannabis – targeting dealers, addicts and casual users who he believes are the root cause of half of all burglaries and violent robberies in the world.

He is introducing a ten-year plan to stop what he describes as this “pernicious” trade by cutting off supplies and demand.


Cutting off supplies will end demand?


Isn’t that how certain drugs became illegal in the first place?

Supply and demand?

Anyway, Boris says politicians have dithered over drugs too long — sometimes because they once dabbled in drugs themselves, he admits with his zany wit and charm.

He said: “Drugs are not going to make you happier. They’re not going to make you more successful. They’re not going to make you cooler. They’re bad news.”

Well, politics doesn’t make you look big and clever either Boris. But some people do it anyway, don’t they!

But you are quite right Boris, drugs don’t bring lasting happiness for anybody … but let’s not forget this old argument too. It does have an edge of physiocracy based on your plan to create an illegal drugs-free world.

Recently,  Global Financial Integrity (GFI) published a report – Transnational Crime and the Developing World – saying that the global market in drug trafficking has an estimated annual global value of between $426 billion and $652 billion (US).

Figures are a bit shadowy on this but it is safe to say that illegal drugs kill at least half a million people across the world every year.

Now look at these figures …in 2020, the global market size of alcoholic beverages amounted to over 1.49 trillion U.S. dollar.

The World Health Organization estimates that alcohol kills three million people throughout the world every year. In other words, alcohol is the cause of 5.3% of all human deaths annually. About 1 in every 20 deaths worldwide is the result of an alcohol-related disease, injury, accident, murder, or suicide.

Now look at these … Sales for the legal global tobacco market (2019) were worth approximately$818 billion (US), according to most recent estimates. The largest global tobacco category remains combustible cigarettes. With over 5,200 billion cigarettes consumed annually, it is valued at US$705 billion.

Tobacco kills more than 8 million people each year. More than 7 million of these deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while around 1.2 million are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.
About 2 billion people worldwide consume alcoholic drinks and cigarettes are smoked by over 1 billion people, nearly 20% of the world’s population.

In 2020/21, tax receipts from alcohol duties in the United Kingdom alone amounted to approximately 12.12 billion British pounds, compared with 12.1 billion in the previous year.

The tax, both excise duty and VAT, raised through the sale of tobacco products continues to be a major source of revenue for our Government, contributing around £12 billion annually.  This is, according to the Treasury.

It has been the policy of successive Governments to maintain a high level of tax on tobacco products in order to reduce tobacco consumption and the prevalence of smoking.  Between 1993 and 2000 a tobacco duty ‘escalator’, which introduced year-on-year above inflation increases in tobacco duty, was implemented with the aim of reducing consumption still further.

Isn’t that a bit like saying to somebody:

Ere we go – ‘ave a fag. It won’t kill ya!”

(Well, it probably will actually)

And then, once you are addicted charging you a fortune for your next hit?

There have been more than five million potential deaths from Covid according to figures as shadowy as those about deaths from illegal drugs …

Now read this: In the first half of 2021, Pfizer Inc. and Moderna Inc. reported collective sales of $17.2 billion for vaccines. Johnson & Johnson reported more than $500 million in sales.

Well, well, well. No matter how you look at it drugs are big big business and big big earners for governments everywhere.

So, why is a bit of home-grown such a big deal?

I think I need to go and have a fag and a quick snifter and think about this!

#boris #drugs #marijuana #covid #bigpharma #fags #booze



I had looked at my reflection, it is not the real me that stares back, I look into the hollow eyed thin person.’

Over the next few weeks The Society is publishing the true story of a woman who went to hell and back because of breast cancer. This is Kaye Howarth’s story in her own words. Thank you for wanting to share with us and the world Kaye.

Biography … Bald Bird Surviving Breast Cancer

Part 6 Next Week

Results of Lymph nodes 

Dave and I get ready, be still oh beating heart -my appointment to get my results is nearer this time, Weymouth hospital. We drive and arrive twenty minutes later. There is no problem parking at this hospital. 

I know this hospital well, as I covered the outpatients for Speech Therapy, with Pippa. I lead Dave through reception and to the waiting area and sit waiting for my name to be called.

As if on cue Andrea another Speechie (slang for Speech Therapist) walks down the corridor towards us. We say hi, how are you, all the time my eye is trained on the room which holds the answers to the next few years of my life…hopefully. Andréa picks this up wishing me good luck, calls her patient and they follow her back to her Therapy room.

My name is eventually called, not that I hasten the waiting time has been long, just seems that way. Dr Dean introduces herself, she is an Oncologist, she in other words checks blood of Cancer patients. Have I had my results yet?

No, I say. 

She tells me I have had Nineteen Lymph nodes removed; a minimal amount of Cancer was found in One. The whole tumour was removed successfully, however Chemotherapy would be necessary. FEC (I’m not swearing that is the name of the Chemo treatment.) 6 cycles.

Or in other words Six sessions in lay man’s terms.

Dr Dean then introduced us to Linda Baldry, another Breast care Nurse. Dr Dean then leaves us to chat about follow up treatment.

I talk through my results, were they good, would I be, ok?

Linda says the results were good, but she couldn’t give me an outcome. I’m given leaflets, and a form to claim for cost of an NHS wig. This done we drive off to Poole,

 We find the wig shop.

Wig hunting can be hilarious, Dave tries on a curly short haired platinum blonde wig that looks so funny against his swarthy Italian looks, he resembles a confused Rod Stuart, he swings in the chair grinning profanely, and he makes me and the Shop Assistant roar with laughter.                                                                  

I purchase a wig called “Linda,” it is a red, sandy, colour, straight, and shoulder length.

 I sign the form, hand over my voucher, and then still wearing the wig, we exit the shop. 

We are going to watch other people to see if they notice it’s a wig or not!

I feel like a special agent undercover, as we slip down the street and into the local supermarket, I’m scared the wig will slip, it feels hot and itchy, and I feel like I have a sign above my head. Stating-

“Bald Bird wearing a wig. I’m suddenly tired and need a drink.


We go hit a local café, once we have coffee and cake, we find a quiet corner.

 Dave squeezes my leg under the table, he tells me I’m a hot babe!

“Does it look real though?” I pursue.

 ” Yeah, you look drop dead gorgeous!” Dave not realizing what he has said, smiles, bless him, my silver tongued Cavalier.

 We go home.

Jan the Breast care Nurse phones, I give her my results, she says that’s a fantastic result couldn’t be better. Arrange to meet Jan downstairs of the hospital on the 01.02.20 to look   around Chemo ward.

Show kids my wig, having removed it before pulling up home.

 George thrusts it on his head, we roar with laughter, he looks just like his sister! 

We go to the holiday house for a coffee and to show George off in his wig.


Next Step.

Today I go with mum, to see Jan Hill the Breast care nurse; she gives me a warm hug. 

Mum asks various questions about the up and coming Chemo, and what should we expect.

Jan gives information on how the body reacts, how over the sessions ones immune system becomes weaker, so a wise move is to stay away from fluey people, or coughs and colds etc.

Jan then leads us to the Chemo ward; we take things slowly as I tend to get breathless. We stop momentarily for me to gather second wind; I am then introduced to the nurses. Polly and the others (I apologise as I can’t remember their names).

The room once again is a pretty peach colour, with rows of comfortable seats, just like any other waiting room, I don’t know what I was expecting. We say goodbye to Jan and thank her for showing me around.

Mum drives us home. Thank you mum you’re a star. xxx


The Millennium! 2000!

Happy New Year One and all!

It is sufficient to say we all made Sharon and Steve’s party. Dave, me, Ems, and George.

 Kath and Tony our next door neighbours wander up the street together.

I felt noticeably light, and fragile.

Dave told me I looked beautiful in my long black and white dress.

 I had looked at my reflection, it is not the real me that stares back, I look into the hollow eyed thin person. But shrug and think what.

 Emily came up to bring me downstairs. We go to the party.

I wonder if you can remember what you did for the Millennium. 

I know I will never forget.

Happy New Year Everyone.

Joire de vive!



#cancerwomen #cancer #survivor #canceruk #inspirational #powerwomen #wife #family #love #caring #hope



Opinion from Marbella:

Fragile and tortured Arthur Labinjo-Hughes was murdered by the evil twisted monsters who lived behind closed doors in an untidy council house in a scruffy part of Solihull in the West Midland.

Emma Tustin and Thomas Hughes haunted and tormented Arthur’s woefully short life in secret, no doubt.

But there were others involved. Others who should have rescued him from cruelty and madness.

Tustin and Hughes have been given paltry 20-odd year jail sentences for what they did. Their crimes has been recognised. Barely.

And the others?

Today these people are getting on with life, donning their Covid masks, going down the park, letting their dogs run free, their children play on the swings, saying hello to friends. Planning Christmas, moaning a little about a possible looming lockdown and uncertainty about their next holidays.

Then they go shopping at Waitrose and pay electronically for their muesli and vegan wine, and drive their tiny electric cars down electric avenue to their electronically-controlled semis in a better part of town.

These, ladies and gentlemen, are the police officers and the social workers who let Arthur die.

The Negligent Ones.

Who in the West Midlands Police Force will be honest about why why photos of Arthur’s injuries were ignored

Who at Solihull social services  will be honest about why officials with images of his bruises failed to spot them in the real world of Arthur’s torture chamber?

His gran Joanne Hughes said: “Arthur was failed by the very authorities we are led to believe are there to ensure the safety of everyone.”

And those middle-class, middle-income, middle-of-the-road supposed protectors of our children and our society must answer for it. Now!

Andrew John Teague, a long-time campaigner for children, their rights and their families through D.A.D.s and NAAP, said: “Of all the horror stories we become made aware of this is by far truly heartbreaking

Who could not shed a tear when knowing the story and hearing Is poor voice


A father and girlfriend killed him in the most horrific way possible.

I hope they rot in jail.

A serious case review is needed. A young child was failed by a system that should have saved him from the monsters.

Will we hear the famous words by the powers to be WE ARE SORRY WE LEARN THE LESSONS.

But there have been so many serious case reviews and yet ,clearly not enough learning of lessons.

You can’t help but feel broken watching the news and seeing the horrific way Arthur was murdered.”

#socialworkers #solihull #police #westmidlandspolice #arthur #andrewjohnteague #dads #naap #courts #murder #torture #ArthurLabinjoHughes

Bob through the looking glass … the age-old master forever young in wander land

Bob through the looking glass … the age-old master forever young in wander land

A while ago we met up with friends from Spain in Bratislava … we’d been doing it for a while, meeting up in different cities in different parts of the world to see old rockers perform.

This time we were about to witness Alice Cooper’s bizarre theatre of rock and the macabre.

After all the preemptive pomp and circumstance of a rock show that had become so polished it should have been on the skids Alice rattled old bones on to stage … his hair was lank, his make-up looked sweaty, his knees were creaky and his voice was pretty weak.

But worst of all he was using a walking stick.

There’s a reason for telling you this about Alice in a compendium dedicated to Bob Dylan. And this is it…

Just at the right moment when his old man act was beginning to wear and his big scary dolls were fed-up of bouncing off the scenery, Alice transformed … he became a young man. He posed, he threatened, he screamed, his trashed his air guitar and strutted like the madman he has always been.

And surely, this is exactly what Dylan’s been doing! It is a simple fact that he is finally the Ol’ Blues Man, who’s been singing the blues ever since time began ,,, but is he geriatric, like so many have been saying?

No! Of course he’s not!

He is made of smoke and mirrors and since the rough and rowdy tour began he might have appeared to be badly built and walk on stilts … but look hard in to his shadowy kingdom.

Like Alice, Bob is doing it through a looking glass, a whole mirror of art, invention, thought, brilliance and power.

Bob is still on his feet, bending the knee, glowering, using his joker smile and tripping lightly over the snake-pit tangle of stage wires, he just kept it all hidden for a while..

Yep, sure there is the Ol’ Blues Man, the elderly man, the grandad of music, but there is also the young man who never went away. The performer and the artist.

Look at the Mephistophelian grin, the lighting from the bowels of the stage, the tall red curtain and the men in black with lyrics like “Twelve years old, they put me in a suitForced me to marry a prostitute

Just like Alice the fire is still there in his heart and his eyes. And his soul is dancing in the stars…

Four new reviews below, this time from Philadelphia

Alexander Leik writes:

There are no changes to the set list. This is the direction in which our
hero has been headed for some time now. A show, performance, theatre of
sorts. It’s no longer about “what song is next, can I surprise the
stalwarts?” But it has become “I’m playing to the multitudes that I
contain, F the stalwarts!” And it is brilliantly done. The 8 new songs
(out of 10 possible) that are the foundation of this show are delivered to
near perfection nightly. When is the last time our hero played 80% of a
new album for us on tour?! 

The show will continue, I hope our international friends are able to
indulge in early 2022. I’ll sign off after The Anthem in DC. Very
curious to hear what our hero has to say about “the swamp”  . And
the cheesesteaks … well you don’t have to eat for the rest of the
year, no doubt! Yummy indeed!”

Laurette Maillet again!

Bob is right on time. Dressed the same as last night but with the red shirt.
The few first words of "watching the river flow" are lost in the air. But the 
sound will improve for the best.  

The ambiance is festive. The public reacts to the songs. 

Some fans are dancing on " You've gotta serve somebody " and the entire 
right section of the floor is dancing on " Good bye Jimmy Reed ".
I have the feeling Bob is looking in that direction and he is impressed.

Joking about the Philadelphia cheese-steak (Something like 'if you eat one , 
you don't have to eat for the rest of the year!') before introducing the Band.

Great show. Close to the second one at the Beacon.”
David Mendick writes: 

“Dylan says “yummy” for the first time on stage ! Nobody was enjoying
this show more than Dylan himself. From beginning to the very end he was
in as good a mood as I’ve ever seen. It’s strange cos I felt this was
going to be a disappointing audience - it was a little slow to fill and
seemed somewhat quiet until the lights went down. And then - oh boy - the
place was brilliant all night long and Dylan fed off the superb
atmosphere. For instance Serve Somebody has been ok for most of the tour
but tonight was a highlight. As for Dylan stuck behind the piano and all
the talk of he can’t walk and can barely move - well he’s heard the
talk. I Contain Multitudes he’s center stage with his arms outstretched
telling all the world “here I am” And he kept coming back for more. I
wouldn’t dare say “like Rocky” - there, I just did.

Barry Gloffke writes:

It was a crowd pleaser. Bob looked good, sounded good, seemed happy and the
audience responded in kind. We cheered, yelled, danced and sometimes stood
awestruck at the sheer sincerity in Bob’s singing/playing. The Band was
muscular and tight tonight when necessary, light and airy when needed.

Thanks Bob for a string of excellent shows and a lifetime of memories and
lessons. Hope to see all you Bobcats on the next tour!”

Stephen Goldberg writes:

Last night was our third for this tour after Hershey and one night st the
Beacon. Surprisingly, many unsold seats in the Loge. I guess Philly
isn’t his town. I mean the side sections except for the first few rows
were completely empty. Dylan stood at the mic center stage for the entire
I Contain Multitudes. I have to admit I prefer it when he doesn’t play
piano. To me his piano playing muddies the mix ( not counting the
clunkers). False Prophet as usual was a standout as was My Own Version If
You. The crowd really responded to Serve Somebody. Bob flubbed part of Key
West and you could see him turning the pages on his piano. Key West seems
to be getting faster and harder each time he plays it.”


More reviews, this time from Providence, Rhode Island

Larry Fishman writes:

I’ve seen Bob three times in this beautifully restored
theater and enjoy it’s art deco ambience, grandeur and detail. The gig was sold out and filled with the greying baby boomers that you would expect.   

Bob.  Suited and still thin as a yard stick, he spent most of the night
standing behind his piano and then alternately sitting down to hammer out
a solo.   On numerous song, he would sashay Biden like a few steps away
from the piano and grab a hand held microphone for a few verses.  He’d
then scamper back behind the keys with two micro lights no doubt
illuminating the lyric sheets.  He definitely is less mobile  At one
point, he sauntered over more to the center of the stage for a verse and
the place burst into applause.  Think about that.  The crowd bust into
applause for walking across the stage - we’re a crazy lot.   He is
singing - for the most part - with the precision of a safecracker.   Maybe
it’s the break of two years or maybe he drinks a few extra cups of tea,
but he sounded fantastic.   He was focused, on target, direct, near cosmic
and nuanced.”   

 Larry Fishman
[email protected]

Laurette Maillet writes again:

He is RIGHT on time. No Beacon crowd by the bus.

"Watching the river flow" is again a rehearsal for the sound. By now it should 
be perfect ?? Bob is holding the piano, more incertain of his stand than ever.

"False prophet" is behind the piano. He tries a step or two on "Black rider" 
but holds the piano again. His voice is great though. Powerful.

Only "Save somebody" is waking up a dead audience.

No piano on "Melancholy mood" and Bob moves next to Tony only during 
the second part of the song. Bob scooped and static.

ERK is definitively boring. Should try another song.

The public is polite or bored. Difficult to know! But for sure extremely quiet.

I check Bob Britt guitars. On " Key west " he's got one with a funny shape; 
a rocket for the space? With Donnie's accordion it gives something to look 
at. They're all dressed in black and except for Doug Lancio...all static.

My highlight would be "To be alone with you" and "Jimmy Reed " indeed.

Not the best show ever. Of course I know the setlist by heart and the 
routine. Bob again cracks a joke before introducing the Band. But tonight 
with no conviction or reaction from the crowd. A kind word for Donnie Heron 
and also Tony Garnier. And I leave. I want to see the Star escaping the Fans. 
Of course EGOS is on. Well! Of Fan there is only me. Across the street. 
Because I have my phone out, a member of the Dylan crew, decides to take 
my photo. After Suzie, another girl...I must be a big menace !
So I take a video. Bad girl! Bob is all wrapped in black and grey hoodie. 
Walking all by himself with Suzie and the bodyguard just behind.
The musiciens follow in their own bus.

Bye Bobby. See you tomorrow.

Take care”


Somehow Bob can’t forget his good ol’ rambling days as he tours the world again at 80


In 1964, Bob Dylan’s Another Side was released much to the discomfort of people who had already claimed the youngsinger as their new god of traditional folk.

Little did they know how he was about to really rock their their staid beardy banjo-ey world twelve months later.

They just stuck their fingers in their ears and said young Bob  had “lost touch” and was trapped by fame.

Meanwhile, photographer Ian Berry, from the scruffy UK industrial city of Preston, Lancashire, had made his reputation by exposing the horrors of South Africa, Sharpeville in 1960. Photography was his own way of making a protest.

In 1964 – when Bob was showing his other side – Ian was schlepping around Paris and London. Then, one day, he took what he thought was a good photo of the UK’s smokey cellar club life.

Funnily enough Ian says that in the 60s he had only a sketchy vision of Dylan’s existence.

But roughly 50 years later their paths crossed in a most unexpected way.

That photograph became the cover of Bob’s stunning Rough and Rowdy Ways.

Today, Ian, who is in his 80s, admits that he still doesn’t know a lot about Dylan and his music. But he said: “A record cover for Dylan is a great compliment.”

His photo shows a well-dressed couple dancing in a club – a man leans over a jukebox behind them.

And the historic photograph has all the romance of the hedonistic Sixties.

Ian took the picture at an old underground club on Cable Street in Whitechapel in East London.

He had been commissioned to get images of black culture in England. “I was working quickly, and in very poor light, shooting away with a 35-millimetre camera,” he says. “I knew at some point I’d have to leave because I hadn’t asked permission to be there.”

After about 15 or 20 minutes , he says people started throwing beer bottles at him.

Rough and rowdy ways, so to speak!

Today, Berry’s vast archive is controlled by the Magnum Photos agency. The agency previously made a deal with the Dylan camp for Bruce Davidson’s 1959 photograph of a young couple making out in a car, which appeared on the cover of 2009’s Together Through Life.

Seventeen minutes to kill … an amazing visual telling of Bob’s Murder Most Foul

Although Ian isn’t that familiar with Dylan’s music, his wife is a big fan. “She’s more enthusiastic than I am,” he said. “But of course I’ve regularly listened to ‘It Ain’t Me Babe’ and so forth, but they are her records rather than mine.”

Dylan is possibly the most prolific artist alive. He has made 38 studio albums, 91 singles, 40 music videos, many films, 11 books, a Nobel Prize, the American Medal of Freedom from US President Obama and has performed thousands of live concerts.

He has been the hokey, the mountain man, the rock god, the Southern preacher man, gospel performer, country god, the cowboy, the wild child, the Lothario, the drunk, the addict, the river boat captain, the general, the old blues man, the hippy, Elvis, the crooner, the punk, the eccentric… his guises are as many as his musical abilities.

The title Rough and Rowdy Ways is a homage to Jimmy Rogers.

Picture of Ian by Daniele Mattioli, cover art originally Ian Berry, Dylan pic, Pixabay

TAGS: #RoughandRowdyWays  #June19th. #FalseProphet #MurderMostFoul #IContainMultitudes #Bobdylan #curator #JimmyRogers #Whitechapel

My Rough and Rowdy Ways by Jimmie Rodgers (1929) – YouTube

New reviews, obviously from five believers… not you Mr Jones

Review by Peter Smith

From a longer piece written for Bill Pagel’s brilliant Bob Links
 It was a long time since I last saw Dylan at the Beacon in late November, 2019. With the pandemic I wondered if that last time was the final time, but happily the NET continues.  The show started promptly at 8pm and ran for a tight 98 minutes. The sound was extraordinarily clear; Dylan’s vocals were up front and distinct from
the band. 
His voice was expressive and energetic, albeit within his
limited range. I can’t help but think what a great release this would
be: Dylan at the Beacon 2021 -- Bootleg Series XXX “Autumn in NYC.” It
would be a nice counterpart to Springtime in New York.

Dylan moved from center stage upright piano to stand up mic with the
sprightly hop he had in 2019. There were touches of Dylan humor added
since the tour in 2019  -- he engaged a shout out from the audience for
Pretty Boy Floyd. He said you’re in the wrong place - this isn’t
Springsteen on Broadway. 
The stage was a vision of darkness and light - the band in all black was set up on large illuminated panels of white- an intimate interpretation of the bright stage platform used by “those British bad boys” on their recent tour, closer to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. In his homage to NY he mentioned it as the
birthplace of Herman Melville and the home of  “Jackie O.” Although
not played, I couldn’t help but think of Murder Most Foul from RARW as
it was the  day before the anniversary of JFK’s  assasination.

The lights remained out for longer period after Every Grain of Sand as
though he just might come out for another, but it was not to be.

Review by David Namerow

Ah, the Beacon.  Legendary ornate , Neo-grecian brainchild of Roxy
Rothafel as the smaller sister venue of the famous Roxy downtown.   

And so, after a year and a half of Covid related dormancy, the Never
Ending Tour is back on track with the Rough and Rowdy Ways World Wide
Tour, which began Nov 2 and will continue through 2024, when Bob will turn
The stage?  Spare, lit curtain behind the band.  No more replica grecian statues, even the fabled Academy award statue (homage to “Things have Changed”) is gone.  Also gone is either the Copland Americana music, or the Stravinsky Rite of Spring from the past.  The band launches into “Watching the River Flow”, with Bob’s voice
unfortunately drowned out by crowds cheering, standing and the band a bit
too loud.  After a nice rendition of “Most Likely You go Your way.”,
the sound is balanced and Bob steps forward— almost on bended knee —
for “I Contain Multitudes”.   
False Prophet was on fire, with Bob’s voice carrying the band along
with him.  Masterpiece was a bit muted, with the lyrics “Everything is
gonna be beautiful” for poignancy.  
While  “Black Rider was wonderful - and ominous, “My own version of You” was simply amazing, with Bob
clear voiced, nuanced and enunciating every syllable carefully. “Key West” was
another highlight, Bob saver-ing every line with  a slightly different
arrangement than the album.. “Serve Somebody” got every body up and
dancing, but I really could’t make out most of the lyrics (“You might
be in the White House……”).   

And, by the way, Bob actually spoke.  First, when some fan yelled forBorn in the USA”, Bob quipped “you’re in the wrong theatre,
that’s Springsteen on Broadway.”  

Jeff Dellin

Settled in for the Sunday show, the third night of the Beacon Theatre run.
One thing that struck me was how stark the whole stage was. No more shadow
lighting or spotlights or starry backgrounds  - just pale curtains and
minimal stage lighting. Everyone dressed in black. Bob's piano with
exposed wood facing forward. Minimal. Not that his staging has ever been
elaborate but this was basic and did not change all night.

I would advise any fan to see this tour if possible. The Rough & Rowdy
Ways songs were given the full treatment by Bob. You knew he was loving
playing these songs when he would bend down low behind the piano at the
end of songs to play a little solo obscured from view, just the top of his
head in sight. For me Black Rider and Mother Of Muses stood out as major
highlights, very much in the moment performances. I could make out almost
every word of the new songs. The older material was given a bit of a short
shift this time around. To Be Alone With you felt fresh and Every Grain Of
Sand was outstanding.  

After dozens of shows over 35 years., I saw a first at this show. Bob
seemed to acknowledge somebody who yelled out a request from the audience.
I did not catch the whole thing but Bob seemed to say something like: "If
you want that you'll have to see Springsteen on Broadway. You're at the
wrong show". And he chuckled. It was real and funny.  .

Started right on time and was over in a tidy hour and 40 minutes. All in
all, it was a show with no big surprises but plenty of small surprises to
make it a meaningful night with Bob Dylan in New York.


Barry Gloffke writes:

Our hero’s third, and last, night at the Beacon Theatre for 2021 was, in
my estimation, the best of the lot. Each Dylan show lives and breathes on
its’ own… slight cadence changes, lyrical nuances and unexpected
occurrences imbue each concert with a unique character… it’s like
watching the sky on a cloudy day… you will never see the same cloud
formation twice, ever… and you’ll never hear the same Dylan concert
twice, ever.

From WATCHING THE RIVER FLOW to EVERY GRAIN OF SAND the maestro was on top of his game. He was relaxed, laughing, grinning, ad-libbing and very
animated. He spoke more than he has in a dozen shows from previous tours.
My girlfriend and I had spectacular seats, 2nd row, with a perfect line of
sight to see Bob behind the piano.   Watching him was fascinating. He commanded the proceedings from the sanctuary of the piano and he banged those ivories as if he was a young boy in Hibbing (especially enjoyable on TO BE ALONE WITH YOU). His voice was once again powerful and clear… only a few miscues… nothing
to really note. A really great show from start to finish.  Review by Roland Pabst
Do you remember the scene in the movie “Rolling Thunder Revue” when a
young woman at the end of a concert couldn’t hold back her tears
anymore, and she started to cry and cry? Today I was sitting between a
heavy man on my left and a young girl on my right. I really didn’t
notice them. I was concentrating on the songs, the band and Dylan until
Dylan performed Key West. The girl started to shake and cried and put her
head on my shoulder and cried and cried. My sweater was wet from her
tears. She apologized with her teary eyes and whispered that Dylan was
such a big part in her life the last 1 ½ years. She said: “whatever
mood I was in, I found a song which helped me. My mother bought me this
ticket. She is waiting for me outside. It is my 1st Dylan concert.” What
a great, sweet and touching story.

For me it was my 55th concert. Therefore I can say this is probably
Dylan’s strongest year in decades. Today he is a Story-Teller. He
performs his own songs with such an intensity and power and nuance. Today
people are respectfully quiet during the songs and burst into a
spontaneous applause after certain words or phrases. His band was great
since years. This band is top notch.

We all know Dylan from Theme Time Radio show and were surprised how funny
he can be and talkative. Tonight somebody must have shouted something.
Dylan laughed and mentioned Bruce Springsteen on Broadway show. You are
atthe wrong place. The band introduction was the longest I ever witnessed.
It was very refreshing. One song comes after another and today there was
no intermission. One of the many highlights for me was Key West. Painting
my masterpiece was another surprise. It had a completely different feeling
than what I heard in December 2019 here at the Beacon.

In the meantime everybody knows that the stage is poorly lit and nothing
decorative at all. This gives you the chance to fully listen and focus on
the performance. His voice is the best I heard in decades. When he stands
behind his piano you would never guess that a 80+ man is performing.
However when he moves around the dark stage you can see an older man. What
a pleasure to see Dylan.

I lived in New York for almost 20 years and Thanksgiving seems to be a
given time for Dylan to play in New York for days. He must be happy
celebrating Thanksgiving somewhere around New York City. Isn’t it nice
that we know so little about his private life? I love it. 

Hopefully he will visit us in Santa Fe, New Mexico my new home town soon.

Scott Kareff writes:

It was a treat to renew acquaintances with Bob Dylan for the final Beacon
show of this 2021 run. The set list for the 3 shows was identical but that
was perhaps the only disappointment of the night. Bob was in fine form and
the new lineup was sharp.  

I was partial to the new versions of the classic songs, listening for the
new and reworked lyrics. The new arrangements were all revelations. Each
one worth the price of admission.

I can’t prove it but I take “I’ve made up my mind to give myself to
you” as a message from Bob to his audience and we are all thankful he
decided to live his life this way. Bob was engaged and even said something
to an audience member about being at the wrong show, the person should
have been at the Springsteen show on Broadway and then something about
Sylvester Stallone being from NY.
Thank you Bob!  See you next time.

Review by Michael Paul Thomas

During the phone booth scene in Don't Look Back, the reporter holding his
cigarette and the phone in one hand and a pen and notebook in the other,
says to his editor "'The times are a-changing' Dylan sings. They sure are,
especially when a poet, not a pop singer fills a concert hall."   
 This was Bob Dylan night number 35 for me (which pales in
comparison to others I know), since 1995, and I heard a passionate
performance by the poet at 80. 
Bitterness and melancholy seemed to be most apparent, as well as sweet declarations of love (“I’ve made up my mind togive myself to you” and “I’m so deep in love I can hardly see”) along with acceptance of the next, uncertain worlds approaching.   

How New York became a beacon to Bob as (it appears) Mr Jones ignores him again

We’ve been sharing rave reviews here at The Society since the beginning of November when Dylan finally got the chance to take his strolling bones back on the road again after Covid, the tragic hint of a sex scandal and the release of the stunning beautiful Rough and Rowdy Ways.

And the reviews, mainly, have been written by the man-and-woman on the street who’ve got other things to do with their lives but took the trouble to jot down notes and thoughts and their enthusiasms for Bob and his band landed in places like Milwaukee, Bloomington, Hershey and Moon Township.

Our Beacons of Light in New York … Bob Russell writes:

I had a chilly but very nice pre-concert dinner and drinks with the delightful 
Nancy Cobb at the Owl’s Tail, a little bar around the corner from the Beacon, 
practically in the shadow of Dylan’s bus. Moving into the warmth of the 
theatre, I took my place in Row M of the orchestra, quite a good vantage 
point. Sitting just three rows ahead of me was the great Steve Earle, who I 
called out greetings to (I’m sure that was a great treat for him. ??)

 The stage was as you have seen from others on the tour, high lit floor, simple curtain in the back, sparse lighting, especially for Bob (reminded me a bit of the dim 
stages from September 1993). The band was tight, guitarists Britt and Lancio
lurking in back and getting off the leash a bit. Drummer Charlie Drayton was crisp 
and Donnie and Tony were their usual selves.

I won’t go over every song (check the setlists), but almost half the set was 
devoted to Rough and Rowdy Ways. Bob sang these with as much intensity 
and passion as I have seen in the 123 Bob shows I have attended.  

After the climactic Mother of Muses, a spirited Jimmy Reed, then band 
intros, and a PERFECT Every Grain of Sand concluded the evening.”  

Intrepid Laurette Maillet writes:

Arriving at 6pm. The Bob Dylan bus is parked there but no activities. Bob is 
locked in there. In a golden cage!

See Donnie Herron getty out the Beacon hotel. I tentatively say ' hi Donnie!'. 
He is as cold as a stone. :(. See Tony Garnier getting out the Beacon hotel, 
tightly holding his 25 years girl friend. I say nothing. Well! I had better feedback 
with the Vietnamese restaurant waitress :)

Bob starts a bit late. Waiting for the fans around the bus to disappear?
I immediately focus on his pants :) woah! Nice pants. They look like really 
shining and tight. Black embroidered , as well as the jacket.Red shirt(it seems). 
It starts hard. The sound is perfect. Never been that good. Guitars are loud. 
As well as the drums. 

Bob is in a good mood. His voice as loud as it could be. Loud and clear. Nothing
 to do with Hershey.
'False prophet' is a wonder. The hight light of the show tonight. Bob is even
trying a little dance on the side of the piano. Powerful.

"I'll be your Baby tonight" is also standing up by the side of the piano. Bob 
bending on his knees. A couple of times he decides to move from piano 
mike to center free hand mike and that will surprise the sound engeener. 
We missed few words :)

Each song is a piece of Art. Even my least favorite is doing fine with me 

I believe he did twice the second verse of "key west". I have to listen to the 
recording ??

The audience is up on its feet for " You've got to serve somebody ". 
Other than that , public is polite , reacting to a word here and there.”

Earlier: A tough crowd in New York… but Bob is still standing. They won’t get him beat

You can step on my name, you can try and get me beat, when I leave New York, I’ll be standing on my feetBob Dylan

It’s always been seen as a fair game to boo, lampoon, insult, attack, complain about and scoff at Bob Dylan.

This attitude has made me furious over the years … of course he can sing, he is probably one of the most inventive singers since the beginning of popular music and has influenced the whole inflection and style of rock music.

Bob is a writer of stunning prose too of course, but he is first and foremost a musical poet, a bard, a troubadour, an unfinished work of art.

We’ve been sharing rave reviews here at The Society since the beginning of November when Dylan finally got the chance to take his strolling bones back on the road again after Covid, the tragic hint of a sex scandal and the release of the stunning beautiful Rough and Rowdy Ways.

And the reviews, mainly, have been written by the man-and-woman on the street who’ve got other things to do with their lives but took the trouble to jot down notes and thoughts and their enthusiasms for Bob and his band landed in places like Milwaukee, Bloomington, Hershey and Moon Township.

And then he arrived in New York and he got ignored and insulted.

No New York Times review (if I’ve missed this please send me a link, I’d love to be wrong) and a handful of bad reviews from the Mr Jones’s on the street. We share them here:

Dave & Molly from Montreal, Quebec


Dylan has always been one of my favorites. This was the 3rd time seeing him in Montreal, I was ready for another treat. Had fabulous $$$ seats 100 feet from Bob. The lights came up and there was Bob dressed in white, standing in front of the black, grand piano banging out his first tune in a surprisingly low pitch, gravely voice. His guitar lay across a chair a few feet away with his white brimmed hat atop, We would never hear that guitar or see him with hat on. Instead he alternated playing old and new songs either sitting or standing at the piano then grabbing a mic stand at the back wall of the stage as far from his audience as possible as he crooned old American standards. I came to see Dylan play guitar and sing like he meant it. Not a single word was uttered to his fans, not a smile, not a nod. Between songs he shuffled to a table to get a drink, hanging on to equipment as he walked. He looked old and disinterested. What an utter disappointment for me and my girlfriend.

P. A. C. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


When the best part of your concert event is the newly renovated Met and the outstanding food at Osteria, you know it’s going to be a bad night. A 60th birthday present from my daughter who is a singer and astute listener of all music. She knows how much I love Dylan’s music and wanted to take me to see him for the first time. It was an utter embarrassment. Dylan voice itself was as good and raw it’s always been but we couldn’t understand a word as he mumbled and garbled every word. His arrangement changes on some songs such as Like a Rolling Stone, were shockingly discordant to the essence of the song. And for 1 hour and 30 minutes, as we sat hoping things would get better, he didn’t muster one single word of welcome, thanks, or appreciation to his audience of 3,500. As we walked out on Bob 30 minutes early, he had me feeling badly for my daughter who certainly lost some respect for one of the musical heroes I spent years extolling. Bob my friend, it’s time to retire.

Sarah from Columbus, Ohio


If you attended Bob Dylan’s concert last night at the Palace Theatre expecting to see a lounge act and almost unrecognizable versions of Desolation Row and Tangled Up in Blue then you got what you paid for. If, like me, you were hoping to see Bob with his harmonica and guitar playing Just Like a Woman, Don’t think Twice it’s Alright, Like a Rolling Stone, Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door…ANY of his songs – in their original arrangements – that define him as one of the best poets/storytellers/lyricists to ever live, then you were left absolutely heartbroken like me. Before going to the show, I had heard that for years Dylan hasn’t been great live, that he doesn’t acknowledge or interact with the audience, that he doesn’t play many of his classics, so I guess I’m the fool for not listening to those comments and thinking my experience would be different. As I sit here today listening to live Dylan albums from ’67, I can’t help but cry for the artist I never got to see live.

And yet Allison Rapp, a professional writer, had this to say: Dylan, perhaps more so than any singer-songwriter of his generation, has continuously asked his listeners to, in essence, think again. Newly arranged versions of old songs were peppered throughout the evening, including completely reimagined versions of Tempest‘s “Early Roman Kings,” Slow Train Coming‘s “Gotta Serve Somebody,” “To Be Alone With You” a track from 1969’s Nashville Skyline which Dylan has not performed live since 2005 and the also recently reintroduced “Every Grain of Sand” from Shot of Love. A Frank Sinatra cover, “Melancholy Mood,” which Dylan performed on his 2016 album, Fallen Angels, also appeared.

Dylan did not come back for an encore, perhaps choosing to save his energy for the next two nights of shows at the Beacon, plus the string of East Coast dates he has planned for the rest of this month and the beginning of next. But at 80, the legendary musician seems energized by simply being back on a stage, surrounded by a supportive band, performing new compositions that most Dylan fans have spent months listening to in the confines of quarantine and now get to hear in their full live glory.

As his Rough and Rowdy Ways Tour moves on, ticket holders can expect a wonderfully rested and still remarkably enigmatic Dylan to greet them, even if it is with only a few words in between songs. As he sang in 1961, “You can step on my name, you can try and get me beat, when I leave New York, I’ll be standing on my feet.”

Meanwhile, here are four professional reviews by newspapers along the way. Let’s see what they are having to say compared to the fans who have become writers and critics for their love of Bob.

Reviews rocketas Ol’ Bob lands on Moon Township…but is age beginning to tell?

The first review to mention Dylan and the rigours of age…

Mitchell writes:

I feel that the reworking of the set list was more than just publicity
for the new album. All of the song selections were clearly pointing to
the past (high points and regrets) and looking to the future-a future
not in this world. It is contemplative and other worldly.  And like it
or not, I do feel he is trying to bring a message with the two gospel
songs he brought back. 
 As to individual songs, “Mother
of Muses” is even more hymn-like than on the album. Clearly a prayer
and an offer of thanks. Sent chills up my spine. 
The thing that made me sad about the show was the clear physical pain Bob is in. He is clearly still very sharp mentally, he was great with the lyrics, his voice was
fantastic and he looked to be enjoying himself.  But, in contrast to
his standing center stage pre COVID, he just couldn’t do it now. He
had to hold onto the piano and even then, retreated behind the piano
mid most songs. He sat down behind the piano a lot. He doesn’t stand
straight. He got help going down the steps from the back of the stage.
Clearly his back/hips are hurting.  I think we have to face it- as much
as he has, does and always will mean to us, his body is that of an 80
year old man.

I don’t know why he continues to do show after show when it is so
difficult physically. Maybe it is part of a “deal” he made many years ago as he once said.  

Daniel Chester writes:

Watching: a rollicking tribute to Pittsburgh and its rivers

Most Likely: good energy and crisp and friendly and faithful and pretty

Multitudes: great feel/sound for a great song and sung amazing
is it that this same guy wrote Song to Woody 60 years ago and is still on
the road heading for another joint

False Prophet: dull approaching OK (bluezzzzzzz)

Masterpiece: wonderful (violin and piano and  acoustic guitar interwoven),
lucky to hear this again

Black Rider: nice atmosphere but nothing special...would rather hear
something off of New Morning or Infidels

I'll Be Your Baby: completely different version, had a nice little drive
to it (as opposed to the leisure pace of original)

My Own Version: another cool atmosphere and some very cool lines sung
well...maybe a performance where a tight little guitar solo would have
elevated it

To Be Alone: the acoustic guitar and violin and standup bass make a potent choice

Early Roman: pretty much a slog lacking necessary stomp...not a huge fan
of this tune but not sure any tune could have survived this treatment

Key West: piano picked some nice notes and accordian worked and some swell
lyrics ('if you lost your mind you'll find it there')

Serve Somebody: almost a different tune yet it grabbed the attention,
particularly with the new lyrics, and made its own way and was quite

I've Made Up My Mind: well-conceived and delivered and completely fit the
evening with certain lines grabbing the attention again

Melancholy: short and sweet (and sad) and totally fit this show

Mother of Muses: tender and well-wrought and sung well...piano and guitar
on the breaks were nice together...didn't really know this one yet really,
really good...'I've already outlived my life by far'...could have closed
with this one

Jimmy Reed: not bad...way better choices for this valuable slot

Every Grain: one of his all-timers and perfect choice to send people home
with...blessed to hear again


Laurette Maillet is back:

 The venue is a stadium, maybe 5000 seats. I've been here few years ago. I
don't like stadium anymore. I prefer the cosy atmosphere of the theater.

I believe Bob will start late as it takes time for the audience to fill up
the venue. But...

He is right on time.

Dressed in black.

“Watching the river flow” is a bit confused at the start. The
Musiciens are not in tune!

Bob, as usual, is moving from the center mike to the piano, most often at
the piano, except for “I contain multitudes” where he is bending on
his knees... 

“When I paint my masterpiece” is a wonder! I feel like dancing 

Bob seems to be happy to be here. I am too far to see if he is smiling but
I can believe he did.

Again 'Mother of muses' is not my cup of tea but I close my eyes and focus
on Bob's voice and it does the trick. I feel transported in another
universe with Bob Dylan 'chantin' to me.

Great show.


Laurette muses over Bob’s ‘mother’

of a show in the city of Muhammed Ali

Bob hit the home of Muhammed Ali and fried chicken – and while reviews had been thin on the ground from his performance in Johnnie’s Knoxville, Laurette Maillet made a circuitous and frustrating journey – caused mainly by Greyhound bus delays – to end up in Louisville for his November 11 show.

Laurette, on her journey around Dylan’s shows, writes in Bob Links:

The theater is gorgeous, a museum in itself. Bob Dylan decides - after 15 minutes and so pass show time - to appear all in black. Immediately the public are up and will stay up until the 7th or 8th song. Good for me. My seat is on the isle and I! Bob is picking up on the good vibes and delivers a remarkable show. I will not pick a highlight as ALL the songs were perfectly executed. At least I 
enjoyed all of them.Just, for me, a minus on "Mother of muses".  There is
something in that song I quite can't connect with! A sort of borring
prayer? But nothing to complain about the perfect diction.  
Bob cracks a joke I don't get and presents the Band.The entire theater is
on its feet for the final. Bob spends, it seems, few more seconds facing
the crowd before disappearing. Excellent communication tonight on both
sides.Louisville is a great city!”  

Knacksville in Knoxsville! Well, who said ol’ Bob doesn’t talk to his audience … he’s got the knack!

And now he can out rock the mountains and out croon the moon

It looks like the reviewers are having a bit of a rest, which is sad really. It’s been fab keeping up with Bob’s shows, his performances, what he’s wearing, how he’s singing and what songs he has been choosing.

More than anything though it’s been good to read the authentic voices of real concert goers saying what they think.

And the one thing that comes across is that Bob Dylan at 80 is still one of the best and most transcendent acts in the world today… he’s not a dinosaur, not an old crock living off past successes. And he’s not churning out geriatric songs to satisfy his own ego and the nostalgia of a bunch of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income grandmas and grandpas who still want to be thought of as sageness hippies!

Nope, the voice of so many generations is managing to stay forever young and has remained the alchemist of vocals, stage presence and performance. Fifteen years ago he was croaking like a battered old frog and not even I knew exactly what he was trying to achieve – although I respected him enough to assume he was trying to achieve something.

And what was up-singing all about? And that clunky flat piano? It was like listening to Victor Borge in a drunken church choir.

Now he can out rock the mountains and out croon the moon.

So, until the reviews start rolling in again we’d like to leave you with a short vid from Knoxville where Bob has a chat with the audience and introduces his new and very able band… I’m sure Painted Passport won’t mind us sharing it although his camera-pointing could do with a bit of polishing!

Bob Dylan in Knoxville (Nov. 10, 2021) – “Don’t forget to go to Dollywood” – YouTube

And an audio vid of Bob performing Every Grain of Sand at Bloomington a few days ago.

Bob Dylan – Every Grain Of Sand (Bloomington 2021) – YouTube

Below are a few thoughts about Bob and his Rough and Rowdy Ways tour and the many reviews we’ve picked up along the way… have a scroll through, meander, have a listen, spend some time with some ordinary people who, like me, just want to take in the artistic genius of an extraordinary man.

As soon as the reviews start appearing again, we’ll start sharing them! In the meantime send us your thoughts, reviews etc.

Anyway, have you ever been to Milwaukee?

Have you ever been to Cleveland?

Have you ever been to Chicago, Cincinnati or Bloomington?

Well, you can go there (below) – when you want to go…

Cheers Leigh


More thoughts and insights into Bob on his almost-never ending tour – and this time, what does Dylan wear boys, what does Dylan wear?

Ol’ Bob has had some sartorial disasters over the years – his almost Elvis-style suits in the late 70s should have been made street-illegal.

In the 60s though he was a style icon with his Cubans, shades and polka dot shirts. And in the 70s he was the hippest of hippies and for the first time donned his now trade-mark Fedora with aplomb. He apparently bought it for a couple of dollars from a thrift shop.

In the 60s he went for the working man’s dirt road look, in the 70s waistcoat and leather jackets, in the 1980s he was more often than not suited and booted, sometimes animal print shirts, in the 90s cowboy-cut waist jackets and latterly the river boat captain and gambler in many guises.

At the beginning of the Rough and Rowdy Ways tour, some say he made a mistake by wearing his big creamy David Byrne-style jacket. It just makes him look on the portly side, particularly in poor quality bootleg recordings. Dare I say it looks like a very big covid mask!

Anyway, now Bob has gone back to black and some of the reviews from the Cincinnati show have taken this into consideration… see what you think and share your comments.

Cincinnati reviews etc below this preamble:


We are still reviewing the reviews as Dylan, at 80, gets ‘rough and rowdy’ on the road … but we are still mystified as to why so few appearing in the traditional media.

Its like local journalists and editors are treating Dylan’s new tour as a bit of a clod-hopping dinosaur outing or a day out from the rest home of elderly rockers!

But Ol’ Bob is once again working his magic across the world, singing – most say – better than ever, entertaining, chatting, inventing, stylising, reworking and setting new standards for himself and his audiences.

Confounding and wrecking expectations…

Here are some of the first audience recordings we’ve seen and heard that have survived the robots of internet control.

The first one is It Takes a Lot to Laugh – from Chicago and Every Grain from Cleveland… keep reading and scrolling, there are quite a few reviews now from each venue.

Should we used the videos?

Well, there is a dichotomy of attitude towards copyright and sharing on the internet in 2021 … the spiders might as well be from Mars and the robots wield a sword of control as draconian as Damocles.

It could be Bob’s people of course throwing a cloak over the stolen moments of his concerts – and quite right they should too.

But bootlegging has been a major part of Ol’ Bob’s career, it gave him an underground reputation, made people hungry for his work and helped us feel that we were part of something special.

And we were – we were a part of the confusing, passionate world of imagery, angst and fabulousness that Bob had created.

We felt closer to him because we’d become the elite, the fans who got the latest from his world first.

So, from being stuck inside a mobile with the Chicago blues again, we’re sharing this video.

Below are a selection of the first reviews as Bob Dylan hits the road again on his Never Ending Tour … if you’ve managed to see him over the last week or so, share your thoughts here.

Cincinnati November 9, 2021

Laurette Maillet writes:

 I have a vivid memory of that show. Not the best ever for me. But I, somehow by impulse, gave a sweet kiss to Barron (Bob's bodyguard)
who had always been kind to me.  Fans , they don't pay too much attention to the 'entourage', or never heard about the name of Bob Dylan's bodyguard, and his devoted career of 30 years.
Nothing I knew, then, about what would be a world disaster. And thatTimes would be changed forever”.  
The virus pushed people inside their home and inside their mind, aging
before time. I aged!
So, let's start a'new.
Cincinnati , here I am. 
 All dressed in Black; musiciens and Bob. Bobby wears regularly now a black
pants with whites stripes on the side (adjusted with a blak/white belt). A
black shirt (with or without embroidery) a white or black jacket with
embroidery. His shoes are no longer the cowboy many years boots but flat
black or white 'boat' shoes?
 Bobby looks like a ghost. No kidding!  As for Bob? Only the piano was his instrument. No guitar, no harmonica :(
He rapidly disappeared after “Every grain of sand”. Escaping the final
crowd photos from the past when he and his Band used to bow. Smart!

E.B writes:

The Bob Dylan Concert poster proclaims “Rough and Rowdy Ways” but for
the standing ovations our crowd at the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati were
not rowdy.
Yes, it is still Pandemic O’Clock in the Queen City (and the home of the
old King Records as Bob so well noted in his brief remarks later in the
Bob performed standing up behind his upright piano to the right of the
stage surrounded by his band. 
Sometimes Bob retreated to the safety of the piano after coming center
stage to sing every now and again - doing some impressively deep sideways
knee bends and dance moves and proving his bell still rings - but what
stood out for me this night was his impressive vocal performance, strong
and commanding and telling tales warningly, emphatically and enigmatically
but oh so compellingly.
As the old poster used to proclaim: “In Show and Concert…. Don’t
You Dare Miss it!”) *****

Tom Burke writes:

Bob Dylan brought his "Rough and Rowdy Ways'' tour to Cincinnati on 
Tuesday night. 

The promotional poster proclaims, "things aren't  what  they were",  but 
thankfully,  somethings never change,  as Dylan and his band provided a 
great night of music and entertainment. 

The band wore black, as did Dylan, though his outfit was embellished with 
subtle white embroidery. The stage was framed with black side and back 
curtains with the band set up  in a compact arrangement   with Dylan 
slightly stage right at the piano.

The setting and effect may have been austere, but the music was more 
often true to the tour's rough and rowdy ways moniker.

The show kicked off with a rollicking, high energy,  Watching the River 
Flow, which was followed by a driving jaunty Most Likely You Go Your Way 
(and I'll Go Mine) both songs featuring Bob at the piano playing with 
great spirit and vigor.

Several of the songs from Rough and Rowdy Ways, including,  I Contain 
Multitudes, False Prophet,  Black Rider, Key West, I've Made up My Mind 
to Give Myself to You, and Goodbye Jimmy Reed were delivered  with 
Dylan starting at center stage using a hand held mic and mid song returning
 to the piano for the finish.  All of those selections, though sounding great 
 on the record, performed live were imbued with much greater depth, 
 effect and resonance, thanks to Dylan's facial expressions, body language,
 and unparalleled vocal stylings.
The show closed with Dylan performing the beautiful , Every Grain of Sand.

Bloomington, Indiana, November 7, 2021

Luke M. Jacobus writes on Bill Pagel’s Bob Links:

This was probably my ninth show in a 25 year period. The stage had a raised platform that was floor for the band. Think of a giant light box. The arrangement of musicians was closer together than I’ve seen in the past.

The show started at about 8:03pm and what followed was one of the most interactive Bob Dylan concerts I've seen.

He came out strong and seemed very energized. A slight stoop I noticed two
years ago was all but gone. He seemed proud to stand straight and tall,
even striking a number of Elvis-like poses and making moves evocative of
the King. At one point he ran quickly backwards about half the width of
the stage, a stunt people half his age would think twice about. Any rumors
of his demise are grossly exaggerated.

I counted four times between songs that he took time to thank the audience
and sometimes made other comments. I think it was after To Be Alone With
You, he heartily thanked us and said he about forgot the words to that
one. It struck me as a genuine confession.  
The performances were amazing. Words were clear and strong (except at the
start of a few verses). The sound mix and overall volume in the auditorium
was excellent, nearly ideal. Great, great care was given to the execution
of these songs, with extreme vocal control demonstrated.   His piano work mostly filled in gaps, sometimes quite effectively with only a single note played at important
junctures. Other times, some deft playing was high in the mix. He played
harmonica just a few times. The vocals were front and center, which gave
clear access to some deeply emotional performances.  
Most of the show, Bob Dylan was a shadow. You could not make out his face.
However, with I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You, this changed.
With this song, his face was illuminated, and it remained so, or at least
visible, during all the songs that followed.” 

John Haas writes:

Bob Dylan's still on the road. Still heading to another joint.  And then another.  And eventually, one near you.  Amazing, isn't it?

And what a strange set-list it is!  The older songs are known to Bobists of
course--all the songs are known to Bobists--but they aren't his huge hits,
by any means.  One only released as a single.  One from the gospel period
(but yeah, he won a Grammy for it).  A couple country romps from '67 and
'69, one of those entirely--and I mean entirely!--rewritten (and each
"deep cuts" from their albums).  A song from Tempest, but none from TOOM,
L&T, the Oscar winner of yore, and nothing from H61R, FWBD, or most of his
back catalog in fact.  All of which is so, so great, I could hug him.  
It was all good.  All of it.  Bob's piano playing is outstanding at times,
especially False Prophet.  His singing kills it, as everyone says.  Could
hear every word. The songs I was expecting to just endure from R&RW
shined.  Those I expected to love--Key West, eg--I loved (thanks, Donnie,
for that accordion).  All the playing was stellar.

Great concert.  Moody, intricate, precise, beautiful.”


CLEVELAND, OHIO, Nov 3, 2021

Timothy Burns wrote:

“The under the floor lighting was good, Bob and the band were better lit than the overly dark former time in Cleveland, especially in 2017. If you saw Shadow Kingdom the sound and feel was quite like that obviously with the choices of the non-Rough and Rowdy Ways songs and the approach to the songs. I was completely fine with that, it was great.

What I did not expect was that I completely enjoyed the new songs more
than almost any of the other songs. Even though When I Paint My
Masterpiece was quite amazing.  

Dressed in all black, Bob would go back and forth at times singing with a
separate microphone in hand, then setting it down on the upright piano
(with a slight clunk which was awesome) 

My main takeaway was two-fold. Firstly, the band and the arrangements,
while similar at times to Shadow Kingdom, it allowed Bob himself to be the
most central at every moment for every song. I do not ever
recall where I left at the end with the feeling that this concert was 100%
about Bob and not somewhat about how great the band was.  

The second main takeaway was perhaps the best. I did not come in with
expectations of "How good are his vocals going to be?" Although I did
wonder if he would sound similar to Shadow Kingdom in which he sounded
absolutely amazing. Partway through song #1 (watching the river flow) I
detected (or I think I did) a noticeable  change in the audio mix where
they brought Bob's voice up and just be above everything else. The rest of
the concert had his voice amazingly loud and so clear.  

I cannot believe how good he sounded.”  

Billy Cardina:

Awesome show! Great sound and “Every Grain of Sand” a first for this
tour was amazing. Crowd was subdued and this was Bob’s first Ohio Show
since he played beautiful Akron in November 2019. Old songs integrated
well with Rough and a Rowdy Ways. LOVED Key West
God Bless Bob!

Preamble – followed by Milwaukee and Chicago reviews:

Bob Dylan stepped back onto the stage after two years of ‘incarceration’ and gave a Cheshire Cat-grinning, ear churning, heartbreakingly beautiful two hour performance down at the Riverside in Milwaukee…

Andrea and I were still on the road highway in Spain as O’ Bob took to the stage. It was 10am where we were in the blustery Autumn heat and 8pm in a Milwaukee chill as he walked out to meet his audience again.

He was dodging wires and speakers and posing hand on hip in his oversize David Byrne-style white jacket like a good’n.

Yep, he’s 80 and sometimes he can look doddery and as fragile as his famous wet-fish handshake … but he’s still going, still creating, still confounding, still writing, still rocking and still finding new ways to be Bob Dylan.

And this time he is the poet of Rough and Rowdy Ways.

And then there is of course his new voice. It’s new but it’s been everywhere, told a million stories and hung out so many brilliant lines to dry.

No, nobody can ever take that away from him … and in Milwaukee he made his voice famous again.

Next he joined the other legends in Chicago …

After we unpacked our dusty old car at the castle in Lorca where we were staying, I trawled around the net for reviews.

I didn’t find one dissenting voice… just fans who confirmed that Bob is back – looking a little bit older it has to be said – but performing brilliantly, singing like a dream and rocking the world’s expectations.

Let’s begin with Chicago as he finds his feet

On Bill Pagel’s Bob Links, Adam Selzer wrote:

CHICAGO:I’m amazed at how clear his vocals are; all traces of the wolfman growl
of a few years back are gone, except when he needs them. I Contain Multitudes” was the highlight of the night for me. Instead
of spending most of it at the piano, consulting the lyric sheets, Bob was
center stage the whole song, clearly enjoying himself and really acting
the song out, prowling around at a crouch like a cartoon character.  When I Paint My Masterpiece,” the first surprise of the night, was bouncy and
loose.  Bob tried to do “Black Rider” from center as well, but forgot a couple
of lines in the first verse and moved back to piano for most of it. The
flub seemed to cost him some confidence, though the rest of the lines were
well delivered. This show really does sleep with life and death in the same bed.”  
 Mark S wrote:I saw Bob Dylan in 2021 and it was like seeing your grandpa, who you love very much, walking a tight rope. It was captivating, I was rooting for him, and it was extremely entertaining to see him succeed.!


Bob Shiel:

Bob Dylan came to Chicago tonight, perfectly timing his customary 
week-within-Halloween appearance in the Windy City, historically one of 
his most visited venues in his illustrious career as a live performer. But this 
wasn't any ole Bob Dylan show.  

This tour is all about Rough and Rowdy Ways.  Although all these songs 
sound good live, I Contain Multitudes and Key West stand out as stellar 
melodic arrangements with mesmerizing lyrics, which Bob is delivering quite 
intelligibly. I saw no evidence of the lyric or sheet music reliance reported 
in Milwaukee on night 1 of the tour.   
The overall sound of the band is similar to that fantastic Fall 2019 tour, 
and new drummer Charlie Drayton almost imperceptibly follows Bob and
the rest of the band, allowing Bob, at 80, to not have to strain to be 
heard over the other 5 members of the band.  

The magic of Bob's veteran multi-instrumentalist Donnie Herron was 
evident on When I Paint My Masterpiece when his fiddle played off Bob's 
piano beautifully. Bob Britt is back. As for the new guitarist, Doug Flavio, who is technically 
filling the legendary shoes of Charlie Sexton, although that ain't happening, 
one gets the feeling he will play a more and more prominent role as his
first tour progresses.  

After introducing the band, something he hasn't done for what seems like 
forever, Bob said something like, "We love Chicago, just like you do." Well, 
the feeling goes for you, too, Bob. We really do love you and wish you all 
health and happiness in this world so lucky to still have you in its midst.” 



Isabel Infantes said: “There’s no doubt that Tuesday show at Milwaukee’s Riverside Theater was the start of something very new, very different, and very bold.”

Tom Wilmeth, on the same site, said: “Nobody seemed happier about thingsthan Bob himself, with facial expressions that were frequently joyous. Dylan was in good voice, and the sound mix was excellent – both Dylan’s lyrics and his piano were

clearly heard.The night began with “Watching the River Flow,” a minor radio hit in
1971.  Maybe Bob was using this number to tell us what he had been doing
during his time off – nothing.  “Most Likely You Go Your Way and
I’ll Go Mine” followed.   . 

 “Bob interspersed tunes recognizable to even casual
fans. He played “Simple Twist of Fate” and “I’ll Be Your Baby
Tonight,” as well as a rocking version of “Gotta Serve Somebody.” 
Dylan touched on his later catalog with “Early Roman Kings” andSoon After Midnight,”When Bob made his way from piano to center stage – he looked fragile, and at times unsteady on his feet butwe still have Bob with us; let’s enjoy him today. 
We may not see him tomorrow”

Don Romundson wrote: “The show at the Riverside was unbelievable. It was clear from the start that this was going to be a very
special show.  In fact, Bob did a sort of a bow to the crowd, in Bob's own
way, after each song, an acknowledgment if you will, his stand at center
stage gazing out, very appreciative of the crowd...”

Adam Selzer had this to say: “Bob seemed a bit nervous as he began “I Contain Multitudes”. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen him look nervous before. But the performance was solid, and on False Prophet” he was grinning, pointing, and seeming as though he was having a blast. Like he couldn’t wait for us to hear what line he’d sing next.”

Me, well I’m just glad to say that we’ve not seen the last of Bob’s winks and feints and his stunning panache. And the old man is back again, taking all the indefinable qualities that make him the true genius of this and the last century around the world again.

Good on ya Bob!

Bob’s band line-up is now –guitarists Doug Lancio and Bob Britt, multi-instrumentalist Donnie Herron, bassist Tony Garnier, and drummer Charley Drayton.

One of the few traditional media reviews:

Well, we found one … by Curtis Schieber  who is described as Special to The Columbus Dispatch. I’m sure he is very special to them! |He has also has a very ‘special’ and successful music show, the Invisible Hits Hour, for 30 years.

Anyway, Curtis has also made a ‘special’ point in his review: The underfloor lighting Dylan is using on the Rough and Rowdy Ways tour serves to light up the band and Bob in an equal, almost democratic, way.

And, as Curtis says, it helps the focus of the concert to be on the songs … which is a good thing as a large part of the concert is made up of the songs from RaRW, perhaps one of Bob’s most perfect albums.

But is the lighting also being used to take attention away from Bob himself who, at 80, can look a bit creaky as he makes his trademark stately bows and bends?

Anyway, we are all agreed that Bob can still bend them notes and ring them bells as he sings better than he has done for decades.

What do you think?

Curtis wrote in the Columbus Dispatch:Rough and Rowdy Ways” was clearly the focus of the set. An album containing all the mystery, in-jokes, casually cast-off name checks, and philosophical dead ends of Dylan’s best, it provided perfect fodder for the aging, Nobel Prize-winning author to have his way with both a lot of confessions and some pretty tall tales. In a deftly controlled mix of croon, croak and declaration, he brought them all to life. The band created a loose combination of blues, swing, and rock ‘n’ roll that nonetheless was always on point.

There were no spotlights focused on the stage last night. The six musicians were lit — equally — from the floor. It was clear that Dylan intended the songs to take center stage and that they did.”

The Dispatch is a daily newspaper in, yep, you guessed it, Columbus, Ohio. Its first issue was published on July 1, 1871 and it is still going strong and publishing the stories and reviews that matter. Curtis is a freelance journalist.

But, as far as we at The Society have seen, Dispatch is only the third daily to bother to take a look at the ‘new’ Bob Dylan.

#cincinnati #milwaukee #chicago #bloomington #bobdylan #neverendingtour #reviews #roughandrowdyways #newyork #beacon

Jabbed and anonymous … how Bob predicted it all again

Jabbed and anonymous … how Bob predicted it all again

Covid rules and Dylan’s work reviewed by Dan from the Inquirer

Finally, more of the mainstream takes a look at Bob Dylan’s amazing new work of art, and it takes a brief look out how the posters and album cover shows the world what is actually happening right now… there are dozens of Ordinary-Joe reviews, comments and points of view below! Definitely worth a scroll…

Dan DeLuca, the Philadelphia Inquirer

Proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test was required for entry, and audience members who weren’t drinking were nearly universally masked, though security was mostly preoccupied with enforcing Dylan’s no-cell-phone-photos policy.

The 80-year-old singer took his spot behind the piano, where he stood throughout show as his dressed-in-black band anchored by longtime bassist Tony Garnier and brand-new drummer Charley Drayton rumbled into two decades-old songs that struck a timeless theme about the human inability to see eye to eye.

People disagreeing everywhere you look, makes you want to sit down and read a book,” the Nobel Prize winner was heard to sing once the sound system settled down and his scrappy vocals became audible in “Watching the River Flow,” from 1971. That was followed by a rugged “Most Likely You Go Your Way (And I’ll Go Mine),” from 1966′s Blonde on Blonde.

Bob Dylan played dodgeball in the Northeast and other stories from his half-century playing Philly

The latter was the only song out of 17 over the course of 95 minutes to come from Dylan’s pre-motorcycle-accident, 1960s Voice of a Generation period. There was no “Like a Rolling Stone” or “All Along the Watchtower” encore, or anything that could be construed as pandering to popular taste.”

Forever young – and old, Bob’s new world

Bob always wanted to be an ol’ blues man and now, at 80, he’s made it. But don’t forget, Dylan is made of smoke and mirrors and today he might appear to be badly built and walking on stilts … but see what you can see back in his new shadowy kingdom

More reviews, this time from Providence, Rhode Island

Larry Fishman writes:

I’ve seen Bob three times in this beautifully restored
theater and enjoy it’s art deco ambience, grandeur and detail. The gig was sold out and filled with the greying baby boomers that you would expect.   

Bob.  Suited and still thin as a yard stick, he spent most of the night
standing behind his piano and then alternately sitting down to hammer out
a solo.   On numerous song, he would sashay Biden like a few steps away
from the piano and grab a hand held microphone for a few verses.  He’d
then scamper back behind the keys with two micro lights no doubt
illuminating the lyric sheets.  He definitely is less mobile  At one
point, he sauntered over more to the center of the stage for a verse and
the place burst into applause.  Think about that.  The crowd bust into
applause for walking across the stage - we’re a crazy lot.   He is
singing - for the most part - with the precision of a safecracker.   Maybe
it’s the break of two years or maybe he drinks a few extra cups of tea,
but he sounded fantastic.   He was focused, on target, direct, near cosmic
and nuanced.”   

 Larry Fishman
[email protected]

Laurette Maillet writes again:

He is RIGHT on time. No Beacon crowd by the bus.

"Watching the river flow" is again a rehearsal for the sound. By now it should 
be perfect ?? Bob is holding the piano, more incertain of his stand than ever.

"False prophet" is behind the piano. He tries a step or two on "Black rider" 
but holds the piano again. His voice is great though. Powerful.

Only "Save somebody" is waking up a dead audience.

No piano on "Melancholy mood" and Bob moves next to Tony only during 
the second part of the song. Bob scooped and static.

ERK is definitively boring. Should try another song.

The public is polite or bored. Difficult to know! But for sure extremely quiet.

I check Bob Britt guitars. On " Key west " he's got one with a funny shape; 
a rocket for the space? With Donnie's accordion it gives something to look 
at. They're all dressed in black and except for Doug Lancio...all static.

My highlight would be "To be alone with you" and "Jimmy Reed " indeed.

Not the best show ever. Of course I know the setlist by heart and the 
routine. Bob again cracks a joke before introducing the Band. But tonight 
with no conviction or reaction from the crowd. A kind word for Donnie Heron 
and also Tony Garnier. And I leave. I want to see the Star escaping the Fans. 
Of course EGOS is on. Well! Of Fan there is only me. Across the street. 
Because I have my phone out, a member of the Dylan crew, decides to take 
my photo. After Suzie, another girl...I must be a big menace !
So I take a video. Bad girl! Bob is all wrapped in black and grey hoodie. 
Walking all by himself with Suzie and the bodyguard just behind.
The musiciens follow in their own bus.

Bye Bobby. See you tomorrow.

Take care”


Somehow Bob can’t forget his good ol’ rambling days as he tours the world again at 80


In 1964, Bob Dylan’s Another Side was released much to the discomfort of people who had already claimed the youngsinger as their new god of traditional folk.

Little did they know how he was about to really rock their their staid beardy banjo-ey world twelve months later.

They just stuck their fingers in their ears and said young Bob  had “lost touch” and was trapped by fame.

Meanwhile, photographer Ian Berry, from the scruffy UK industrial city of Preston, Lancashire, had made his reputation by exposing the horrors of South Africa, Sharpeville in 1960. Photography was his own way of making a protest.

In 1964 – when Bob was showing his other side – Ian was schlepping around Paris and London. Then, one day, he took what he thought was a good photo of the UK’s smokey cellar club life.

Funnily enough Ian says that in the 60s he had only a sketchy vision of Dylan’s existence.

But roughly 50 years later their paths crossed in a most unexpected way.

That photograph became the cover of Bob’s stunning Rough and Rowdy Ways.

Today, Ian, who is in his 80s, admits that he still doesn’t know a lot about Dylan and his music. But he said: “A record cover for Dylan is a great compliment.”

His photo shows a well-dressed couple dancing in a club – a man leans over a jukebox behind them.

And the historic photograph has all the romance of the hedonistic Sixties.

Ian took the picture at an old underground club on Cable Street in Whitechapel in East London.

He had been commissioned to get images of black culture in England. “I was working quickly, and in very poor light, shooting away with a 35-millimetre camera,” he says. “I knew at some point I’d have to leave because I hadn’t asked permission to be there.”

After about 15 or 20 minutes , he says people started throwing beer bottles at him.

Rough and rowdy ways, so to speak!

Today, Berry’s vast archive is controlled by the Magnum Photos agency. The agency previously made a deal with the Dylan camp for Bruce Davidson’s 1959 photograph of a young couple making out in a car, which appeared on the cover of 2009’s Together Through Life.

Seventeen minutes to kill … an amazing visual telling of Bob’s Murder Most Foul

Although Ian isn’t that familiar with Dylan’s music, his wife is a big fan. “She’s more enthusiastic than I am,” he said. “But of course I’ve regularly listened to ‘It Ain’t Me Babe’ and so forth, but they are her records rather than mine.”

Dylan is possibly the most prolific artist alive. He has made 38 studio albums, 91 singles, 40 music videos, many films, 11 books, a Nobel Prize, the American Medal of Freedom from US President Obama and has performed thousands of live concerts.

He has been the hokey, the mountain man, the rock god, the Southern preacher man, gospel performer, country god, the cowboy, the wild child, the Lothario, the drunk, the addict, the river boat captain, the general, the old blues man, the hippy, Elvis, the crooner, the punk, the eccentric… his guises are as many as his musical abilities.

The title Rough and Rowdy Ways is a homage to Jimmy Rogers.

Picture of Ian by Daniele Mattioli, cover art originally Ian Berry, Dylan pic, Pixabay

TAGS: #RoughandRowdyWays  #June19th. #FalseProphet #MurderMostFoul #IContainMultitudes #Bobdylan #curator #JimmyRogers #Whitechapel

My Rough and Rowdy Ways by Jimmie Rodgers (1929) – YouTube

New reviews, obviously from five believers… not you Mr Jones

Review by Peter Smith

From a longer piece written for Bill Pagel’s brilliant Bob Links
 It was a long time since I last saw Dylan at the Beacon in late November, 2019. With the pandemic I wondered if that last time was the final time, but happily the NET continues.  The show started promptly at 8pm and ran for a tight 98 minutes. The sound was extraordinarily clear; Dylan’s vocals were up front and distinct from
the band. 
His voice was expressive and energetic, albeit within his
limited range. I can’t help but think what a great release this would
be: Dylan at the Beacon 2021 -- Bootleg Series XXX “Autumn in NYC.” It
would be a nice counterpart to Springtime in New York.

Dylan moved from center stage upright piano to stand up mic with the
sprightly hop he had in 2019. There were touches of Dylan humor added
since the tour in 2019  -- he engaged a shout out from the audience for
Pretty Boy Floyd. He said you’re in the wrong place - this isn’t
Springsteen on Broadway. 
The stage was a vision of darkness and light - the band in all black was set up on large illuminated panels of white- an intimate interpretation of the bright stage platform used by “those British bad boys” on their recent tour, closer to Stanley Kubrick’s 2001 A Space Odyssey. In his homage to NY he mentioned it as the
birthplace of Herman Melville and the home of  “Jackie O.” Although
not played, I couldn’t help but think of Murder Most Foul from RARW as
it was the  day before the anniversary of JFK’s  assasination.

The lights remained out for longer period after Every Grain of Sand as
though he just might come out for another, but it was not to be.

Review by David Namerow

Ah, the Beacon.  Legendary ornate , Neo-grecian brainchild of Roxy
Rothafel as the smaller sister venue of the famous Roxy downtown.   

And so, after a year and a half of Covid related dormancy, the Never
Ending Tour is back on track with the Rough and Rowdy Ways World Wide
Tour, which began Nov 2 and will continue through 2024, when Bob will turn
The stage?  Spare, lit curtain behind the band.  No more replica grecian statues, even the fabled Academy award statue (homage to “Things have Changed”) is gone.  Also gone is either the Copland Americana music, or the Stravinsky Rite of Spring from the past.  The band launches into “Watching the River Flow”, with Bob’s voice
unfortunately drowned out by crowds cheering, standing and the band a bit
too loud.  After a nice rendition of “Most Likely You go Your way.”,
the sound is balanced and Bob steps forward— almost on bended knee —
for “I Contain Multitudes”.   
False Prophet was on fire, with Bob’s voice carrying the band along
with him.  Masterpiece was a bit muted, with the lyrics “Everything is
gonna be beautiful” for poignancy.  
While  “Black Rider was wonderful - and ominous, “My own version of You” was simply amazing, with Bob
clear voiced, nuanced and enunciating every syllable carefully. “Key West” was
another highlight, Bob saver-ing every line with  a slightly different
arrangement than the album.. “Serve Somebody” got every body up and
dancing, but I really could’t make out most of the lyrics (“You might
be in the White House……”).   

And, by the way, Bob actually spoke.  First, when some fan yelled forBorn in the USA”, Bob quipped “you’re in the wrong theatre,
that’s Springsteen on Broadway.”  

Jeff Dellin

Settled in for the Sunday show, the third night of the Beacon Theatre run.
One thing that struck me was how stark the whole stage was. No more shadow
lighting or spotlights or starry backgrounds  - just pale curtains and
minimal stage lighting. Everyone dressed in black. Bob's piano with
exposed wood facing forward. Minimal. Not that his staging has ever been
elaborate but this was basic and did not change all night.

I would advise any fan to see this tour if possible. The Rough & Rowdy
Ways songs were given the full treatment by Bob. You knew he was loving
playing these songs when he would bend down low behind the piano at the
end of songs to play a little solo obscured from view, just the top of his
head in sight. For me Black Rider and Mother Of Muses stood out as major
highlights, very much in the moment performances. I could make out almost
every word of the new songs. The older material was given a bit of a short
shift this time around. To Be Alone With you felt fresh and Every Grain Of
Sand was outstanding.  

After dozens of shows over 35 years., I saw a first at this show. Bob
seemed to acknowledge somebody who yelled out a request from the audience.
I did not catch the whole thing but Bob seemed to say something like: "If
you want that you'll have to see Springsteen on Broadway. You're at the
wrong show". And he chuckled. It was real and funny.  .

Started right on time and was over in a tidy hour and 40 minutes. All in
all, it was a show with no big surprises but plenty of small surprises to
make it a meaningful night with Bob Dylan in New York.


Barry Gloffke writes:

Our hero’s third, and last, night at the Beacon Theatre for 2021 was, in
my estimation, the best of the lot. Each Dylan show lives and breathes on
its’ own… slight cadence changes, lyrical nuances and unexpected
occurrences imbue each concert with a unique character… it’s like
watching the sky on a cloudy day… you will never see the same cloud
formation twice, ever… and you’ll never hear the same Dylan concert
twice, ever.

From WATCHING THE RIVER FLOW to EVERY GRAIN OF SAND the maestro was on top of his game. He was relaxed, laughing, grinning, ad-libbing and very
animated. He spoke more than he has in a dozen shows from previous tours.
My girlfriend and I had spectacular seats, 2nd row, with a perfect line of
sight to see Bob behind the piano.   Watching him was fascinating. He commanded the proceedings from the sanctuary of the piano and he banged those ivories as if he was a young boy in Hibbing (especially enjoyable on TO BE ALONE WITH YOU). His voice was once again powerful and clear… only a few miscues… nothing
to really note. A really great show from start to finish.  Review by Roland Pabst
Do you remember the scene in the movie “Rolling Thunder Revue” when a
young woman at the end of a concert couldn’t hold back her tears
anymore, and she started to cry and cry? Today I was sitting between a
heavy man on my left and a young girl on my right. I really didn’t
notice them. I was concentrating on the songs, the band and Dylan until
Dylan performed Key West. The girl started to shake and cried and put her
head on my shoulder and cried and cried. My sweater was wet from her
tears. She apologized with her teary eyes and whispered that Dylan was
such a big part in her life the last 1 ½ years. She said: “whatever
mood I was in, I found a song which helped me. My mother bought me this
ticket. She is waiting for me outside. It is my 1st Dylan concert.” What
a great, sweet and touching story.

For me it was my 55th concert. Therefore I can say this is probably
Dylan’s strongest year in decades. Today he is a Story-Teller. He
performs his own songs with such an intensity and power and nuance. Today
people are respectfully quiet during the songs and burst into a
spontaneous applause after certain words or phrases. His band was great
since years. This band is top notch.

We all know Dylan from Theme Time Radio show and were surprised how funny
he can be and talkative. Tonight somebody must have shouted something.
Dylan laughed and mentioned Bruce Springsteen on Broadway show. You are
atthe wrong place. The band introduction was the longest I ever witnessed.
It was very refreshing. One song comes after another and today there was
no intermission. One of the many highlights for me was Key West. Painting
my masterpiece was another surprise. It had a completely different feeling
than what I heard in December 2019 here at the Beacon.

In the meantime everybody knows that the stage is poorly lit and nothing
decorative at all. This gives you the chance to fully listen and focus on
the performance. His voice is the best I heard in decades. When he stands
behind his piano you would never guess that a 80+ man is performing.
However when he moves around the dark stage you can see an older man. What
a pleasure to see Dylan.

I lived in New York for almost 20 years and Thanksgiving seems to be a
given time for Dylan to play in New York for days. He must be happy
celebrating Thanksgiving somewhere around New York City. Isn’t it nice
that we know so little about his private life? I love it. 

Hopefully he will visit us in Santa Fe, New Mexico my new home town soon.

Scott Kareff writes:

It was a treat to renew acquaintances with Bob Dylan for the final Beacon
show of this 2021 run. The set list for the 3 shows was identical but that
was perhaps the only disappointment of the night. Bob was in fine form and
the new lineup was sharp.  

I was partial to the new versions of the classic songs, listening for the
new and reworked lyrics. The new arrangements were all revelations. Each
one worth the price of admission.

I can’t prove it but I take “I’ve made up my mind to give myself to
you” as a message from Bob to his audience and we are all thankful he
decided to live his life this way. Bob was engaged and even said something
to an audience member about being at the wrong show, the person should
have been at the Springsteen show on Broadway and then something about
Sylvester Stallone being from NY.
Thank you Bob!  See you next time.

Review by Michael Paul Thomas

During the phone booth scene in Don't Look Back, the reporter holding his
cigarette and the phone in one hand and a pen and notebook in the other,
says to his editor "'The times are a-changing' Dylan sings. They sure are,
especially when a poet, not a pop singer fills a concert hall."   
 This was Bob Dylan night number 35 for me (which pales in
comparison to others I know), since 1995, and I heard a passionate
performance by the poet at 80. 
Bitterness and melancholy seemed to be most apparent, as well as sweet declarations of love (“I’ve made up my mind togive myself to you” and “I’m so deep in love I can hardly see”) along with acceptance of the next, uncertain worlds approaching.   

How New York became a beacon to Bob as (it appears) Mr Jones ignores him again

We’ve been sharing rave reviews here at The Society since the beginning of November when Dylan finally got the chance to take his strolling bones back on the road again after Covid, the tragic hint of a sex scandal and the release of the stunning beautiful Rough and Rowdy Ways.

And the reviews, mainly, have been written by the man-and-woman on the street who’ve got other things to do with their lives but took the trouble to jot down notes and thoughts and their enthusiasms for Bob and his band landed in places like Milwaukee, Bloomington, Hershey and Moon Township.

Our Beacons of Light in New York … Bob Russell writes:

I had a chilly but very nice pre-concert dinner and drinks with the delightful 
Nancy Cobb at the Owl’s Tail, a little bar around the corner from the Beacon, 
practically in the shadow of Dylan’s bus. Moving into the warmth of the 
theatre, I took my place in Row M of the orchestra, quite a good vantage 
point. Sitting just three rows ahead of me was the great Steve Earle, who I 
called out greetings to (I’m sure that was a great treat for him. ??)

 The stage was as you have seen from others on the tour, high lit floor, simple curtain in the back, sparse lighting, especially for Bob (reminded me a bit of the dim 
stages from September 1993). The band was tight, guitarists Britt and Lancio
lurking in back and getting off the leash a bit. Drummer Charlie Drayton was crisp 
and Donnie and Tony were their usual selves.

I won’t go over every song (check the setlists), but almost half the set was 
devoted to Rough and Rowdy Ways. Bob sang these with as much intensity 
and passion as I have seen in the 123 Bob shows I have attended.  

After the climactic Mother of Muses, a spirited Jimmy Reed, then band 
intros, and a PERFECT Every Grain of Sand concluded the evening.”  

Intrepid Laurette Maillet writes:

Arriving at 6pm. The Bob Dylan bus is parked there but no activities. Bob is 
locked in there. In a golden cage!

See Donnie Herron getty out the Beacon hotel. I tentatively say ' hi Donnie!'. 
He is as cold as a stone. :(. See Tony Garnier getting out the Beacon hotel, 
tightly holding his 25 years girl friend. I say nothing. Well! I had better feedback 
with the Vietnamese restaurant waitress :)

Bob starts a bit late. Waiting for the fans around the bus to disappear?
I immediately focus on his pants :) woah! Nice pants. They look like really 
shining and tight. Black embroidered , as well as the jacket.Red shirt(it seems). 
It starts hard. The sound is perfect. Never been that good. Guitars are loud. 
As well as the drums. 

Bob is in a good mood. His voice as loud as it could be. Loud and clear. Nothing
 to do with Hershey.
'False prophet' is a wonder. The hight light of the show tonight. Bob is even
trying a little dance on the side of the piano. Powerful.

"I'll be your Baby tonight" is also standing up by the side of the piano. Bob 
bending on his knees. A couple of times he decides to move from piano 
mike to center free hand mike and that will surprise the sound engeener. 
We missed few words :)

Each song is a piece of Art. Even my least favorite is doing fine with me 

I believe he did twice the second verse of "key west". I have to listen to the 
recording ??

The audience is up on its feet for " You've got to serve somebody ". 
Other than that , public is polite , reacting to a word here and there.”

Earlier: A tough crowd in New York… but Bob is still standing. They won’t get him beat

You can step on my name, you can try and get me beat, when I leave New York, I’ll be standing on my feetBob Dylan

It’s always been seen as a fair game to boo, lampoon, insult, attack, complain about and scoff at Bob Dylan.

This attitude has made me furious over the years … of course he can sing, he is probably one of the most inventive singers since the beginning of popular music and has influenced the whole inflection and style of rock music.

Bob is a writer of stunning prose too of course, but he is first and foremost a musical poet, a bard, a troubadour, an unfinished work of art.

We’ve been sharing rave reviews here at The Society since the beginning of November when Dylan finally got the chance to take his strolling bones back on the road again after Covid, the tragic hint of a sex scandal and the release of the stunning beautiful Rough and Rowdy Ways.

And the reviews, mainly, have been written by the man-and-woman on the street who’ve got other things to do with their lives but took the trouble to jot down notes and thoughts and their enthusiasms for Bob and his band landed in places like Milwaukee, Bloomington, Hershey and Moon Township.

And then he arrived in New York and he got ignored and insulted.

No New York Times review (if I’ve missed this please send me a link, I’d love to be wrong) and a handful of bad reviews from the Mr Jones’s on the street. We share them here:

Dave & Molly from Montreal, Quebec


Dylan has always been one of my favorites. This was the 3rd time seeing him in Montreal, I was ready for another treat. Had fabulous $$$ seats 100 feet from Bob. The lights came up and there was Bob dressed in white, standing in front of the black, grand piano banging out his first tune in a surprisingly low pitch, gravely voice. His guitar lay across a chair a few feet away with his white brimmed hat atop, We would never hear that guitar or see him with hat on. Instead he alternated playing old and new songs either sitting or standing at the piano then grabbing a mic stand at the back wall of the stage as far from his audience as possible as he crooned old American standards. I came to see Dylan play guitar and sing like he meant it. Not a single word was uttered to his fans, not a smile, not a nod. Between songs he shuffled to a table to get a drink, hanging on to equipment as he walked. He looked old and disinterested. What an utter disappointment for me and my girlfriend.

P. A. C. from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


When the best part of your concert event is the newly renovated Met and the outstanding food at Osteria, you know it’s going to be a bad night. A 60th birthday present from my daughter who is a singer and astute listener of all music. She knows how much I love Dylan’s music and wanted to take me to see him for the first time. It was an utter embarrassment. Dylan voice itself was as good and raw it’s always been but we couldn’t understand a word as he mumbled and garbled every word. His arrangement changes on some songs such as Like a Rolling Stone, were shockingly discordant to the essence of the song. And for 1 hour and 30 minutes, as we sat hoping things would get better, he didn’t muster one single word of welcome, thanks, or appreciation to his audience of 3,500. As we walked out on Bob 30 minutes early, he had me feeling badly for my daughter who certainly lost some respect for one of the musical heroes I spent years extolling. Bob my friend, it’s time to retire.

Sarah from Columbus, Ohio


If you attended Bob Dylan’s concert last night at the Palace Theatre expecting to see a lounge act and almost unrecognizable versions of Desolation Row and Tangled Up in Blue then you got what you paid for. If, like me, you were hoping to see Bob with his harmonica and guitar playing Just Like a Woman, Don’t think Twice it’s Alright, Like a Rolling Stone, Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door…ANY of his songs – in their original arrangements – that define him as one of the best poets/storytellers/lyricists to ever live, then you were left absolutely heartbroken like me. Before going to the show, I had heard that for years Dylan hasn’t been great live, that he doesn’t acknowledge or interact with the audience, that he doesn’t play many of his classics, so I guess I’m the fool for not listening to those comments and thinking my experience would be different. As I sit here today listening to live Dylan albums from ’67, I can’t help but cry for the artist I never got to see live.

And yet Allison Rapp, a professional writer, had this to say: Dylan, perhaps more so than any singer-songwriter of his generation, has continuously asked his listeners to, in essence, think again. Newly arranged versions of old songs were peppered throughout the evening, including completely reimagined versions of Tempest‘s “Early Roman Kings,” Slow Train Coming‘s “Gotta Serve Somebody,” “To Be Alone With You” a track from 1969’s Nashville Skyline which Dylan has not performed live since 2005 and the also recently reintroduced “Every Grain of Sand” from Shot of Love. A Frank Sinatra cover, “Melancholy Mood,” which Dylan performed on his 2016 album, Fallen Angels, also appeared.

Dylan did not come back for an encore, perhaps choosing to save his energy for the next two nights of shows at the Beacon, plus the string of East Coast dates he has planned for the rest of this month and the beginning of next. But at 80, the legendary musician seems energized by simply being back on a stage, surrounded by a supportive band, performing new compositions that most Dylan fans have spent months listening to in the confines of quarantine and now get to hear in their full live glory.

As his Rough and Rowdy Ways Tour moves on, ticket holders can expect a wonderfully rested and still remarkably enigmatic Dylan to greet them, even if it is with only a few words in between songs. As he sang in 1961, “You can step on my name, you can try and get me beat, when I leave New York, I’ll be standing on my feet.”

Meanwhile, here are four professional reviews by newspapers along the way. Let’s see what they are having to say compared to the fans who have become writers and critics for their love of Bob.

Reviews rocketas Ol’ Bob lands on Moon Township…but is age beginning to tell?

The first review to mention Dylan and the rigours of age…

Mitchell writes:

I feel that the reworking of the set list was more than just publicity
for the new album. All of the song selections were clearly pointing to
the past (high points and regrets) and looking to the future-a future
not in this world. It is contemplative and other worldly.  And like it
or not, I do feel he is trying to bring a message with the two gospel
songs he brought back. 
 As to individual songs, “Mother
of Muses” is even more hymn-like than on the album. Clearly a prayer
and an offer of thanks. Sent chills up my spine. 
The thing that made me sad about the show was the clear physical pain Bob is in. He is clearly still very sharp mentally, he was great with the lyrics, his voice was
fantastic and he looked to be enjoying himself.  But, in contrast to
his standing center stage pre COVID, he just couldn’t do it now. He
had to hold onto the piano and even then, retreated behind the piano
mid most songs. He sat down behind the piano a lot. He doesn’t stand
straight. He got help going down the steps from the back of the stage.
Clearly his back/hips are hurting.  I think we have to face it- as much
as he has, does and always will mean to us, his body is that of an 80
year old man.

I don’t know why he continues to do show after show when it is so
difficult physically. Maybe it is part of a “deal” he made many years ago as he once said.  

Daniel Chester writes:

Watching: a rollicking tribute to Pittsburgh and its rivers

Most Likely: good energy and crisp and friendly and faithful and pretty

Multitudes: great feel/sound for a great song and sung amazing
is it that this same guy wrote Song to Woody 60 years ago and is still on
the road heading for another joint

False Prophet: dull approaching OK (bluezzzzzzz)

Masterpiece: wonderful (violin and piano and  acoustic guitar interwoven),
lucky to hear this again

Black Rider: nice atmosphere but nothing special...would rather hear
something off of New Morning or Infidels

I'll Be Your Baby: completely different version, had a nice little drive
to it (as opposed to the leisure pace of original)

My Own Version: another cool atmosphere and some very cool lines sung
well...maybe a performance where a tight little guitar solo would have
elevated it

To Be Alone: the acoustic guitar and violin and standup bass make a potent choice

Early Roman: pretty much a slog lacking necessary stomp...not a huge fan
of this tune but not sure any tune could have survived this treatment

Key West: piano picked some nice notes and accordian worked and some swell
lyrics ('if you lost your mind you'll find it there')

Serve Somebody: almost a different tune yet it grabbed the attention,
particularly with the new lyrics, and made its own way and was quite

I've Made Up My Mind: well-conceived and delivered and completely fit the
evening with certain lines grabbing the attention again

Melancholy: short and sweet (and sad) and totally fit this show

Mother of Muses: tender and well-wrought and sung well...piano and guitar
on the breaks were nice together...didn't really know this one yet really,
really good...'I've already outlived my life by far'...could have closed
with this one

Jimmy Reed: not bad...way better choices for this valuable slot

Every Grain: one of his all-timers and perfect choice to send people home
with...blessed to hear again


Laurette Maillet is back:

 The venue is a stadium, maybe 5000 seats. I've been here few years ago. I
don't like stadium anymore. I prefer the cosy atmosphere of the theater.

I believe Bob will start late as it takes time for the audience to fill up
the venue. But...

He is right on time.

Dressed in black.

“Watching the river flow” is a bit confused at the start. The
Musiciens are not in tune!

Bob, as usual, is moving from the center mike to the piano, most often at
the piano, except for “I contain multitudes” where he is bending on
his knees... 

“When I paint my masterpiece” is a wonder! I feel like dancing 

Bob seems to be happy to be here. I am too far to see if he is smiling but
I can believe he did.

Again 'Mother of muses' is not my cup of tea but I close my eyes and focus
on Bob's voice and it does the trick. I feel transported in another
universe with Bob Dylan 'chantin' to me.

Great show.


Laurette muses over Bob’s ‘mother’

of a show in the city of Muhammed Ali

Bob hit the home of Muhammed Ali and fried chicken – and while reviews had been thin on the ground from his performance in Johnnie’s Knoxville, Laurette Maillet made a circuitous and frustrating journey – caused mainly by Greyhound bus delays – to end up in Louisville for his November 11 show.

Laurette, on her journey around Dylan’s shows, writes in Bob Links:

The theater is gorgeous, a museum in itself. Bob Dylan decides - after 15 minutes and so pass show time - to appear all in black. Immediately the public are up and will stay up until the 7th or 8th song. Good for me. My seat is on the isle and I! Bob is picking up on the good vibes and delivers a remarkable show. I will not pick a highlight as ALL the songs were perfectly executed. At least I 
enjoyed all of them.Just, for me, a minus on "Mother of muses".  There is
something in that song I quite can't connect with! A sort of borring
prayer? But nothing to complain about the perfect diction.  
Bob cracks a joke I don't get and presents the Band.The entire theater is
on its feet for the final. Bob spends, it seems, few more seconds facing
the crowd before disappearing. Excellent communication tonight on both
sides.Louisville is a great city!”  

Knacksville in Knoxsville! Well, who said ol’ Bob doesn’t talk to his audience … he’s got the knack!

And now he can out rock the mountains and out croon the moon

It looks like the reviewers are having a bit of a rest, which is sad really. It’s been fab keeping up with Bob’s shows, his performances, what he’s wearing, how he’s singing and what songs he has been choosing.

More than anything though it’s been good to read the authentic voices of real concert goers saying what they think.

And the one thing that comes across is that Bob Dylan at 80 is still one of the best and most transcendent acts in the world today… he’s not a dinosaur, not an old crock living off past successes. And he’s not churning out geriatric songs to satisfy his own ego and the nostalgia of a bunch of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income grandmas and grandpas who still want to be thought of as sageness hippies!

Nope, the voice of so many generations is managing to stay forever young and has remained the alchemist of vocals, stage presence and performance. Fifteen years ago he was croaking like a battered old frog and not even I knew exactly what he was trying to achieve – although I respected him enough to assume he was trying to achieve something.

And what was up-singing all about? And that clunky flat piano? It was like listening to Victor Borge in a drunken church choir.

Now he can out rock the mountains and out croon the moon.

So, until the reviews start rolling in again we’d like to leave you with a short vid from Knoxville where Bob has a chat with the audience and introduces his new and very able band… I’m sure Painted Passport won’t mind us sharing it although his camera-pointing could do with a bit of polishing!

Bob Dylan in Knoxville (Nov. 10, 2021) – “Don’t forget to go to Dollywood” – YouTube

And an audio vid of Bob performing Every Grain of Sand at Bloomington a few days ago.

Bob Dylan – Every Grain Of Sand (Bloomington 2021) – YouTube

Below are a few thoughts about Bob and his Rough and Rowdy Ways tour and the many reviews we’ve picked up along the way… have a scroll through, meander, have a listen, spend some time with some ordinary people who, like me, just want to take in the artistic genius of an extraordinary man.

As soon as the reviews start appearing again, we’ll start sharing them! In the meantime send us your thoughts, reviews etc.

Anyway, have you ever been to Milwaukee?

Have you ever been to Cleveland?

Have you ever been to Chicago, Cincinnati or Bloomington?

Well, you can go there (below) – when you want to go…

Cheers Leigh


More thoughts and insights into Bob on his almost-never ending tour – and this time, what does Dylan wear boys, what does Dylan wear?

Ol’ Bob has had some sartorial disasters over the years – his almost Elvis-style suits in the late 70s should have been made street-illegal.

In the 60s though he was a style icon with his Cubans, shades and polka dot shirts. And in the 70s he was the hippest of hippies and for the first time donned his now trade-mark Fedora with aplomb. He apparently bought it for a couple of dollars from a thrift shop.

In the 60s he went for the working man’s dirt road look, in the 70s waistcoat and leather jackets, in the 1980s he was more often than not suited and booted, sometimes animal print shirts, in the 90s cowboy-cut waist jackets and latterly the river boat captain and gambler in many guises.

At the beginning of the Rough and Rowdy Ways tour, some say he made a mistake by wearing his big creamy David Byrne-style jacket. It just makes him look on the portly side, particularly in poor quality bootleg recordings. Dare I say it looks like a very big covid mask!

Anyway, now Bob has gone back to black and some of the reviews from the Cincinnati show have taken this into consideration… see what you think and share your comments.

Cincinnati reviews etc below this preamble:


We are still reviewing the reviews as Dylan, at 80, gets ‘rough and rowdy’ on the road … but we are still mystified as to why so few appearing in the traditional media.

Its like local journalists and editors are treating Dylan’s new tour as a bit of a clod-hopping dinosaur outing or a day out from the rest home of elderly rockers!

But Ol’ Bob is once again working his magic across the world, singing – most say – better than ever, entertaining, chatting, inventing, stylising, reworking and setting new standards for himself and his audiences.

Confounding and wrecking expectations…

Here are some of the first audience recordings we’ve seen and heard that have survived the robots of internet control.

The first one is It Takes a Lot to Laugh – from Chicago and Every Grain from Cleveland… keep reading and scrolling, there are quite a few reviews now from each venue.

Should we used the videos?

Well, there is a dichotomy of attitude towards copyright and sharing on the internet in 2021 … the spiders might as well be from Mars and the robots wield a sword of control as draconian as Damocles.

It could be Bob’s people of course throwing a cloak over the stolen moments of his concerts – and quite right they should too.

But bootlegging has been a major part of Ol’ Bob’s career, it gave him an underground reputation, made people hungry for his work and helped us feel that we were part of something special.

And we were – we were a part of the confusing, passionate world of imagery, angst and fabulousness that Bob had created.

We felt closer to him because we’d become the elite, the fans who got the latest from his world first.

So, from being stuck inside a mobile with the Chicago blues again, we’re sharing this video.

Below are a selection of the first reviews as Bob Dylan hits the road again on his Never Ending Tour … if you’ve managed to see him over the last week or so, share your thoughts here.

Cincinnati November 9, 2021

Laurette Maillet writes:

 I have a vivid memory of that show. Not the best ever for me. But I, somehow by impulse, gave a sweet kiss to Barron (Bob's bodyguard)
who had always been kind to me.  Fans , they don't pay too much attention to the 'entourage', or never heard about the name of Bob Dylan's bodyguard, and his devoted career of 30 years.
Nothing I knew, then, about what would be a world disaster. And thatTimes would be changed forever”.  
The virus pushed people inside their home and inside their mind, aging
before time. I aged!
So, let's start a'new.
Cincinnati , here I am. 
 All dressed in Black; musiciens and Bob. Bobby wears regularly now a black
pants with whites stripes on the side (adjusted with a blak/white belt). A
black shirt (with or without embroidery) a white or black jacket with
embroidery. His shoes are no longer the cowboy many years boots but flat
black or white 'boat' shoes?
 Bobby looks like a ghost. No kidding!  As for Bob? Only the piano was his instrument. No guitar, no harmonica :(
He rapidly disappeared after “Every grain of sand”. Escaping the final
crowd photos from the past when he and his Band used to bow. Smart!

E.B writes:

The Bob Dylan Concert poster proclaims “Rough and Rowdy Ways” but for
the standing ovations our crowd at the Aronoff Center in Cincinnati were
not rowdy.
Yes, it is still Pandemic O’Clock in the Queen City (and the home of the
old King Records as Bob so well noted in his brief remarks later in the
Bob performed standing up behind his upright piano to the right of the
stage surrounded by his band. 
Sometimes Bob retreated to the safety of the piano after coming center
stage to sing every now and again - doing some impressively deep sideways
knee bends and dance moves and proving his bell still rings - but what
stood out for me this night was his impressive vocal performance, strong
and commanding and telling tales warningly, emphatically and enigmatically
but oh so compellingly.
As the old poster used to proclaim: “In Show and Concert…. Don’t
You Dare Miss it!”) *****

Tom Burke writes:

Bob Dylan brought his "Rough and Rowdy Ways'' tour to Cincinnati on 
Tuesday night. 

The promotional poster proclaims, "things aren't  what  they were",  but 
thankfully,  somethings never change,  as Dylan and his band provided a 
great night of music and entertainment. 

The band wore black, as did Dylan, though his outfit was embellished with 
subtle white embroidery. The stage was framed with black side and back 
curtains with the band set up  in a compact arrangement   with Dylan 
slightly stage right at the piano.

The setting and effect may have been austere, but the music was more 
often true to the tour's rough and rowdy ways moniker.

The show kicked off with a rollicking, high energy,  Watching the River 
Flow, which was followed by a driving jaunty Most Likely You Go Your Way 
(and I'll Go Mine) both songs featuring Bob at the piano playing with 
great spirit and vigor.

Several of the songs from Rough and Rowdy Ways, including,  I Contain 
Multitudes, False Prophet,  Black Rider, Key West, I've Made up My Mind 
to Give Myself to You, and Goodbye Jimmy Reed were delivered  with 
Dylan starting at center stage using a hand held mic and mid song returning
 to the piano for the finish.  All of those selections, though sounding great 
 on the record, performed live were imbued with much greater depth, 
 effect and resonance, thanks to Dylan's facial expressions, body language,
 and unparalleled vocal stylings.
The show closed with Dylan performing the beautiful , Every Grain of Sand.

Bloomington, Indiana, November 7, 2021

Luke M. Jacobus writes on Bill Pagel’s Bob Links:

This was probably my ninth show in a 25 year period. The stage had a raised platform that was floor for the band. Think of a giant light box. The arrangement of musicians was closer together than I’ve seen in the past.

The show started at about 8:03pm and what followed was one of the most interactive Bob Dylan concerts I've seen.

He came out strong and seemed very energized. A slight stoop I noticed two
years ago was all but gone. He seemed proud to stand straight and tall,
even striking a number of Elvis-like poses and making moves evocative of
the King. At one point he ran quickly backwards about half the width of
the stage, a stunt people half his age would think twice about. Any rumors
of his demise are grossly exaggerated.

I counted four times between songs that he took time to thank the audience
and sometimes made other comments. I think it was after To Be Alone With
You, he heartily thanked us and said he about forgot the words to that
one. It struck me as a genuine confession.  
The performances were amazing. Words were clear and strong (except at the
start of a few verses). The sound mix and overall volume in the auditorium
was excellent, nearly ideal. Great, great care was given to the execution
of these songs, with extreme vocal control demonstrated.   His piano work mostly filled in gaps, sometimes quite effectively with only a single note played at important
junctures. Other times, some deft playing was high in the mix. He played
harmonica just a few times. The vocals were front and center, which gave
clear access to some deeply emotional performances.  
Most of the show, Bob Dylan was a shadow. You could not make out his face.
However, with I've Made Up My Mind To Give Myself To You, this changed.
With this song, his face was illuminated, and it remained so, or at least
visible, during all the songs that followed.” 

John Haas writes:

Bob Dylan's still on the road. Still heading to another joint.  And then another.  And eventually, one near you.  Amazing, isn't it?

And what a strange set-list it is!  The older songs are known to Bobists of
course--all the songs are known to Bobists--but they aren't his huge hits,
by any means.  One only released as a single.  One from the gospel period
(but yeah, he won a Grammy for it).  A couple country romps from '67 and
'69, one of those entirely--and I mean entirely!--rewritten (and each
"deep cuts" from their albums).  A song from Tempest, but none from TOOM,
L&T, the Oscar winner of yore, and nothing from H61R, FWBD, or most of his
back catalog in fact.  All of which is so, so great, I could hug him.  
It was all good.  All of it.  Bob's piano playing is outstanding at times,
especially False Prophet.  His singing kills it, as everyone says.  Could
hear every word. The songs I was expecting to just endure from R&RW
shined.  Those I expected to love--Key West, eg--I loved (thanks, Donnie,
for that accordion).  All the playing was stellar.

Great concert.  Moody, intricate, precise, beautiful.”


CLEVELAND, OHIO, Nov 3, 2021

Timothy Burns wrote:

“The under the floor lighting was good, Bob and the band were better lit than the overly dark former time in Cleveland, especially in 2017. If you saw Shadow Kingdom the sound and feel was quite like that obviously with the choices of the non-Rough and Rowdy Ways songs and the approach to the songs. I was completely fine with that, it was great.

What I did not expect was that I completely enjoyed the new songs more
than almost any of the other songs. Even though When I Paint My
Masterpiece was quite amazing.  

Dressed in all black, Bob would go back and forth at times singing with a
separate microphone in hand, then setting it down on the upright piano
(with a slight clunk which was awesome) 

My main takeaway was two-fold. Firstly, the band and the arrangements,
while similar at times to Shadow Kingdom, it allowed Bob himself to be the
most central at every moment for every song. I do not ever
recall where I left at the end with the feeling that this concert was 100%
about Bob and not somewhat about how great the band was.  

The second main takeaway was perhaps the best. I did not come in with
expectations of "How good are his vocals going to be?" Although I did
wonder if he would sound similar to Shadow Kingdom in which he sounded
absolutely amazing. Partway through song #1 (watching the river flow) I
detected (or I think I did) a noticeable  change in the audio mix where
they brought Bob's voice up and just be above everything else. The rest of
the concert had his voice amazingly loud and so clear.  

I cannot believe how good he sounded.”  

Billy Cardina:

Awesome show! Great sound and “Every Grain of Sand” a first for this
tour was amazing. Crowd was subdued and this was Bob’s first Ohio Show
since he played beautiful Akron in November 2019. Old songs integrated
well with Rough and a Rowdy Ways. LOVED Key West
God Bless Bob!

Preamble – followed by Milwaukee and Chicago reviews:

Bob Dylan stepped back onto the stage after two years of ‘incarceration’ and gave a Cheshire Cat-grinning, ear churning, heartbreakingly beautiful two hour performance down at the Riverside in Milwaukee…

Andrea and I were still on the road highway in Spain as O’ Bob took to the stage. It was 10am where we were in the blustery Autumn heat and 8pm in a Milwaukee chill as he walked out to meet his audience again.

He was dodging wires and speakers and posing hand on hip in his oversize David Byrne-style white jacket like a good’n.

Yep, he’s 80 and sometimes he can look doddery and as fragile as his famous wet-fish handshake … but he’s still going, still creating, still confounding, still writing, still rocking and still finding new ways to be Bob Dylan.

And this time he is the poet of Rough and Rowdy Ways.

And then there is of course his new voice. It’s new but it’s been everywhere, told a million stories and hung out so many brilliant lines to dry.

No, nobody can ever take that away from him … and in Milwaukee he made his voice famous again.

Next he joined the other legends in Chicago …

After we unpacked our dusty old car at the castle in Lorca where we were staying, I trawled around the net for reviews.

I didn’t find one dissenting voice… just fans who confirmed that Bob is back – looking a little bit older it has to be said – but performing brilliantly, singing like a dream and rocking the world’s expectations.

Let’s begin with Chicago as he finds his feet

On Bill Pagel’s Bob Links, Adam Selzer wrote:

CHICAGO:I’m amazed at how clear his vocals are; all traces of the wolfman growl
of a few years back are gone, except when he needs them. I Contain Multitudes” was the highlight of the night for me. Instead
of spending most of it at the piano, consulting the lyric sheets, Bob was
center stage the whole song, clearly enjoying himself and really acting
the song out, prowling around at a crouch like a cartoon character.  When I Paint My Masterpiece,” the first surprise of the night, was bouncy and
loose.  Bob tried to do “Black Rider” from center as well, but forgot a couple
of lines in the first verse and moved back to piano for most of it. The
flub seemed to cost him some confidence, though the rest of the lines were
well delivered. This show really does sleep with life and death in the same bed.”  
 Mark S wrote:I saw Bob Dylan in 2021 and it was like seeing your grandpa, who you love very much, walking a tight rope. It was captivating, I was rooting for him, and it was extremely entertaining to see him succeed.!


Bob Shiel:

Bob Dylan came to Chicago tonight, perfectly timing his customary 
week-within-Halloween appearance in the Windy City, historically one of 
his most visited venues in his illustrious career as a live performer. But this 
wasn't any ole Bob Dylan show.  

This tour is all about Rough and Rowdy Ways.  Although all these songs 
sound good live, I Contain Multitudes and Key West stand out as stellar 
melodic arrangements with mesmerizing lyrics, which Bob is delivering quite 
intelligibly. I saw no evidence of the lyric or sheet music reliance reported 
in Milwaukee on night 1 of the tour.   
The overall sound of the band is similar to that fantastic Fall 2019 tour, 
and new drummer Charlie Drayton almost imperceptibly follows Bob and
the rest of the band, allowing Bob, at 80, to not have to strain to be 
heard over the other 5 members of the band.  

The magic of Bob's veteran multi-instrumentalist Donnie Herron was 
evident on When I Paint My Masterpiece when his fiddle played off Bob's 
piano beautifully. Bob Britt is back. As for the new guitarist, Doug Flavio, who is technically 
filling the legendary shoes of Charlie Sexton, although that ain't happening, 
one gets the feeling he will play a more and more prominent role as his
first tour progresses.  

After introducing the band, something he hasn't done for what seems like 
forever, Bob said something like, "We love Chicago, just like you do." Well, 
the feeling goes for you, too, Bob. We really do love you and wish you all 
health and happiness in this world so lucky to still have you in its midst.” 



Isabel Infantes said: “There’s no doubt that Tuesday show at Milwaukee’s Riverside Theater was the start of something very new, very different, and very bold.”

Tom Wilmeth, on the same site, said: “Nobody seemed happier about thingsthan Bob himself, with facial expressions that were frequently joyous. Dylan was in good voice, and the sound mix was excellent – both Dylan’s lyrics and his piano were

clearly heard.The night began with “Watching the River Flow,” a minor radio hit in
1971.  Maybe Bob was using this number to tell us what he had been doing
during his time off – nothing.  “Most Likely You Go Your Way and
I’ll Go Mine” followed.   . 

 “Bob interspersed tunes recognizable to even casual
fans. He played “Simple Twist of Fate” and “I’ll Be Your Baby
Tonight,” as well as a rocking version of “Gotta Serve Somebody.” 
Dylan touched on his later catalog with “Early Roman Kings” andSoon After Midnight,”When Bob made his way from piano to center stage – he looked fragile, and at times unsteady on his feet butwe still have Bob with us; let’s enjoy him today. 
We may not see him tomorrow”

Don Romundson wrote: “The show at the Riverside was unbelievable. It was clear from the start that this was going to be a very
special show.  In fact, Bob did a sort of a bow to the crowd, in Bob's own
way, after each song, an acknowledgment if you will, his stand at center
stage gazing out, very appreciative of the crowd...”

Adam Selzer had this to say: “Bob seemed a bit nervous as he began “I Contain Multitudes”. I don’t know that I’ve ever seen him look nervous before. But the performance was solid, and on False Prophet” he was grinning, pointing, and seeming as though he was having a blast. Like he couldn’t wait for us to hear what line he’d sing next.”

Me, well I’m just glad to say that we’ve not seen the last of Bob’s winks and feints and his stunning panache. And the old man is back again, taking all the indefinable qualities that make him the true genius of this and the last century around the world again.

Good on ya Bob!

Bob’s band line-up is now –guitarists Doug Lancio and Bob Britt, multi-instrumentalist Donnie Herron, bassist Tony Garnier, and drummer Charley Drayton.

One of the few traditional media reviews:

Well, we found one … by Curtis Schieber  who is described as Special to The Columbus Dispatch. I’m sure he is very special to them! |He has also has a very ‘special’ and successful music show, the Invisible Hits Hour, for 30 years.

Anyway, Curtis has also made a ‘special’ point in his review: The underfloor lighting Dylan is using on the Rough and Rowdy Ways tour serves to light up the band and Bob in an equal, almost democratic, way.

And, as Curtis says, it helps the focus of the concert to be on the songs … which is a good thing as a large part of the concert is made up of the songs from RaRW, perhaps one of Bob’s most perfect albums.

But is the lighting also being used to take attention away from Bob himself who, at 80, can look a bit creaky as he makes his trademark stately bows and bends?

Anyway, we are all agreed that Bob can still bend them notes and ring them bells as he sings better than he has done for decades.

What do you think?

Curtis wrote in the Columbus Dispatch:Rough and Rowdy Ways” was clearly the focus of the set. An album containing all the mystery, in-jokes, casually cast-off name checks, and philosophical dead ends of Dylan’s best, it provided perfect fodder for the aging, Nobel Prize-winning author to have his way with both a lot of confessions and some pretty tall tales. In a deftly controlled mix of croon, croak and declaration, he brought them all to life. The band created a loose combination of blues, swing, and rock ‘n’ roll that nonetheless was always on point.

There were no spotlights focused on the stage last night. The six musicians were lit — equally — from the floor. It was clear that Dylan intended the songs to take center stage and that they did.”

The Dispatch is a daily newspaper in, yep, you guessed it, Columbus, Ohio. Its first issue was published on July 1, 1871 and it is still going strong and publishing the stories and reviews that matter. Curtis is a freelance journalist.

But, as far as we at The Society have seen, Dispatch is only the third daily to bother to take a look at the ‘new’ Bob Dylan.

#cincinnati #milwaukee #chicago #bloomington #bobdylan #neverendingtour #reviews #roughandrowdyways #newyork #beacon