Author: Leigh Banks

I am a journalist, writer and broadcaster ... lately I've been concentrating on music, I spent many years as a music critic and a travel writer ... I gave up my last editorship a while ago and started concentrating on my blog. I was also asked to join AirTV International as a co host of a new show called Postcard ...
I’m sorry, we are experiencing an unusually high volume of DISHONESTY…

I’m sorry, we are experiencing an unusually high volume of DISHONESTY…


Call any business right now and it’s a safe bet that you will hear a pink robot saying: “I’m sorry for the delay, we are experiencing unusually high call volume at the moment.”

It is also a safe bet that they are not!

In fact if you believe the blue-rinsed voice of this Stepford Wife wannabe, every company in the world with a switchboard is so dedicated to keeping their customers satisfied that they simply can’t cope any more.

And being put on hold for a couple of hours is the least you can do to ease their worry about you.

Well, ladies and gentlemen. Boys and girls and anybody else who is reading this, they are LYING to you through their artificially empathetic teeth.

Yep, LYING to you …

And it is worth noting that up to 85 per cent of them are probably at home having a cop of coffee and a Deliveroo in-front of Loose Woman while their dog licks soap suds out of their bobbly tights.

The truth is – according to experts – fewer agents are employed at any time since the pandemic.

And call volumes are about the same as it was PRIOR to the pandemic.

The truth is, cutbacks and a lack of resources for working from home have made the industry axe 25 per cent of its staff. In the UK three years ago there were more than 800,000 people employed on an average wage of about £23,000 a year.

And in India and the Philippines things are worse – entire tower-block offices were shut down because of COVID. And nobody has done anything to re-open them again.

“Call volume is not up,” said Maddy Martin, head of growth and education for, a US firm working with virtual receptionists. “The same number of calls per week are being fielded as last year.”

Aaron Sackett, from the University of St. Thomas, says companies have adopted “unusually high call volume” as their default position.

He also said the call volume recordings may be intended to move people online.

The problem is human service reps are just too expensive. At £23,000 a year? Really?

A recent study by IBM showed that IS businesses spend more than a trillion dollars a year on customer calls. A call handled by a human can cost a company up to $200. An automated system cost is about $1.

The underlying technology of these devices was invented by Collins Radio, Iowa, half a century ago.

And now companies hide behind robots and lies while making you hang on for nothing before you hand over your dosh.

Here we have another nail in the coffin of our financial and customer services.

It should be illegal to tell consumers that they’re the problem when the problem is actually companies perpetuating a world-wide lie.

Honesty should still be the best policy.

But lets be honest about the pink robots who work in call centres … what a life!

The moment they finish one call, another one gets routed to them.  No rest for the weary.

It’s an exhausting job.

And one that has limitations philosophically.

At the core of this big lie is leaving customers waving like the last-gasp man in a dystopian movie as the pink robots slip on their listening ears and their empathy heads and click you onto hold … forever.


More nights at the Oprah? The hitman and her make a royal fortune by targeting their family and the hands that feed them…

More nights at the Oprah? The hitman and her make a royal fortune by targeting their family and the hands that feed them…

Meghan and Harry have again declared war on the royals and the media – the two institutions that guarantee their futures. Their highly-anticipated Netflix series has hit our small screens, with the first three episodes of the six-part docu-series moping and moaning through our sound bar. King Charles and Prince William are set to respond.

The thoughts below appeared first at this time last year… but Meghan and Harry are still shooting anybody they think could earn them more airtime…

Meghan Markle’s so-called win against The Mail on Sunday last year was not a victory for the man on the street who doesn’t want his dirty washing aired in public. Neither was it a boost for the rich, the powerful or the famous who want to keep their peccadilloes well hid.

Her shallow win is simply another insidiously dangerous bloating of judge-built restrictions on free speech and the right to expose the truth to the world.

News is something somebody doesn’t want printed; all else is advertising’ … so the great saying goes. And I agree with it entirely… I have exposed many people over the years for their secret lives, celebrities who abused children, bent businessmen, lying cheating influencers, politicians, racists and thugs.

We are working on three exposes as I write this. One day soon they will appear. And we will tell the truth about how people with power and money enough to protect themselves have worked tirelessly to stop these stories coming out.

Why? Because they will be shown up for the dishonest uncaring people they are.

But WAIT! That isn’t to say that Meghan Markle is a criminal – of course she isn’t.

No, she’s just a poor little rich girl who wants to be able to control what the media says about her and her balding lapdog.

Appeal Court judges have ruled that the newspaper’s decision to publish half of a letter from Meghan to her father had indeed been a breach of her privacy.

Yet her ‘win’ was simply created by the use of laws built by judges themselves over the past decade or so.

And these self-serving laws, in so many ways, are nail after nail after nail in the coffin of human freedom of expression – and the right of newspaper people in particular to publish and be damned.

Don’t forget about freedom of information, truth and law either. These ‘new’ laws were applied after a ‘summary judgment’, meaning without a proper trial where the facts and evidence could be scrutinised.

Now, more than ever, in a time when a little sticky bug identified as Covid is chomping away at our natural freedoms like a disease-ridden Pacman, surely, those at the legal fundamentals of our human life should be leaning in favour of free speech, not their own personal values.

Long live the Reputation Lawyers and their disregarded for day-to-day victims, eh?

And so the rich and famous have had their legal arsenal boosted again by a woman who has celebrity and fame, money and power and courts publicity every chance she gets while protesting about the nasty world of media all the way to the bank.

Newspaper in particular, you see, look at the hypocrisy of public figures. This is often called lampooning, a joke, taking the p*ss … it can be funny, hurtful, outrageous and telling. But it has a purpose.

And that purpose is the scrutiny of people with influence.

Amnesty International – no great lover of the media – says people in publicshould tolerate more criticism than private individuals. ‘So defamation laws that stop legitimate criticism of a government or public person, violate the right to free speech’.

Amnesty also says journalists and bloggers ‘face particular risks because of the work they do. Countries therefore have a responsibility to protect their right to freedom of speech. Restrictions on Newspapers, TV stations, etc can affect everyone’s right to freedom of expression’.

But our judges, instead, act on the old mantra that ‘what is of public interest is not to be confused with what interests the public’.

So being interested is no longer a human right?

Truth is no defence to a privacy claim and the cost of fighting an action is a serious deterrent to exercising the ‘right’ of free speech.

Airtv International – Free Family Safe Worldwide Television

#leighgbanks #airtvinternational #sundaymail #ukcourts #judges #meghan



Here we go! The two latest shows from Rodney and Leigh! Have a listen and let us know what you think!

Outrageous, alarming
Courageous, charming

So many of the world’s problems seem to be ganging up on us all … Leigh and Rodney disagree on so many things, yet both of them want to expose the conmen and liars and support those who do good here on earth…

The introduction might be a bit ‘Donkey Hote’ – but the conversations are real, the passion is real

click the links below

Outrageous! Biden, Trump, Truss, they all get it in the neck from Leigh and Rodney! – The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society

Outrageous! Biden, Trump, Truss, they all get it in the neck from Leigh and Rodney! – The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society

#politics #radio #trump #truss #sunak #star mmer #uk #usa

join us at The Leigh G Banks Preservation Society – Surviving life with laughter, literature and love…


Airtv International – Free Family Safe Worldwide Television


MUSK DO BETTER… truth behind the internet and Britain’s rural life …

MUSK DO BETTER… truth behind the internet and Britain’s rural life …

The first of an investigation into utility companies and how they treat their customers … tell us if you have been through the same!

As the world’s best-known – and richest – ‘space cadet’ Elon Musk says he is ready to help connect isolated parts of the British countryside by using broadband beamed from space

So, we look at the reality of getting connected in the UK’s villages of the damned.

The internet zooms if, like Putin, you want to nuke the world – but not if you call granny from your English country garden…

Years ago now British governments clicked on the potent idea of super-fast broadband across the countryside from Ambridge to Middleton Scriven.

What a joke!

But Boris’s smug promise to “level up” our nation by providing next-generation-speed broadband to most homes within the next three years is about as useful as cyber spiders from Mars as people like me – those who live down the leafy lanes – are dumped by the hedgerows.

And this is confirmed in many ways by parliament’s very 0wn slathery spending watchdog.

A report by the public accounts committee found that Boris and his boffins were just relying too much on BT Openreach and the likes of Virgin Media  and O2, to sign-in to the election pledge.

But these companies arguably focus on less costly urban conurbations across the country and are slow to deliver proper connectivity for those who live a little more remotely.

And there is no doubt that chintzy cottage dwellers like me are being treated like village idiots.

So, here we have the true story of trying to get acceptable broadband in a commuter village equi-distant from Birmingham, Manchester and Leeds and the way major players treat their customers.

The thing is, on the internet you can fight a war if, like Putin, you have your finger on the metaphorical button.

But if you chomp on a bit of straw like it’s a signal booster and talk to Bill and Ben about flower pots and a little weed, then you are flobber-lobbing f*cked!

If you live in a good signal area you can close down hospitals and governments as your fingers do the walking – you can find everything from how to make a chip shop curry to the best way of vaporising your next door neighbour.

The internet is an ignorant, arrogant, useless, unfeeling, uncaring robot of no determinable intelligence.

It purveys endless porn but also lets you share films of your little kittens. It tells you how to make bombs or commit suicide, extols conspiracy theories, lies without thought, fakes news designed to undermine society, allows you to accuse anybody of anything you feel like accusing them of, publishes pictures of carnage and horror. And steals your personal information and sells it to the highest bidder…

Wow! What an innovation – an invaluable link to the world’s secrets, sex, lies and video tapes.


Trillions of pounds worldwide are pumped into this new age invisible man-woman by people like me (£60 a month).

But what actually happens when a dissident group phones BT or EE – there are many other internet failures available – and says in a guttural voice: “Ello!” Ello! I must have internet – I don’t care if it costs a bomb.”

Or what happened when old Vlad Put-it-in called and said: “I want to start a war involving obliterating a country and possibly nuking the world– can you do me a deal? I’m happy to have my mobile with you!”

Err, why doesn’t BT-ski or EE-ski just turn off Vlad’s internet because he’s been a naughty boy!

Well, the British equivalent trashed my account only a few days ago when I upset an Openreach engineer by complaining.

I was the messenger and they shot me a. because I’d complained about their service b. because I had no idea what the 2nd and 5th letter of my ex-wife’s mother’s maiden name is c. because I wanted my PA to speak to them and d. I think it was easier than getting me some broadband.

Do you know, all it appears Openreach had to do was re-instate the phone line… ff they’d done that we could have plugged back in to our lives, no problem.

But they refused.

And, instead, told us to keep an eye out for the next few weeks AND MONTHS for any indication of fibre arriving at the brick toilet block of a ‘cabinet’ 15 feet across the road from our 300 year old cottage.

What a mirthless arrogant abrogating joke!

The problem is though, that they’re not longer afraid of me, the customer. They don’t need me or my business. There are plenty of other cyber-suckers waiting to be insulted by them.

No, I am just a customer! Yep, they just hang up on me when a. they can’t solve the problem b. I tell them off for incompetence c. or they just get bored.

And so here I am, back in the Village of the Damned, after five years of travelling through 15 countries – we’ve had internet from Delhi to Doncaster, from Bratislava to Bolton and from Minnesota to Manchester.

But now I’m back in the garden of the UK, I’m left with no internet to speak of and I am condemned to spending hours talking to a robot masquerading as a human being.

This was what EE said two days after signing me up: “I’m sorry sir, but I can’t find an account for you.”

“But you’ve sent me two letters, two simcards!”

It sort of went a bit like this: “I’m sorry sir, I realise you must be very frustrated but you have no right to talk to me like that!”

“Like what?”

“In that manner!”
“What manor? I live in a cottage!”
“I’m sorry sir, I will not be spoken to in this way.”

And hung up.

Stupid robot!

So, I am left with an internet modem blinking at me like a one-eyed undertaker, nobody to communicate with, BT are sulking with me – and it’s costing me £60 a month!



EE confirmed they had mis-sold us a router which would never have worked at our property

But after seven hours of trying to get somebody to sort it out we still have a service which is about as useful as a pair of dropped ‘b*ll*cks’…

To reach this point:

Seven EE operatives have tried to solve the problem – four hung up on us because things just got too difficult for them

EE operatives smugly told us that the internet they were supplying was perfect – and didn’t accept it didn’t work properly

Then, inexplicably, EE decided it was because my house consisted of flats – it doesn’t but Openreach told them it was, so who you gonna believe? Some robots who live in the cabinet across the road? Or the bloke who lives in the house?

The robots of course.

Then EE had a brainwave – they decided that we needed ‘fibre’ (I said I get enough fibre out of EE’s bullsh*t) – but then they told us we couldn’t have it because there was no fibre in our village!

Yes there is!


I work nights for various broadcasters in the US so I wasn’t very impressed when the EE broadband team phoned before 8.30am, demanded to know the third and fourth letters of my ex-WIFE’S mother’s name and when I said I had no idea, they cancelled my order

Another EE operative then decided that the problem was because other people were living at the house. They weren’t/aren’t!

EE are now apparently re-ordering our broadband and it could take two weeks to install! Who are they ordering it off, if nobody can supply it?

Yep, that endevour was doomed to failure


It appears the problem is solved as far as EE is concerned – they say that the phone line used by broadband into our house is actually owned by ‘somebody else’ … BUT they won’t tell us who because of ‘data protection’.

To help out, EE customer services refused to contact the ‘owner’ and get it sorted out – not within their remit, they say!

Now, EE customer services have decided to leave things as they are – perfect for them. They are not supplying broadband to us because it is too difficult. However, they are still taking our money/

When we asked to be put on to a supervisor EE customer services told us that ALL their supervisors ‘are in a meeting’.


We just received this message off EE – can anybody explain what it means exactly?

Hi,You recently asked us to make some changes to what the user of mobile number can do with their SIM, which we’ve now done. This means they no longer have the control you gave them before.Thanks,The EE Team


At about 4.30pm EE texted us saying that they were cancelling our order if we did not call them immediately. We did! They didn’t answer, so they cancelled our order!

EE then called us AGAIN to tell us they are not sure if we have fibre to the house – and told us it would take up to five days to confirm … 7 days since they pledged their service to us plus 5 days to confirm the fibre crisis plus 14 days to actually plug it in! That’s 26 days to potentially get broadband working for us – I could build a small telephone exchange in that time!

And so we wait for the next call!

We will update this as it happens – tell us you tales of woe too!


DAY 9:

We received a letter containing a demand for almost £100 for the Hub that doesn’t work and £40-odd for the first payment for internet we never received.

DAY 10

The executive office didn’t phone us back as promised.

But we did receive a call saying once more that the problem lies with BT Openreach … they have a problem with their ‘cabinet’ across the road. What?


Now they want their Hub back! (Children!)

DAY 12

Today EE told us again that they could not supply us with internet because BT Open Reach had basically broken their ‘cabinet’. Hohum

It is a funny thing though, there are maybe 700 house in the Village of Damned. And they all have internet.

There are dozens of businesses. And they all have internet!

About 1800 people live within the confines of the village. And they all have mobiles and use the internet.

Before we left the VoD to go working abroad, we’d had broadband for more than 20 years.

Watch this space.


EE phoned us and told us to try VIRGIN!


Weeks later we had broadband, yep, they sorted it – and gave us an apology and bit of compensation too.

And the internet works! Most of the time… depending what room you are in, which way the wind’s blowing and how it is feeling that day… well, it’s better than nothing, I suppose.

We’ll keep you posted – and publish your comments!




BOB DYLAN has gone public after a blow to fans who bought his signed work.

The singer, who must be one of the world’s hardest-working artists, has said he “regrets” having made “an error in judgment” in using machine technology to sign and work then sold as hand-signed.

The error happened over a three year period.

Bob said the use of autopen signatures began in 2019 when he was hit by a case of vertigo. It then went on as Covid crashed businesses and made communication difficult.

Normally, staff would help with the hand-signing sessions.

But when the world went wrong Bob says was given “the assurance that this kind of thing is done ‘all the time’ in the art and literary worlds.” Now he says, “I want to rectify it immediately. I’m working with Simon & Schuster and my gallery partners to do just that.”

Dolly Parton, Brian Wilson, Kenny Loggins and Ozzy Osbourne have all been caught up in similar signature upsets.

Even Donald H. Rumsfeld, former defence secretary, was criticised for  doing the same thing  on condolence letters to the families of service members killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Dylan wrote on social media: “I’ve been made aware that there’s some controversy about signatures on some of my recent artwork prints and on a limited-edition of Philosophy of Modern Song. I’ve hand-signed each and every art print over the years, and there’s never been a problem.”

He said: “However, in 2019 I had a bad case of vertigo and it continued into the pandemic years. It takes a crew of five working in close quarters with me to help enable these signing sessions, and we could not find a safe and workable way to complete what I needed to do while the virus was raging. So, during the pandemic, it was impossible to sign anything and the vertigo didn’t help.”

He said that as “contractual deadlines” approached, the autopen idea was suggested, “along with the assurance that this kind of thing is done ‘all the time’ in the art and literary worlds.” He added: “Using a machine was an error in judgment and I want to rectify it immediately. I’m working with Simon & Schuster and my gallery partners to do just that.”

Bob said: “With my deepest regrets, Bob Dylan.”

Now refunds are being arranged.

Simon & Schuster at first refused to discuss the problem but then spokesman Adam Rothberg said: “We acted quickly to address the situation, took the book off sale and initiated the process of issuing an immediate and automatic refund to all customers who bought the book.”

Simon & Schuster had initially refused to honour refunds, assuring buyers that the signatures were legitimate and validated by a “letter of authenticity”.

The publisher later made a public statement on social media, writing: “To those who purchased The Philosophy Of Modern Song limited edition, we want to apologise. As it turns out, the limited edition books do contain Bob’s original signature, but in a penned replica form. We are addressing this immediately by providing each purchaser with an immediate refund.”

The Philosophy of Modern Song has 66 essays on tracks written by other artists, and took him 12 years to bring to market. It’s his first book since he won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2016 for “having created new poetic expressions within the great American song tradition.”

#BOBDYLAN #modernsong #philosophy #dylanapology #nobel



We have a look at Bob’s new ‘comic’ artwork and choose the Top Ten positive stories about Bob and his artistic return as the world got sick

The Covid years were destructive, no doubt. People talked about it being a dark greasy blanket of coughing and fear thrown across the world to hide The Big Reset.

And it is true, our times were inexplicably changing, a world in masks, house arrest for weeks on end, field hospitals popping up in car parks, hurried vaccines and people banned from family funerals.

Flights grounded, city centres abandoned and office blocks waving like empty bank books in the howling wind.

Empty pubs but parties in the rancid corridors of power, politicians exposed, liars, cheats, conmen and women, drunks and tractor tossers – Big Bad Buffoon Boris! – and Matt Hand-cock! The Grand Orange One!

The joys of drinking bleach and the White House raided by pretend Vikings, cowboys and para-military fashion victims.

Then the ‘buyin’ power of the proletariat went down, money got shallow and weak’.

Gasoline and diesel for your car became almost as expensive as rocket fuel. And fish ’n’ chips got close to ten pounds a portion.

Protesters glued their ears to anything cold, hard and inanimate – mainly tarmac and dogma – and nurses, lawyers, postmen and women along with so many others, approved strike action.

Our world is on its knees, let’s kick it down the hole!

And now we are on the cusp of a world war…


Even Bob Dylan was reset … the rebel without a pause showed himself to be one of the most enduring artists in the world with his Rough and Rowdy Ways, his Shadow Kingdom, his new book on songs, his new voice and his determination to stay on the road like Chuck and BB.

Here we look at how Bob Dylan kept his message on track during one of the most uncertain and confusing periods of our history … along the way he also made a pledge over prostate cancer, helped out a model railway club and reminded us of his links to the Ukraine.

We hope you enjoy this compendium – there are plenty of other stories about Bob on site too, have a look around…

Spicy-Adventure Stories is probably one of the most revered pulp fiction comic mags of the 1930s and 40s … rare copies of it sell for a small fortune.

Today most of its covers would be banned …  flashing of thighs and ripped bodices  as scantily-clad blondes fight desperately for their honour against swarthy fiends going in for the kill … or worse!

But almost 100 years ago these comics were a knockout despite being loaded with innuendo …

Daughters of Doom became the backdrop to Dylan’s least popular album – but quite brilliant – Knocked out Loaded. The 1985 cover was the precursor of many album covers over the next 30 years which expressed an adversarial view of relationships, politics and the world.

The cover for Rough and Rowdy Ways followed the, by now, tried and tested path and capitalised on an old photograph that captured the 1950s speakeasy atmosphere of London’s underground clubs and coffee houses.

Anyway, as Freedom Day in the UK fails like a James Cagney prison break and our  Covid app stinks – a ping pong, you might say – let’s have a look back at how Bob, in his dotage has come back all the way, the river boat captain guiding our boat through two years of hell and making sure it doesn’t get split to splinters …


#bobdylan #knockedoutloaded #spicyadventures #covid #lockdown #app #ping



By ERIC LASTICK, a creative writer of bright talent…

Olden seas, ship’s masts, as cloud forms of these ghostly flipper cloth gins. Masts in the heights of the faraway landlines. Breads and turnovers in the dim of morning. Wishful crates and merchant’s holds, to their tales of ghost-like restlessness. Darken the galleys. Ship attain the lower corners of one and all…and of their darkest days. Ghosts of the flavored rise from the gray of the depths and deaths. These leagues of endless counts—and so very ravenous, these cities beneath triangles in water. Mysteries oft these most faraway knows. Being alive on this ship is of a new great knowing. A never fail to the very real of it’s ghosted secrets. Voyager in Indian Ocean…sails as of monolithic finds. The rise of a new wave. A break of the high waters, insinuate other vessels smooth so sail—yet of it real? Translucent figures on deck. Tell tale visions of past journeys. Sana Marie have little ghost face children—steer so clear, as 1900 masts…and flagship follow this caravan to a tunnel ride—all through the pipelines of the surf…and all at once, in the surging of the calling of higher arc. Breading galleries, Merchants await the next move for the ghostly calls. Cast over thunderous brain clouds of a Captain’s sword—too deem these waters of past…and of present tense. Futures rapping,as the ghostly figures of a good fight, honor this point of longitude—and go too the very ore. The center stoke of infant that care—which is man this day. This water filler. Ghosted gather— live now in every fish, in every gill…and every Ocean team. Every school, a moment in time—too even the splinters of past, and bends to the future, where we all stand. The ghost manifest of the front of the ship, as father. The deck’s hands drop to floor level. No ship’s cook on this one—as all deep water gills live on. The ghost in main frame and conquer. A same hello!


Sit at the Captain’s chair…at its undone and scary studies of Crypt Zoology. Crypt codes and ocean deep, to what we really do not know of these depths. Lives and existences far and wide. Referenced and unrecorded of the truly bizarre—–right here, at 1900 masts. Halloween steers and stirs of the high waves of the seas. And here, in a notion of such one…and of story lines and lineage;  in order for man, woman of different spheres. Amphibian to island. Sand shell bend capable—sea and center core as one. A two sided monster—out of our icy notions. A serpent of cosmic dins, sins…and navigation’s—less compasses. The line crawls, maws in the mind’s of those so feared…and of those shores of Lochness Scottish songs. Per made creature take down. Do we see what seems to be human like—subservient sea serpent—yet with wet wing wet down head of hair. Face like no other known. The cold of trespasses in night blues…and their leagues—ways away, the Indian Ocean’s tail—which draws of a kiss! An Aqua mermaid’s jealous reprise—enrolling in the salty water’s run. Dress the winds and tempest waves of the surf…as a serpent girl—whether to believe it or not; stake account of her beauty. Ocean land and back to sea.

So take a moment in what dreams so states, so moves; as the gusts come off of a real alliance, to draw away the heinous thoughts—yet what if she, so real…and so scaly—seal sight of these deep waters, and swim ashore as a silhouette–right through thee Tempest gale—too regenerate 2 as 1! Anomalies back drops of swims…and of layered fragrant air of rich compounds, not of our sciences.1900 masts in the ghostly call—too the tempest—and these high waves of the seas. Halloween crypt notions, a hard play to sell, until their very children ghost dance—and hold until dawn. A new reality.

RICHY SUNAK. .. welcome to his 730m pound land called England

RICHY SUNAK. .. welcome to his 730m pound land called England

Nothing’s cheap in the UK any more. Mortgages, food, power, diesel, beer, fags and health have all rocketed like our world has been reset behind closed doors.

And we now have a new leader, a very rich man indeed. who is promising to save us AND the land of the pound.

But Rishi and his Missus don’t have much to worry about if the reset turns to total regret!

After all, between them, they are said to be worth £730,000,000… that’ll keep their electricity meter topped up won’t it!

And the odd cheese and onion butty on the table …

But let’s not forget Rishi has won the contest of unfeasible comebacks. Boris Johnson has abandoned his own attempt to return to 10 Downing Street after being booted out by his own MPs.

Don’t forget though that he was rejected by the Conservative Party‘s membership in favour of Liz Truss.

#Rishi #sunak #boris #truss #UK #britishparliament




The Society made a prediction a few weeks ago that Boris might try to make a comeback… well, well, well!

But is he really the worst? Let’s look at a few of his predecessors …

BORIS JOHNSON… presided over a disgraceful culture of law-breaking in Downing Street, with his wife and no less than 50 of his closest aides and officials accused of various things

TONY BLAIR … constantly has the finger pointed over the Iraq War. Hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians died and are still dying – but draped in robes and gold, he was given a Knighthood

KEIR STARMER … Police investigated a gathering attended by Sir Keir Starmer and deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner for potential breaches of Covid laws. No charges

JEREMY CORBYN… was suspended because he argued claims of antisemitism in Labour were deliberately exaggerated

DAVID CAMERON …  An “unauthorised” biography tells a story in which a young Cameron had “inserted a private part of his anatomy into” a dead pig’s mouth. He denied it…

MAGGIE THATCHER… considered cancelling foreign trips because she feared being seized abroad and indicted for war crimes like her old friend, General Augusto Pinochet.