Rodney and Leigh talk tough about Sudan new coverage
Just about the best talk show on Roku
Just about the best talk show on Roku
As the world reels under Covid-19, anarchists are bugged by wearing masks and we all get snotty about Cummings comings and goings – has Boris caught a cold because of him? In fact has the media been infected by political dishonesty and misleading conspiracy theories? Come on everybody! Cough! Tell is the truth!
Postcard is not a show to be sneezed at it – but it will raise your temperature!
Listen now….
click bottom right hand corner for sound
Leigh loses his marbles and Rodney takes the ‘P’ as they talk about Covid, Meghan and Harry and everything including elephants!
#covid #HarryandMeghan #elephants #LeighandRodney #rants
It’s that time of the week again – to have a laugh at the serious side of world chaos, Covid, Boris and Sturgeon… oh, and kebabs! And sometimes we get very serious indeed!
#kebabs #fastfood #Slovakia #Poprad #California #politics #Sturgeon