Heart-felt coronavirus song from travelling troubadour who recorded it on his phone

Heart-felt coronavirus song from travelling troubadour who recorded it on his phone

A good friend of ours, Roman Vitkovsky, is quite famous … he made a break into Hollywood sometime ago and his music has appeared in big movies. He also gigs with a top Slovak band …

But he is in fact a real, good old fashioned travelling troubadour who is known to make journeys across the Spis region of this castellated and rolling country on the back of his lily-white horse…

Now, like so many across Europe, he is in lockdown … in his isolated ranch-like home 50km from the tiny mountainside city, Poprad, where Andrea and I are in virtual lockdown.

He record this song on the spur of the moment on his phone… it is about coronavirus, it’s about isolation, it is about hope and all the other emotions we are going through. And it is about hope.

Here are the lyrics in both Slovak and English

Look around

look around and see,what we become today

it could be brand new start,it could be all the end

the world we use to know,is falling all a part

everything has changed,every town is down

but i know god will help me

he ll carry my through this days

i know he wont forsake me

so i’m praying for my brothers and sisters all out there

look around and see,where we have gone so wrong

that plague is coming down,like many times before

like many times before,old wind was blowing dust

i’m praying to the lord,this time we ll make it right.


volny preklad textu:

Pozri sa okolo seba

k comu sme dospely

moze to byt novy zaciatok

alebo koniec vsetkeho

svet ktory sme poznali

sa cely rozpada

vsetko sa zmenilo

vsetky mesta su uzavrete


viem ze boh mi pomoze

prejst cez toto vsetko

viem ze na mna nezabudne

tak sa modlim za vsetkych bratov a sestry tam vonku

pozri sa okolo seba

kde sme spravili chyby

pliaga sa na nas vali

ako vela krat predtym

ako vela krat predtym

uz vietor vanul prach

tak sa modlim k bohu

aby sme to cele napravili


A quick update on the situation in Slovakia … seven more people have been positively diagnosed with the coronavirus bringing the total to 185.

However, 3,304 tests have been negative.

The new confirmed cases:

  • a man, Kramáre hospital, Bratislava
  • a man, Kramáre hospital, Bratislava
  • a woman, Nitra hospital, Zlaté Moravce
  • a woman, Nitra hospital, Malé Vozokany
  • a woman, Martin hospital
  • a woman, Martin hospital
  • a man, quarantine in Gabčíkovo, Horné Dobové


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