Murder vid genius Bob Mori talks to us and reveals his stunning take on I Contain Multitudes
We recently published the video looking at Bob Dylan’s strangely enigmatic and poetic history of America, Murder Most Foul, basically because it is quite brilliant.
In fact, the vid is, in our opinion, perfect companion to a brilliant song!
And today its director Bob Mori – award-winning film creator – contacted Our Society for publishing the article and our thoughts AND supplied us with a copy of vid he did for I Contain Multitudes …
Bob said: “ I am just seeing the MMF post you made = down the line in August of 2021.
Thanks for all these kind words regarding the music video.
It was a passion project and an act of love, trying to honour the words of Mr. Dylan.
You may be interested in these Showcase remixes of the original song:
Peace and Love, Bob”
Both Dylan’s song and Mori’s film have of course been attacked – the film for featuring former US President Obama – and Dylan for the odd clunky lyric … but that’s all part of the art of creation and both men should stand proud.
Mori has edited feature films commercials, promos and experimental media projects.
His latest project was for Lionsgate and is a heist-thriller ’10 Minutes Gone…’
Well, all we at the preservationsociety and OurSociety say that this 17 minutes may be gone … but it was well spent.
Christo Andrus, one of our readers said this: “This video is a perfect compliment to this (archaeological relic); from the moment i first heard it (i must have replayed it dozens of times), it struck me Deeply (as i writer, i have been trying to capture ‘how it was, for me’, for over 50 years) it is my opinion that Every person in this country (& most of the world) have been in PTSD since that day…. a good explanation for why Our entire Govt has Been Dysfunctional since that day…. Bob’s dirge is a ‘first step’ back towards a healthier, saner, resolved national psyche…
And Michael Danzig said:
“This is a sensational piece of film-making, which translates Bob’s words into historical visual images that are spot on. I really appreciated the shot of Allen Dulles (the mastermind) right before LBJ, when he says we have someone to take your place. I hope people have noticed that all most all the reviews of this groundbreaking work from the greatest songwriter in history do not tackle the question that Bob directly asks. Why were we lied to? Who did this, and why? They choose to discuss the cultural references but ignore the relevant information that directly proposes that JFK was cut down for a reason by evil forces. Anyway, this is a great companion piece to the song. There is one image that the film-maker missed; when Bob sings, “Ride the pink horse…” he’s referring to a 1947 film noir work named, “Ride The Pink Horse.” It’s a quirky, strangely compelling film that, having seen it, I can understand why it would appeal to Bob’s sensibilities.”
Tell us what you think in the comment box below!
Seventeen minutes to kill … an amazing visual telling of Bob’s Murder Most Foul
… this is worth another viewing
7 Replies to “Murder vid genius Bob Mori talks to us and reveals his stunning take on I Contain Multitudes”
Mori is a true talent. I’ve been fortunate to work with him on and off form more than 25 years in the commercial world. He is, and forgive me for saying this: “A film whisperer”. His sense of timing, rhythm and pacing is non-pareil and his pure approach to the art of editing is something to behold.
Spot on!
This video is far superior to Bob Mori’s.
I wouldn’t say it is superior mate – but it is good and worth a viewing. i think they both have merit..
I am 63 years old I heard Slow Train Coming album when I was 21 years old, I became a quadriplegic from a car accident when I was 22 years old since then I am now a Bob Dylan fan his music is good for the soul!
Lani Elizabeth Makholm
Than you for you creators who created this film and thank you Mr. Robert Allen Dylan for the heart to speak it and to the speaking God who found a man to speak and witness thus MURDER MOST FOUL when the soul of a nation and this poet’s soul was torn apart/asunder..oh Wokfman Wolfmam play us the vinyl please