Are world governments the real anarchists as we lose our spirit in the ‘second dark time…’

Where has the spirit of the British gone?

An army of snoopers on the streets – the legitimising of the UK’s peevish little village gossips and busybodies – making sure pubs and restaurants have cowed to the curfew.

All now sleeping…

Like Dylan Thomas wrote a few years after we had come out of the war years bruised and battered but unbroken …. 
Hush, the babies are sleeping, the farmers, the fishers, the tradesmen and pensioners, cobbler, schoolteacher, boatman and publican, the undertaker and the fancy woman, drunkard, dressmaker, preacher, policeman, the webfoot cocklewomen and the tidy wives.
But now the busybodies have their phones, apps and a sense of cynical superiority as they peak through your letterboxes and curtains to make sure you are behaving like good boys and girls – hang the fact you are going bankrupt and the old clocks ticks away like the time-bomb it has become because of this fatty little grease ball of a virus named after a beer.

And our politicians are right behind the snitches – a country policed by special constables, waddling parking wardens, the corona police and our curtain-twitching neighbours…. yep, politicians are encouraging us to snitch on neighbours and tell the police if anybody invites more than six people round for a cucumber sandwich and a cup of tea, let alone those who invite their mates round for some super-lager and illegal substances…

Listen. It is night moving in the streets, the processional
salt slow musical wind in Coronation Street and Cockle Row.

Our Prime Minister – a man who sometimes seems of Churchillian proportions and at others appears to be the original dumb-blond – has become the flapping windy over-weight grinning gargoyle of our experts strapped to mast of this ship of fools listing in an uncharted sea.

Cowed by Covid, that’s us.

These experts are drowning us in bubbles of fear – and do you know what – and I have been a conspiracy denier since the beginning of this spitting snotty virus – we are making it easier for the powers across the world to control us.

Now, this might be a by-product of Covid terror everywhere, in high places and the dereliction of cities but it does seem that we are all becoming more and more in favour of more restrictions.

Where has it gone, our spirit?

Have we signed with a strange doomsday cult run by the people who studied for decades to keep us well? Scientists who have said for centuries that science is more honest than nature? Politicians who need a kind of unnatural truth to support their views of the future?

Are we really so brain-washed that we are destroying the future of the next generation? We’ve already landed them with massive debts, robbed them of the where-with-all of buying a home, getting married, getting a car and the obligatory two weeks in Benidorm.

And we’ve unleashed these little peevish snitch-police on the streets while our real policemen are being shot in their custody units.

We all have to ask a simple question:

Are we all going to die if we don’t stay at home?

The second question has to be – is loneliness, depression, fatness, alcoholism – and dishonest and robot-ridden Facebook – really the only alternatives to going out for a bit?

Who are the real bogeyman in our now-spirit-less dreams?

Only you can hear the houses sleeping in the streets in the slow deep salt and bandaged night. Only you can see, in the blinded bedrooms, the petticoats over the chairs, the jugs and basins, the glasses of teeth
Thou Shalt Not on the wall...

Do you know, when people live in constant fear they can become incapacitated, because fear interrupts the processing of information.

Being ordered about can become a blessed relief for us.

I have never understood why suddenly all governments in the world rose up against us – and WE ARE THE WORLD – and began to dismantle their own financial bases?

Why would the besuited representatives of all that is conservative want to turn capitalism into a corpse? Deliberately turn our cities in to dystopian film sets​?

Let us not become slaves to fear and uncertainty and a miniscule pustulating blob of fat and disease … let’s stand up for ourselves, fight for our lives, battle for the freedoms we hold so dear.

But let’s not do it by wearing our baseball caps backwards and wildly dancing what could be the last of our nights away … no, let’s do it by asking question after question after question… let’s tell the dark doyens, the fat controllers, what we want.

Remember, we got Brexit even though we didn’t want it because so many of us couldn’t be ‘arsed’ doing anything about it.

I think it may be true to say that the governments of the world have finally become the real anarchists.

And now we – the Citizen Canes and the Citizen Smiths – need to decide what we want.

So as …

the thin night darkens the Reverend Eli Jenkins delivers a greenleaved 
sermon on the innocence of men, the suddenly wind-shaken
wood springs awake for the second dark time... 

#dylanthomas #covid #borisjohnson #killer #anarchists #deadlycon

Categorized as Media

By Leigh Banks

I am a journalist, writer and broadcaster ... lately I've been concentrating on music, I spent many years as a music critic and a travel writer ... I gave up my last editorship a while ago and started concentrating on my blog. I was also asked to join AirTV International as a co host of a new show called Postcard ...

1 comment

  1. Dorrie Bridge wrote … Let’s face it, Covid is running riot. A bit like some of the population of UK. Schools are closing, some in year groups when a child develops the virus, some completely. Teachers and all ancillary staff are in danger of infection as are their families. Why are schools still being thrown wide open. Wouldn’t phased attendance for smaller numbers have made more sense? Students have now, within days of taking up University accommodation started going down like ninepins. Manchester Metro alone has so far put 1,700 students into two weeks isolation and so far 127 students have proved positive. YET, other universities are still accepting students into accommodations. Big money, big business would be lost if they closed down these extortionate rental businesses. Young adults of eighteen, studying at that level are more than capable of working without face to face tuition, from home. This is one way in which we could make an immediate impact on spread of the virus. Immediate is the operative word. Money is a powerful motivation to continue unethical practices. Serious thoughts and words here. Not joking today.

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