‘A full stop! That’s what we need to erase these inarticulate child bullies – they are true villains of Parental Alienation’

By Andrew John Teague

Let’s do this.

Okay, so I never went to school. Never had much of a childhood. Ended up in care.

I am bringing this out because?

Well, out there, how many people are struggling, confused, bewildered and hurting?

And there are many people who struggle with their grammar and with reading the writing in general.

But, this doesn’t mean that we/they don’t have the ability to learn to adapt to change.

One of the things I get attacked about most is my grammar and my literacy.

People say I’m not articulate.

And do you know what? It’s simply just a bullying tactic.

It is no secret that I don’t like bullies – in fact bullies are one of the big reasons I hate family courts.

Bullies can be anyone. More than five years ago i chose to stand up and fight for kids and I’m still doing just that.

I was a kid once.

When i was a child I was physically and sexually abused. No one there to help, no one to listen to you. No one cared.

The reason I’m bringing up my past is because others do it all the time for me anyway. They choose to do it with no care, no remorse, no empathy…

And they do it simply to hurt.

What happened to us in the past never goes away and it’s because of things like these bullies.

I again have nightmares.

And my nightmares are often that I’m being chased, my legs are not strong enough to carry me. But I’m older far stronger than i ever was.

I suppose I have to pity people who feel the need to really bitterly bully others. One of the big reasons is I have contact with our daughter.

Daddy daughter time.

Three years fighting in the family courts. And we are helping our daughter to progress in life.

I never thought for one minute I would end up going through the gruesome grizzly family courts.

Wait! Hang on are my full stops and commas in the right place?

I don’t know, maybe…

Much more important to me is our daughter is in the right place.

I never once contemplated quitting, never once did I back down.

I spent every moment in family courts fighting for what are daughter wanted – her Dad!

So, you know, I may not be articulate – but I’m a damn good dad.

And, oh boy, I learned.

Not only did I learn but I’m pretty sure I educated too.

I’m helping to move forward education, I hope. That’s why with NAAP and D.A.D.s we are dedicated to educating.

A huge part of educating and, indeed raising, the awareness is ensuring all information is correct. Misleading information simply leads to the downfall.

Getting through courts takes resilience and your ability to learn, research, gather and put the things into perspective.

While some of these people who are attacking me about my grammar my literacy were at school. I was being abused in the worst way humanly possible.

No-one can ever comprehend what I felt.

How many times I just wanted to be dead, how many times I attempted suicide.

There is a true saying that people who have been through things are the best teachers, are the best ones to help and the best ones to give advice and are the best shoulders to lean on.

I could have gone through life hating the world for what happened to me.

I could of gone through life carrying on believing it was my fault. But it wasn’t!

I had no control over it.

People who know me know what I went through. People who know me know I would give up my last to help anyone.

Technically this fight is not mine any more.

But it chose me.

And I will not break the vow I made five years ago to fight for every child going through this.

And every child’s parent going through this – I will stand up for them too.

On my own if I have to no fear.

I put my demons to bed a long time ago and I am straight up, weighted and measured, as the saying goes.

So if I missed commas or full stops, remember I went through a life of Hell just like others do. We are not all perfect and I don’t claim to be.

But i will fight with my last breath.

Everyday, 24/7, for every child so they like our daughter can have a relationship with their healthy loving caring parents grandparents and family.

Full Stop.

#bullies #thugs #narcassists #children #families #family courts

Categorized as Media

By Leigh Banks

I am a journalist, writer and broadcaster ... lately I've been concentrating on music, I spent many years as a music critic and a travel writer ... I gave up my last editorship a while ago and started concentrating on my blog. I was also asked to join AirTV International as a co host of a new show called Postcard ...

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