Why there is no such thing as parental alienation as far as courts are concerned

Why there is no such thing as parental alienation as far as courts are concerned

A personal view by Andrew Brel, a father, musician and writer

Sadly the status quo with family court represents multiple billions annually, from which many establishment figures, Lords and Ladies, benefit.

You are not the only person who knows the extent of corruption in family law in which this example of Ann Longfield covering up to keep the secret of the secret courts secret still is but the tip of an iceberg.

Below that tip is a legislature in which an appointed judge who has passed a simple Deputy District Judge exam, can rule with complete autonomy, free from any oversight, and protected in law from any appeals process.

Andrew Brel

From my example, witness tampering by a family court judge is completely acceptable, whereas in any other branch of British law it would be a criminal offence. In every case that is contested in family court, parental alienation and child abuse are a certain outcome, along with enormous payments to members of family law of money that will never go to the child being abused in this process.

But qualified immunity for family law members remains the status quo – and for that reason they cannot call the child abuse of parental alienation with the clear terminology CAFCASS have recorded.

That would require a redo of the very fabric of this multi billion pound business.
So; their narrative remains. There is no such thing as parental alienation. Everything is fine for the 10,000 children CAFCASS report as abused by family court judgment annually.

#parentalalienation #family #courts #parents #children

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