The 54-year-old tennis star was declared bankrupt in 2017, owing creditors almost £50m, over an unpaid loan of more than £3m on his estate in Mallorca, Spain.

Now he has been found guilty of transferring hundreds of thousands from his business account and failing to declare a property in his hometown of Leimen in Germany.

Becker was also convicted of hiding an €825,000 (almost £700,000) bank loan and 75,000 shares in a tech firm.

Regular Society contributor Andrew Brel, an LA writer and musician, argues that Becker got caught in a judicial system designed to destroy lives…

ANDREW WRITES: The jailing of Boris Becker shows Britain’s judiciary remains irretrievably flawed. Nothing new there.

The standard of judges in the courts service remains appalling.

Making up a list of 100 most disgusting judgments that are not serving the spirit of fairness in law while abusing basic human rights would take anyone familiar with the British Court service mere moments.

Disgusting rights abusing judgments by entitled idiots remain the norm, not the exception. Protecting the establishments conservative interests at any cost.

The reason, in case you are unfamiliar with the British judiciary, is an inherently corrupt establishment process for grooming, recruiting, retaining and rewarding judges. “Laws made for and by the rich.”

No jury of peers to take a view here. Just judges drawn from a very specific social background. Entitled and empowered to manifest their specific prejudices without fear of consequences.

Judges who are commonly lawyers with provocatively challenged developmental qualities, recruited to a position providing them with enormous power to commit any manner of human rights abuse in the name of a law that is, well, rotten now as it was when this same judiciary ruled the slave trade was good for Britain-first, and carried on reinforcing that ruling for hundreds of years.

The judge who ruled on Julian Assange? Jailing someone so cruelly for so long for a web page?

The judge who ruled Johnny Depp is a wife beater from his experience as a British toff?

The judge who ruled the Chinese should be bombed for refusing to buy our profit generating opium?

And today’s great Judgment from another celebrated member of the Inner Temple, Deborah Taylor who ruled Boris Becker should spend two and a half years in jail from the same legal system that sent Sir Jimmy Savile to jail for how long?

British law, as unjust today as it was when the first Inner Temple judge ruled the slave trade was all good.

The process for appointing Judges, many of whom I have found to be nasty narcissists serving no higher purpose than their own vanity, must be changed or British law will remain the archaic relic of its historical reliance on an entitled goon past to do what they will in the name of British Justice.

If it was up to me, Deborah Taylor would face two and a half years in jail for this abuse of office. How exactly does jailing a Wimbledon Champion whose crime appears to be being born without a high IQ, benefit the British tax payer or appropriately measure against similar terms for other prison worthy offences.

Surely Johnson and friends offences warrant far longer in jail if measured by the same tariff metric.

If the judiciary represents the will of the people, as it should, then how many British people not from entrenched conservative grooming support this individuals judgment made through the lens of her British law entitlement that comes with qualified immunity, as representing the popular version of justice.

She jails him because she is offended by his inadequate remorse and humility?

“There can be no harmony in a lawless society” is widely agreed by British establishment.

Rotten law in the name of law is lawlessness.

The authors of disharmony in Britain’s relationship with human rights have a new star today.

#boris #becker #bankrupt #jail #savile #assange #courts #uk

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