By Andrew John Teague, international parental alienation campaigner

A note to myself everyday.

Prepare for the worst… anything less is a godsend.

Often I speak of how contact denial kills.

Yes, trauma takes its toll. But its not only the trauma – its being able to understand the trauma.

Not only have I been through contact denial myself, twice. I deal with parents and grandparents everyday who are going through it too.

Anyone who has never been touched by contact denial and the draconian family courts would never even come close to understanding the trauma.

Parents who spent everyday with their children suddenly through separation left in turmoil. 

Parents to afraid to speak out or seek help  for the trauma they are going through for fear of it being used against them.

Every parent i speak to who go through the trauma is a reminder of what i went through.

Yes our daughter has her dad in her life because this dad had to take up the fight for her. This dad fought for her while fighting for others too.

Proud glory no sadness that in this stainage we have to fight to be a parent.

I felt the wrath of the bullies behind family courts I witnessed the terrorism 

It truly is shocking how a parent can use not only the system but their own child too.

The bad parent the ex with an axe to grind bitterness anger jealousy rage control and benefits drive them. 

The worse of it is they only have to start the drama. The rest will be taken u0 by the family court advisors lawyers barristers social workers and eventually the actual family court judges. 

Broken desperate parents grandparents and families torn to shreds.

Children forced to endure the child abuse as the family courts ignore the rule of law in favour of bullying and terrorising vulnerable all ready targetted parents.

There should be absolute accountability no one not even a judge is above the law.

Bullying and terrorising driving fear into all ready targetted parent is like a hate crime in itself.

For every single lost soul, for every parent driven into the trauma. We have to keep on keeping on. Banging the drum to keep raising the awareness. Pushing to educate the building blocks for the foundation for true change.

Save the forgotten innocent children who end up entrenched and also traumatised.

No child abuse should brushed under the carpet. 

The non-accidental psychological injury in the child is as bad if not worse than the non accidental physical injury in the child.

Transparency and accountability would be a start to helping save children from continuous child abuse.

Its tough. its trauma, its tragic and its child abuse 

Weaponising children, using children to gain ground in family court. BARBARIC 

our aim is to educate from the bottom to the top 

To help children understand their mental health and well-being 



#parentalalienaiton #abuse

Categorized as Media

By Leigh Banks

I am a journalist, writer and broadcaster ... lately I've been concentrating on music, I spent many years as a music critic and a travel writer ... I gave up my last editorship a while ago and started concentrating on my blog. I was also asked to join AirTV International as a co host of a new show called Postcard ...

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