Author: Leigh Banks

I am a journalist, writer and broadcaster ... lately I've been concentrating on music, I spent many years as a music critic and a travel writer ... I gave up my last editorship a while ago and started concentrating on my blog. I was also asked to join AirTV International as a co host of a new show called Postcard ...
How poet Martin puts up his dooks and laughs his way through depression …

How poet Martin puts up his dooks and laughs his way through depression …

My good friend, The Dook, is one of the funniest, wittiest blokes I know.

He once drove more than a hundred miles with his mum to do stand-up to help injured soldiers at a little village pub in Staffordshire.

His name is Martin ‘Dook’ Ward and, dare I say it – he’s a stand-up guy.

I am proud to know him and to have been his mate for more than a decade.

We’ve had some laughs along the way with our mate Andrew ‘The Foz’ Foster. Foz is a giant of a madman, brilliant and hysterically funny and one of the North of England’s most accomplished chefs!

We used to go ghost hunting together … I can hear you say ‘you must be joking!’

But no we weren’t … we’d decided that if we could prove the existence of ghosts, then we could ultimately prove the existence of God.

Now that was a challenge!

Anyway, Martin ‘The Dook’ Ward, Andrew ‘The Foz’ Foster and Leigh ‘The Hack’ Banks went about it together with serious intent. We sat on the top of a hill at midnight regularly – Rue Hill it was called – because some very strange things were going on up there. We’d seen the Village-of-the-Damnders gathering there wearing nothing but their flash-lights and dancing round some very weird stones.

We camped in the ruins of a 19th century cottage by the Shropshire Union Canal and tried to contact a young flower seller who, in the very early part of the 20th century was driven out of the strange little village of Woodseaves because she had the mark of the Devil on her face … a harelip.

There was actually an international film made about her and her lover Kester Woodseaves in 1989, Precious Bane

We also uncovered the probable truth about the Vicar of Knightly, High Offley and other hamlets and villages near Rue Hill. He hanged himself in his Manse after being hounded by his parishioners who accused him of being a paedophile. The police, the church and his colleagues confirmed he had never been charged, had never been interviewed and had never ever been guilty – although still today some claim they were his victims.

But they would never come forward and talk about it, discuss it. Share it. The man of God may still today be their own personal demon.

And so to Martin’s own personal demon. Like so many of us he suffers with depression. He is brave. He fights it all the time and most of the time he is successful.

But sometimes, like so many he goes under and flounders.

Very quickly though, he comes back, starts telling jokes, winding people up on social media and making podcasts from his car to rival Peter Kay.

Recently, he sent me these moving and ultimately inspiring poems. Neither have titles but if you have ever suffered anxiety and depression they are worth reading.

Martin now tries to help sufferers. Good on him.

And thank you to The Dook and The Foz for being my mates.

Darkness falls across the land,

I no longer see your smile.

That of which once came to light,

Now appears to be no more.

The world we came to love has turned to rock,

The seas are all dried up.

The winds are fiery like furnace heat,

To hot for fragile human skin.

I feel my body changing,

But not like seasons – they are no more.

I feel a shuffle on this mortal coil,

I know that it’s my time.

I take one look at what I once knew,

And now I see you in the distance.

The girl I knew was in fact,

The Reaper in disguise.

She’s here to take to me to a place,

That I have never known.

Will it be like what we’re told,

Or just a re run of what was before.

Hell is not a mythical place,

It’s somewhere in which we know.

It’s in our heads

It’s on this earth.

We live in it every day.

I wrote this more than two years ago and never shared it, ’til now. Hope you like it …

For the hands of time move on,

as I sit and ponder

what was and what could have been.

My goal in life is to see happiness on faces

But in the mirror it does not show.

For everyday I meet my goal,

when internal feelings do not glow.

I may not speak, when my mind runs wild.

But the words I write, speak in volume.

I want people to smile,

I want people to be happy.

The hands of time move on,

they show no sign of fatigue.

Yet my mind is damaged and my time is broken

Is this the end I see?

Could it really be nigh?

For the bell has rung, my last order is upon.

I’m weary, I’m broken,

I’m down and I’m used.

I need to find my happiness out of the darkness i am prisoned.

Listen to these word, take note of what I write.

For happiness is key, for all to be free.

#poetry #depression #art #survival #inspiration #ghosts #ruehill #staffordshire #shropshireunioncanal

I’ll keep his flame alive, says Dylan as he becomes patron of cricket legend Bob’s male cancer fight

I’ll keep his flame alive, says Dylan as he becomes patron of cricket legend Bob’s male cancer fight

Bob Willis, England’s most famous fast bowler, was minutes away from death when his wife put her phone to his ear so he could hear his favourite song…

It was Bob Dylan’s Positively Fourth Street.

Sadly, Lauren said, her husband died as the song came to an end. He was aged 70 and had been suffering from prostate cancer.

Now Dylan is backing The Bob Willis Fund and helping to raise money for research.

He has agreed to become the fund’s honorary patron. In a statement, he said: “Bob Willis was a great sportsman who left too soon. I’m happy to help keep his flame and cause alive.”

The main beneficiary for this year’s efforts will be Prostate Cancer UK, to support a UK-based research project.

Its director Dr Matthew Hobbs said: “We are proud to work with the Bob Willis Fund, and delighted that Prostate Cancer UK will be the main beneficiary of Blue For Bob Day.

“Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, and the money raised will be absolutely vital in helping us reduce the harm that it does.”

You can make a donation here

Lauren says. ‘Tim Rice, a friend and survivor of prostate cancer, wrote to Bob Dylan’s manager, Jeff Rosen and said how amazing Bob was as a cricketer and a man, how he loved Bob Dylan and how he’d changed his name aged 16. Then he asked him if he’d be honorary patron.’

#bobdylan #bobwillis #prostatecancer #prostatecanceruk

Ten questions to help understand our ‘Covid-conspiracy, cheating journalists, lying social media, Bill Gates-led’ new world order

Ten questions to help understand our ‘Covid-conspiracy, cheating journalists, lying social media, Bill Gates-led’ new world order

Simple fact: Nobody in the world really knows what’s going on any more … not politicians, scientists, financial institutions, medics, kings and queens, conspiracy theorists, journalists, newspapers or social media.

Humanity has become the flotsam and jetsam bobbing in a dark sea of uncertainty and despair. So many of us can no longer see the shore or even hear the distant bells toll.

Now Boris Johnson has announced an independent public inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. This will surely be mirrored across the world.

Failure and success will be measured against each other … delays and roll-out. What matters more?

Boris said it would examine the decisions “in the cold light of day” and “identify the key issues that will make a difference for the future”.

So, here are ten questions which may clear the way to understanding this dystopian horror story we have all lived through for 423 day…

Q Do you believe there is a pandemic?

Q If not, what is happening to the world and why?

Q When did world controllers, governments, banks, kings and queens, conglomerates, police forces, civil servants, armed forces … so many of these with dissenting voices  … get together covertly and come up with this mass conspiracy against us a

Q Why did nobody leak it, given that media of all sorts is so massive today?

Q What is the benefit of this mass conspiracy against us all? We are already controlled by all the people above. And all of them too have access to the world’s bucket of information?

Q The world is being reset as we speak… but is it for the betterment of the planet? A lot of mistakes have been made along the way and a lot of people have had their lives ruined, I have lost four friends to Covid but have been lucky enough, because, of my job, to carry on travelling … mainly by car …. across once non-existent borders …. and have been able to see family members for short periods.

Q But what would you do differently to Boris and all the other world powers?

Q How would you stop this destruction of our world?

Q What would you return to? Fisciality? Commerce? Industry? Or the brutalism of alternative lifestyles and funding?

Q How does not wearing masks, not having jabs etc guarantee the future any more than the ways Boris and all the others are employing?

#covid #conspiracy #journalists #liars #socialmedia

Parental alienation, a blunt weapon in the hands of world justice…

Parental alienation, a blunt weapon in the hands of world justice…

Parental alienation is being misused in family courts so much that victims of it are afraid for the future of their children … here Peter Davies, from the National Association of Alienated Parents, investigates:

The way in which alienation cases should be dealt with in England and Wales has been galvanised in the high court in recent years. The high court’s approach has recently been, helpfully and clearly, ratified by the court of appeal in the most recent authority, Re S ( Parental Alienation: Cult) [2020] EWCA CIV 568. 

Peter Davies, NAAP

The current president, Sir Andrew MacFarlane, had previously made no secret of his views on the way alienation cases were dealt with in the lead in period to him becoming president of the family division during the summer of 2018. In speeches to NAGALRO (the children’s guardian trade association) and FNF he shed light upon the ‘labels’ which were commonly used and why they were unhelpful. His message was clearly that ‘behaviour’ is far more important than how it is labelled. He also spoke of the inequity which exists between the ways in which parent / child relationships are severed in the world of public law and the private law equivalents of these cases. He concluded that in private law the severence of Parent / child relationships are generally not afforded the same degree of care, scrutiny or diligence as those in public law. We agree. Courts also behave far better when dealing with qualified advocates than they do when dealing with litigants in person.

It is a sad fact that in England and Wales most PA groups promote false hope amongst families and others affected by alienation. Whether their pet ideology is Dr Childress and his 3-step AB/PA formulation, Dr William Bernet et al and their 5-step formulation or Amy Baker’s 4-step formulation does not really matter because each of these mainstream formulations actually requires the proof of large numbers of sub-steps to prove PA when what the courts require, for them to order a change of residence for example, is simply proof of harm. Furthermore, the recent caselaw shows that courts have ordered changes of residence at a lower level than a diagnosis of PA or implacable hostility. In fact, there is now a litany of caselaw showing that, in cases where PA is accepted, it has often been found that the emotional harm of a prospective change of residence exceeds the harm caused by leaving the child in the dominant care of an abusive parent. Therefore, suggesting to parents that the route to recovering their children involves proving the existence of PA and a level of harm above that needed to trigger a change of residence, is cruelly misleading vulnerable people and potentially placing any hope of recovering their children at serious risk. When alienation is suspected there is no time to loose and spending valuable time focussing upon what you feel the court needs to know, in place of what the court wants to know, is a waste of valuable time and effort.

In this article we are reproducing excerpts, together with appropriate quotes, from published speeches and judgments. This is PRIMARY EVIDENCE. As evidence goes this is some of the most reliable and best evidence available to you. At worst it comes from the high court and the most recent authority comes from the court of appeal. The court of appeal is only outranked by the supreme court. It provides excellent authority insofar as any authority might carry weight in Children Act 1989 proceedings. 

I will explain in another article why precedent in the family court does not operate with the same effect as other courts. The Children Act 1989 is widely perceived as the holy grail of family law and has huge amounts of praise heaped upon it. However, our experience informs us that it stifles dissent, turns successful appeals into rare events and deprives family court decisions of the same levels of scrutiny which other branches of the law receive routinely. Lord Sumption, in giving judgment in the supreme court, expressed a view that, ‘…Courts exercising family jurisdiction do not occupy a desert island in which general legal concepts are suspended or mean something different.’ However, the hallowed and impregnable nature of the paramountcy principle has effectively smothered the usual evolution of the law by the incremental development of standards and norms via the normal conventions of precedent whilst affording excessive judicial discretion in place of clear and intelligible rules. Independence of the judiciary, intended to provide a check and balance to prospective tyrants, has therefore merely shifted tyranny downstream to the relatively unaccountable and cosseted lower family judiciary. Furthermore, as barrister Lucy Reed put it:

‘Family court rules designed to protect the privacy of vulnerable children come with a corollary: when something goes wrong, it is difficult to see it, talk about it or fix it.’

We aim to put this right by:

shining a light upon it;

opening the eyes of others;

shouting about it from the rooftops; and,

making sensible, practical and well-researched recommendations for putting things right.

This is what we are doing:

WE ARE diligently referencing cases which have been conducted by some of our most outstanding barristers and solicitors operating in the field of overcoming children’s refusal and reluctance to attend contact. Like ourselves, they are people that have SUCCEEDED to recover children in the family court. They are people who have ADAPTED to their situations in order to ACHIEVE the best outcomes for children. This is what we try to achieve with the parents we help.

WE ARE signposting you to the best information which you can get, from people with successful track records and it’s FREE.

WE ARE sharing what WORKED for us and what has been repeated by leading lawyers to work for others.

Here is what we are NOT doing:

WE ARE NOT vacuous people who think that, having failed in our own cases, we are instant experts who can influence and manipulate scores of desperate and highly vulnerable parents to follow in our footsteps.

WE ARE NOT trying to get you to part with money for information which can be freely accessed. We give our time freely to carry out diligent research and we work tirelessly to help parents apply what has worked for ourselves and others.

WE ARE NOT unquestioningly supporting the work of anyone: especially experts that have not lived through the alienation of their own children.

WE ARE NOT applying inaccurate or pejorative names to anyone. We criticise behaviour NOT people.

WE ARE NOT trying to flog you glossy click bait and dumpster filling written material nor are we interested in becoming part of any industry which does so.

WE ARE NOT trying to seduce you with our pet theories, labels and empty slogans. 

WE ARE NOT trying to entice vulnerable people with ‘David Brent’ style buzz words and inducements such as claims to being ‘passionate advocates’. Passionate merely means ‘having strong feelings and beliefs’. Anyone that has succeeded in the family courts will tell you freely that, “… Feelings and beliefs are worthless in that arena. Evidence is the ‘alpha and omega’ of what matters in the court arena and there is no substitute for diligent preparation and effective research”. Leave silly slogans where they belong: outside the court doors.

In the following paragraphs we have set out the events which were the precursors ro Re L and the line of influential judgments which followed and culminated with Re S. In this way we can clearly identify behaviour which has created problems and highlight behaviour which has solved problems.


In his keynote address to the Families Need Fathers Conference on 25th June 2018, MacFarlane LJ ( as he was then) referred to the debate around ‘alienation’. He told the conference of how there as a similar debate involving the diagnosis of ‘Munchhausen’s Syndrome by Proxy’.

He explained that, ‘…the focus of the Family Court,’ had ‘…rightly, moved away from any psychological/psychiatric debate in order to concentrate on the particular behaviour of the particular parent in relation to the particular child in each individual case. If the behaviour was found to be abusive then action was taken, irrespective of whether or not a diagnosis of a particular personality or mental health condition in the parent could be made.”

He added that,

In my view, “alienation” should be approached in the same way. From my experience as a first instance judge, albeit now more than 7 years ago, I readily accept that in some cases a parent can, either deliberately or inadvertently, turn the mind of their child against the other parent so that the child holds a wholly negative view of that other parent where such a negative view cannot be justified by reason of any past behaviour or any aspect of the parent-child relationship. Further, whether the state of affairs has come to pass, it is likely to be emotionally harmful for the child to grow up in circumstances which maintain an unjustified and wholly negative view of the absent parent.’

In other words;

the actual behaviours and whether they are abusive matters more than the labels applied to lists of behaviours; secondly,

he had personal experience of cases involving alienation; and thirdly, alienation, involving the creation of a negative image of a parent, is likely to cause emotional harm.

#parentalalienation #worldjustice #NAAP #PETERDAVIES #fightforourchildren

Strides of strife – the ‘legal’ abuse of our children is the world’s secret pandemic

Strides of strife – the ‘legal’ abuse of our children is the world’s secret pandemic

Walk For Forgotten Children – WATCH VIDEO INSIDE

Another 25th of April goes by, unable to march the streets due to the pandemic. Again a virtual event, parents, grandparent’s and family members ‘walking’ for the Forgotten Children.

The family courts allow people who don’t actually know, to believe that the parents denied contact are the parents.

After all, what judge would stop a good parent from having contact?



It is the prime example of how family court ‘secret doors’ hide unnecessary child abuse. It’s allowed, promoted and – as sick as it is – reward. 

Lower court judges doing an inadequate job.

Shambolic to say the least … too much discretion, no rules, no law. Blatant misuse of power.

The judges are led by the ring in their noses by guardian lawyers who believe they are above the law. Court advisers like Cafcass determine a child’s future over a whatsapp call in the time it takes to cook a pizza.

Forgotten Children indeed.

In the best interest? How can these people determine what’s best for the children when they never explore and prefer to ignore?

Doesn’t matter, it will go away. You can hear them say.

Wishes and feelings?

The child is the last thing on their minds.

Ascertain wishes and feelings 

They can not be serious! The child is being unduly influenced, brainwashed and denigrated.

Come on! These kids need help not be ignored forgotten abandoned by a system that should be help.

Family court advisors FAIL

Judges FAIL

Social workers FAIL

Lawyers/barristers GREED

Aligned parents JUST DONT CARE





Silly truckers? Or Honest Joes? Nashville museum advertises ‘appalling’ 50s Slovak wagon

Silly truckers? Or Honest Joes? Nashville museum advertises ‘appalling’ 50s Slovak wagon

A quirky museum needs a bit more room for its array of historic cars, trucks and motorcycles. So it is selling off part of its Slovak and Czech collection.

No argument there… we can all do with some more space can’t we. And what do we do? We have a garage sale.

And the Lane Motor Museum in Nashville is one BIG garage.

But is this really how to advertise your wares?

The museum says this about one of its Communist era vehicles: “This is not a vehicle for the casual driver. Performance is sluggish at best. As the driver sits right next to the engine, the heat and noise are appalling. Turning the steering wheel alone is a real workout.”

Well, to be honest they are talking about a 1950s Tatra T-805 and they’re only asking just over 4,000 euros for it.

The old 800 series consisted of ‘special purpose’ vehicles made for the military and building firms. And let’s face it nobody really cared about builders OR soldiers in mid-Europe in the 50s.

So, silly truckers then?

I say no!

More like Honest Joe, that thing as rare as a Kia Picanto that never breaks down – an honest car dealer!

I’d buy a Communist truck off them…

The Nashville-based Lane Motor Museum, opened in 2002, specialises in European vehicles. But now it wants to get rid of the Tatra 805, Aero 30, Tatra 613, and Tatra 75.

The Aero Roadster

The owner Jeff Lane said: “Some are in great condition, some are project cars, with others somewhere in between. We would like to provide others with the opportunity to revive, restore, and enjoy these cars, rather than consigning them to decades of dark, dusty storage.”

His collection includes Aero, Škoda, Tatra, Praga, Jawa and Velorex. Of them, four car models are now up for sale: Tatra 805, Aero 30, Tatra 613, and Tatra 75.

Also for sale is a Tatra model, 613. The company intended them for government officials in communist countries. This ‘limo’ is for sale for €10,000. More than 11,000 of the vehicles were produced from 1973 into the Nineties.

Tatra 613

An Aero 30, is for sale for $10,000 too. This car was produced between 1928 and 1947. The company initially produced planes.

So, it should fly out!

Jeff had been an automotive enthusiast since an childhood. He began restoring his first car -a 1955 MG TF—when he was in his teens.

His venue is one of the few museums in the US to specialise in European cars and is based at Sunbeam Bakery at 702 Murfreesboro Pike. The former bakery has a high ceiling, natural light, and hand-crafted brick and maple wood flooring. The architectural style complements the age of the cars represented.

#slovakia #czech #motormuseum #lanemotormuseum #tatra #1955MGTF #Aero #Škoda #Tatra #Praga #Velorex #Nashville

A Lidl tip for the EU and UK – the Russians really are coming!

A Lidl tip for the EU and UK – the Russians really are coming!

Main picture by Alexander Petrosyan

The Russians are going to war on the world!

The world of retail that is …

Lidl-style supermarkets are set to give us all massive discounts on products of up to 30 per cent. But there will be a price to pay of course and that could be second-hand shop fittings, a ban on the sale of newspapers and magazines – very Russian – and with suppliers expected to deliver directly to stores.

Oh, and there will be fewer than 10 members of staff in branches with 10,000 sq ft and a lot of goods will be sold from pallets.

The company behind the new no-frills-at-all stores is Mere, and it is ready to open stores all over Europe – including the UK and Slovakia – as it takes on the Germans like Lidl, Aldi.

Mere was founded in 2009 at the same time as Lidl arrived in the UK targetting the recession. It is known as Svetofor in Russia.

It has 3,200 stores internationally and has been opening in Europe since 2018 in Germany, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine. It plans to expand in Italy, Spain, Greece, Slovakia and Bulgaria.

It’s already confirmed plans to open its first four UK outlets this summer, and now new listings online reveal where the chain is considering setting up shop.

Mere’s website says: “At the moment, despite coronavirus, we are actively involved with landlords, their representatives and agents with the aim to open our Mere retail stores ASAP.”

The locations listed as reported by The Grocer are: Devon, Stockport, Neath, Banbury, Selby, Bradford, Middlesbrough, Grantham, Kettering, Plymouth, Beckenham, Gloucester, Northampton, Cardiff, Oswestry, Barnsley, Sheffield, Exeter, Stretford, Southampton, south Scotland and Wales.

The discounter is looking for sites of around 10,000 sq ft, with parking spaces for 30-40 cars and a local population of 60,000 or more. Stores will have a walk-in chiller room to help keep costs down.

The website also says the retailer is looking for “used freezers” and “shopping carts”.

#newstore #discounts #russia #europe #uk

Does Chrissie have something to live up to now as new tribute album takes on Bob’s croaky genius?

Does Chrissie have something to live up to now as new tribute album takes on Bob’s croaky genius?

Below we have The Pretenders’ Chrissie Hynde performing what is described as an atmospheric version of Bob’s Standing in the Doorway.

It’s on Chrissie’s  Dylan Lockdown Series, recorded with James Walbourne, The Pretender’s lead guitarist. It comes out six days before Bob’s birthday.

The thing is, as I listened to this hauntingly good version of one of Dylan’s most haunting songs – so haunting, actually, it gave me the idea for the opening line to my autobiography The Boy in the Ravine – I asked myself that old question, is it right that nobody can sing Dylan as well as Dylan himself?

Last month we took on Tom Jones’s cover of, what the consensus said, was his unimaginative reading of One More Cup of Coffee – hysterically Tom said ‘I thought it was about a cup of coffee!’ Good on ya Tom!

Now let’s look at Chrissie’s take one Dylan!

Chrissie gives a soft piano, organ, electric guitar, performance with the drums set way off in time.

And it’s good!

But is it as good as Dylan’s?

The Lockdown series following In the Summertime and You’re a Big Girl Now.

The Dylan covers precede the Pretenders’ 11th studio LP, Hate for Sale.

I’ve put both versions up and would love to read your comments in the box below them!

TAGS: #bobdylan #hisroyalbobness #lordbobofdylan #doorway #timeoutofmind #chrissie #chrissiehynde #hynde #pretenders



16 countries – UK included – may have created China-crisis bugs that could kill our Frankenstein world

16 countries – UK included – may have created China-crisis bugs that could kill our Frankenstein world

Scientists in China have been preparing for World War Three with biological weapons including coronavirus for six years, a document claims.

It says that deadly virus ‘bio-bombs’ will be ‘the core weapon for victory’ in the next world war. And looks at the devastation the war would have on ‘the enemy’s medical system’.

This evidence has also raised fresh fears over the cause of Covid-19.

Some officials going back to believing the virus could have escaped from the Dr Frankenstein scientists in a Chinese lab.

The authors of the document say that a third world war ‘will be biological’. The first two wars which were chemical and nuclear.

But is this yet another case of creating a new China crisis to turn us against the ‘Yellow Peril’ as they were so disingenuously described in the 40s, 50s and 60s?

We have to remember as we read about these claims that the British government also operates a sophisticated defensive programme which includes pathogens.

In fact the United Kingdom had an active biological warfare programme from 1934 to 1956. As part of that programme, we weaponised anthrax and researched plague, typhoid fever and botulinum toxin.

Porton Down, Salisbury, is the place where scientists analysed samples which confirmed that a Novichok nerve agent had been used to poison former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter.

The complex is investigating Ebola, plague and anthrax as killer weapons.

 Canada, China, Cuba, France, Germany, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Libya, North Korea, Russia, South Africa, Syria and the United States all are said to have bio-weapons.

The document, mainly being exploited in the US and Australia, comes from research China, New Species of Man-Made Viruses as Genetic Bioweapons. It says: ‘Following developments in other scientific fields, there have been major advances in the delivery of biological agents.

‘For example, the new-found ability to freeze-dry micro-organisms has made it possible to store biological agents and aerosol-ise them during attacks.’ 

Intelligence agencies suspect Covid-19 may be the result of an inadvertent Wuhan lab leak. But as yet there is no evidence to suggest it was intentionally released.

The World Health Organization chief said as recently as March that all theories on the origins of Covid-19 remained open after reading the WHO-China study – despite the claim the report dismissed the notion that the virus escaped from a lab as ‘extremely unlikely’.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said all of the hypotheses are ‘on the table’ and require further investigation after reading the report from the international experts’ mission to Wuhan.

The Wuhan Institute of Virology has been collecting numerous coronaviruses from bats ever since the SARS outbreak in 2002.

They have also published papers describing how these bat viruses have interacted with human cells.

US Embassy staff visited the lab in 2018 and ‘had grave safety concerns’ over the protocols which were being observed at the facility.

Accusations that epidemics or pandemics are “biological warfare” are not new.

As wrong as such speculation has been, biological warfare is a real subject and many nations have been involved in development of bioweapons.

The current covid-19 crisis has included accusations of biological warfare. The presence of an advanced virology lab in Wuhan fed theories that China had had unleashed an attack.

But some Chinese and Iranian commentators said it was an American attack. Then there were allegations that it is a weapon directed against Muslims.

#portondown #wuhan #chinacrisis #biobombs #bioweapons #ukbio