Ten questions to help understand our ‘Covid-conspiracy, cheating journalists, lying social media, Bill Gates-led’ new world order

Ten questions to help understand our ‘Covid-conspiracy, cheating journalists, lying social media, Bill Gates-led’ new world order

Simple fact: Nobody in the world really knows what’s going on any more … not politicians, scientists, financial institutions, medics, kings and queens, conspiracy theorists, journalists, newspapers or social media.

Humanity has become the flotsam and jetsam bobbing in a dark sea of uncertainty and despair. So many of us can no longer see the shore or even hear the distant bells toll.

Now Boris Johnson has announced an independent public inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. This will surely be mirrored across the world.

Failure and success will be measured against each other … delays and roll-out. What matters more?

Boris said it would examine the decisions “in the cold light of day” and “identify the key issues that will make a difference for the future”.

So, here are ten questions which may clear the way to understanding this dystopian horror story we have all lived through for 423 day…

Q Do you believe there is a pandemic?

Q If not, what is happening to the world and why?

Q When did world controllers, governments, banks, kings and queens, conglomerates, police forces, civil servants, armed forces … so many of these with dissenting voices  … get together covertly and come up with this mass conspiracy against us a

Q Why did nobody leak it, given that media of all sorts is so massive today?

Q What is the benefit of this mass conspiracy against us all? We are already controlled by all the people above. And all of them too have access to the world’s bucket of information?

Q The world is being reset as we speak… but is it for the betterment of the planet? A lot of mistakes have been made along the way and a lot of people have had their lives ruined, I have lost four friends to Covid but have been lucky enough, because, of my job, to carry on travelling … mainly by car …. across once non-existent borders …. and have been able to see family members for short periods.

Q But what would you do differently to Boris and all the other world powers?

Q How would you stop this destruction of our world?

Q What would you return to? Fisciality? Commerce? Industry? Or the brutalism of alternative lifestyles and funding?

Q How does not wearing masks, not having jabs etc guarantee the future any more than the ways Boris and all the others are employing?

#covid #conspiracy #journalists #liars #socialmedia

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